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击球 stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-17 20:51:06


击球 stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.Discusion on relationship between player,ball and net in volleyballstrokes;论排球击球过程中的"人—球—网"关系


1.the alert stance of a Batter in BaseBall.棒球击球手的击球姿势。

2.(in billiards)stroke that sends the correct ball into one of the pockets(台球)击球入袋的一击.

3.a run that is the result of the batter"s performance.击球员的击球跑垒得分。

4.The batsman smashed the ball up into the air.击球员把球击得很高.

5.Batter:The player at bat in baseball and cricket."打击手:棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手。"

6.The player at bat in baseball and cricket.打击手棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手

7.a backhand stroke, shot, drive, etc反手击球、 抽球、 打球等.

8.A leg glance, ie a stroke by batsman that sends the ball there击球员将球击入此场地的一击

9.The batter swung at and missed a fast ball.击球员挥棒击一个快球,但没有击中。

10.(of a batter) he went hitless for three innings.(击球手)他在三轮击球中都击空了。

11.A chip shot.切削球切削击球,近穴击球

12.I tried to volley it back to you.我尽力截击球来反击你。

13.Whenever the batsman chopped at the ball, he hit it.这个击球员每击必中。

14.stroke in cricket,tennis,billiards,etc or a kick in footbal(板球、网球、台球等中的)击球;(足球中的)

15.To bat in place of a player scheduled to bat, especially when a hit is badly needed.替补击球代替正式队员击球,尤指极需击球时

16.(of racket strokes) made with palm facing direction of stroke.(指球拍的击球动作)手掌朝向击球方向击出的。

17.batting average:a measure of a batter"s performance obtained by dividing the total of base hits by the number of times at bat.击球率,打击率:击球员击球成绩的比率,用击球所得的总分数除以击中球的次数。

18.To make a chip shot in golf.在高尔夫球中切削击球


stroke of tennis网球击球

1.On the effects of head and free arm in thestroke of tennis;头和非持拍手臂在网球击球中的作用

3)Hitting area击球区,击球位置

4)The batter bounced out to the shortstop.击球手越位击球

5)kicking Ball of volleyball排球脚击球

6)play the ball from the tee自球座击球.


