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用笔 stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-06 18:17:32


用笔 stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.QI Gong, the writer explains QI Gong s penetrating views on dialectical relationship between calligraphy and principle,stroke and structure, inscription rubbings and original calligraphy and paintings.文章以《论书札记》为中心,阐释书法大师启功先生关于书体与法度、用笔与结字、碑帖与墨迹等辩证关系的精辟论述,及其对发展中国书法理论与实践的巨大贡献,并提出"合度端庄,通达流畅"是"启体"最为鲜明的特色。

2.In traditional Chinese painting, the line formed bystroke has the functions of representing form, meaning and nature.国画中用笔所作之线条具有表形、表意、表神之功能,“用笔”一词,源于中国的美学范畴、审美理念、书画源流及其工具材料的运用和发展,它促进了线条运用的研究而成格式。


1.a felt-tipped marker签名用笔 (以毛毡为笔尖的笔)

2.which could write under water, and wrote,这支笔可在水中写字,然后用笔在笔记本上写道:

3.A quick stroke, as with a pencil or brush.潦草一笔匆忙的一笔,如用铅笔或画笔

4.With my pencil, with my pencil,用我的铅笔,用我的铅笔,

5.With my markers, with my markers,用我的蜡笔,用我的蜡笔,

6.Write with pencils, write with pencils.用铅笔写字,用铅笔写字。

7.Draw with markers, draw with markers.用彩笔画画,用彩笔画画。

8.wood of a pencil cedar tree; used for making pencils.铅笔柏木料,用于制铅笔。

9.A stroke with or as if with a pencil.一笔用铅笔或如同用铅笔一样画一下

10.A stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk, used for drawing.用于绘画的有色蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔

11.pens, pencils, crayons, and such supplies钢笔、铅笔、腊笔和诸如此类的用品

12.To mark or color with or as if with a pencil.用铅笔着色用或好像用铅笔写或着色

13.Please write down your name with a pen not with a pencil.请用钢笔写下你的名字,不要用铅笔。

14.Please write in pencil,not in ink.请用铅笔写,不要用钢笔写。

15.Are we to write in ink or in pencil?我们该用钢笔写还是用铅笔写?

16.The contract must be signed with a pen, not a pencil.这合同一定要用钢笔而不用铅笔签字。

17.He writes equally well with pen and brush.他用钢笔和用毛笔写的字一样漂亮。

18.Write your homework in ink, not in pencil.用钢笔写家庭作业,不要用铅笔。


Bone method uses a pen骨法用笔

3)calligraphy using书法用笔

4)The proposal uses the pen提按用笔

5)thick pencil泥工用笔

6)ruling pen制图用笔


用笔1.指书画的运笔。 2.指运用写作技巧。
