2000字范文 > 笔划 stroke英语短句 例句大全

笔划 stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-18 15:27:25


笔划 stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.Thestroke/raster signal generation and test in ATS;ATS中的光栅笔划信号产生和检测技术

2.The previous method of traversing times ofstrokes is full-breakthrough tostroke,but this method is not effective for some Chinese Characters,increase workload for second recognition.笔划代表着汉字的内部特征,笔划穿越次数是对笔划进行全穿越,反映了汉字的整体特征,全穿越在粗分时区分汉字的能力不是太强,增加了二级识别的工作量。


1.a stroke normally made in a downward direction.通常从上向下行笔的笔划。

2.a stroke normally made in an upward direction.通常从下向上写的笔划。

3.A Method of Stroke Classification and Recognition in On line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition联机手写体汉字识别中的笔划分类及笔划识别

4.Stem: Upright stroke of a letter or figure.直划:字或数字的垂直笔划。

5.The shape of the Chinese characters changed from round to square, and the strokes tend to be wave-shaped.减少笔划,字形转为方扁,用笔有波势的倾向。

6.Descender: The part of an English character which falls below the base line, as in j ,g, p ,q,and y.下降笔划:英文字母的笔划,在基线以下的部份。如J,G,P,q和Y。

7.Serif: The short cross -lines at the beginning and end of the main strokes of certain type faces. Originally, it is the beginning or finishing strokes of the pen.衬线:在一些印刷字体的主要笔划两端的短横线。它本来是书写的起笔或收笔的笔势。

8.Chinese (PRC)$People"s Republic of China$$$$$Pronunciation$$Stroke Count中文(中国)$中华人民共和国$$$$$拼音$$笔划

9.a short line at the end of the main strokes of a character.字符主要笔划终点的断线。

10.Chinese (Taiwan)$Taiwan$$$$$Stroke Count$$$Bopomofo中文(台湾)$台湾$$$$$笔划$$$注音字母

11.The depression between the raised lines of a typeface.字谷铅字笔划间的凹陷部分

12.and making mysterious signs with chalk,还用粉笔划些神秘的记号,

13.A document reference edge or a stroke edge.一种文件的参考边缘,或笔划的边限。

14.In OCR, an indentation in a stroke.使用光符阅读器(OCR)时,笔划上的弯钩。

15.The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.这笔钱计划用于济贫。

16.Hard chalk scratches the blackboard.硬粉笔会把黑板划坏。

17.A thin continuous mark, as that made by a pen, pencil, or brush applied to a surface.线条钢笔、铅笔或画笔在一表面上划下的连续的细线条

18.He lined the paper with a blue pencil.他用蓝铅笔在纸上划了线。


stroke extraction笔划提取

1.Handwritten Chinese charactersstroke extraction has the important research meaning in handwriting distinguishing,once the handwritten Chinese charactersstroke extraction obtains the breakthrough on the correctness and speeds,the Chinese characters handwriting distinguishing and recognition will produce important breakthrough.汉字笔划提取在笔迹鉴别研究中具有重要的意义,一旦汉字笔划提取在正确率和速度上取得突破,汉字笔迹鉴别乃至汉字的识别都将产生重大的突破。

3)Chinese stroke汉字笔划

1.Method of generating TTF font vector figure with TTF font figure data is discussed,and the method is used to generateChinese stroke signal which is displayed in testing picture of multiple function display.介绍了在Lab Windows/CVI开发环境中测控软件的总体设计;讨论了利用TTF字形轮廓数据画出TTF字体矢量轮廓的方法,并将其应用在多功能显示器测试画面中汉字显示的汉字笔划信号产生技术中;在简要介绍多线程技术的基础上,讨论了在软件设计中利用多线程技术提供的线程池机制解决测试过程中的实时性、高效性要求的方法;对测试过程中测试数据的读取、存储,介绍了利用动态数据交换(DDE)技术进行处理的方法;实际使用表明,该测控系统能满足对多功能显示器的测试要求。

4)raster signal笔划信号


1.This paper presents astroke-matching algorithm of handwritten signature verification.方法笔者给出一种手写签名身份认证的笔划匹配算法,选用签名的速度及压力变化率作为特征向量进行相似度计算,降低签名在坐标和方向上不一致造成的影响,引入加权H′模的距离计算公式来度量输入签名与样本签名的差异。

6)stroke deformation笔划变形


