2000字范文 > 笔画 stroke英语短句 例句大全

笔画 stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-31 10:52:01


笔画 stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.Statistic on some Chinese characterstroke information;汉字笔画若干数据的统计方法研究与应用

2.In view of the shape of a line drawing and itsstroke features, the planar shape evolution theory is applied to smooth or enhance these shape features and adjusting the correspondingstrokes width to get different styles of the drawing.根据线条画和线条画中笔画的形状特征,运用平面形状演化理论对线条画和笔画的形状进行平滑或增强,并对宽度进行相应的调整,最后得到不同风格的线条画·该风格转换不需要任何样本,而且能够控制转换的程度,提高了线条画风格转换的自由度

3.In addition,strokes statistics and some or ther algorithms are addtd to the algorithm.此外 ,还介绍了笔画统计算法 ,散热片去除算


1.Draw with markers, draw with markers.用彩笔画画,用彩笔画画。

2.drawings in ink, pencil, pastel, and crayon;钢笔画、铅笔画、彩色粉笔画和蜡笔画;

3.A sketch or drawing made with this charcoal.炭笔画用这种炭笔画成的速描或画

4.The subjects recognized the strokes of Chinese characters which had small number of strokes faster than the strokes of Chinese characters which had large number of strokes.识别少笔画汉字中的笔画比识别多笔画汉字中的笔画容易。

5.pen-and-ink drawings, sketches, illustrations, etc钢笔画的画、 素描、 插图等.

6.cutting quill pen用羽毛管削尖制成的钢笔画画笔

7.To draw, color, or decorate with a stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk.画画,上色,装饰用有色的蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔画画、上色或装饰

8.Paint, draw, or sketch a picture.画一幅油画、铅笔画成素描。

9.An artist"s brush, especially a fine one.细画笔尤指细画笔等艺术家的画笔

10.A brush for applying paint.画笔用于画画的刷子

11.A quick stroke, as with a pencil or brush.潦草一笔匆忙的一笔,如用铅笔或画笔

12.The painter dipped his brush into the paint画家拿画笔蘸颜料。

13.The manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.笔法画家用画笔染颜料的方式

14.A stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk, used for drawing.用于绘画的有色蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔

15.A stroke with or as if with a pencil.一笔用铅笔或如同用铅笔一样画一下

16.A drawing executed with such a pencil or crayon.木炭画用这种炭笔或蜡条画的画

17.an artist"s brush made of sable hair.由紫貂毛作成的画笔。

18.Stop doodling on my notebook!别在我的笔记本上乱画!



1.2 logMAR) and three stroke categories (sparsestrokes, mediumstrokes and densestrokes, based on the number ofstrokes in the characters) were g.目的研究字体大小、笔画数、对比度对中文阅读速度的影响。

2.Objective:To investigate the relationship of the wholes and their parts in stroke-form-character primed by whole characters、radicals、strokes and symbols.该研究采用笔画构成汉字的实验范式,利用整字、部件、笔画作为启动材料考查了笔画构成汉字过程中整体与部分之间的关系。

3.Although we generally believe that one Chinese character expresses one phoneme under the influence of the western linguistics,the author of this paper thinks that this is the result of the misunderstanding of the ideograph of thestrokes in Chinese characters which leads to no correct illustration of the relation between the sense and spelling in the process of the literacy.本文认为,长期以来,我们受西方语言学的影响,普遍认为"一个汉字通常表示口语里的一个语素,代表的是这个语素的声音",对汉字笔画表意作用没有正确的认识。

3)A paintbrush, a paintbrush.画笔,画笔,

4)Paint Brush画笔


6)connection handwriting strokes连笔笔画


