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中风 stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-02 13:12:57


中风 stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.Influences of Acupuncture Prescriptions on Serum GMP-140 and Their Clinical Effects in Stroke Patients;针刺配方对中风患者血浆中GMP-140的影响及临床疗效观察

2.Study and Development of TCM Stroke Scale for Quality of Life Measurement(1)——Establishment of the Scale;中医中风生存质量量表的研究编制(1)——量表的建立

3.The early multiplicationstroke Chinese medicine is restored to health the treatment attainment;早期多元化中风中医康复治疗心得


1.Having or inclined to have apoplexy.中风的,濒于中风的

2.be seized with apoplexy = have (a fit of) apoplexy = have a stroke (of apoplexy)患 [引起]中风

3.The strongest, fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall.飓风中风力最强,风速最快的地方是眼垒。

4.The Banner streamed in the Breeze.旗帜在微风中迎风飘扬

5.The windmill idled in the breeze.风车在微风中慢慢转动。

6.central supply and exhaust system集中送风和排风系统

7.moderate gusty...wind和缓……风,风势间中疾劲

8.The kites were afoul in the wind.风筝在风中纠缠一起。

9.The sign was swinging in the wind.—招牌在风中摆动。

10.Chinese Year·Chinese Wind--Discuss on New Chinese Style Decorative Design Style;中国年·中国风——论新中式装饰设计风格

11.carry away in a storm(桅)在大风中折断,(船)在风暴中失去索具

12.To blow in loud, violent gusts, as the wind during a storm.风狂吹大声的,猛烈的一阵击打,如暴风中的风

13.Market risk and credit risks: Paradox existing in risk management;市场风险与信用风险:风险管理中存在的悖论

14.moderately gusty air中等阵风, 中(度)颠簸

15.a disruption of telephone service during the hurricane飓风中电话的中断.

16.Everything is quiet in the eye of a storm.在台风的风眼中间,一切都是平静的。

17.The motor boat was tearing along in the high wind.快艇在疾风中顺风飞快地行进。

18.The flag was flapping about in the light wind.那面旗帜在微风中随风飘扬。



1.Clinical Observation on Treatment of 36 Cases of Post-apoplexy Urinary Incontinence;针刺加艾灸治疗中风后尿失禁36例

2.Clinical Observation on Relieving Spasticity in Apoplexy Cases Treated by Restoration Needling and Electric Acupuncture;恢刺加电针对中风患者痉挛状态缓解的临床观察

3.Discussing the Apoplexy of Zhangxichun s Chinese Medical Science Compromised Medical Science;试述张锡纯《医学衷中参西录》之中风

3)apoplexy risk中风风险

1.On the base of brief introduction of the basic theory of multiple regression,this article gives the multiple estimation regression equation applied to predict theapoplexy risk and tests the equation s validity by the test of regression model′s hypothesizes、significance of regression relationship and the goodness of fit.在简述多元回归基本理论的基础上,给出了病人中风风险预测的多元估计回归方程,并通过对多元回归模型假设的检验、对回归关系显著性的检验以及对拟合度的衡量对该估计回归方程的有效性进行了检验,结果表明其满足多元回归模型的假设、多元回归关系非常显著且拟合度高。

4)Zhong-feng of Chinese medicine中医中风

5)stroke involving both collateral and meridian中风中经络


1.There produced so fashionableChinoiserie for a time that had a huge influence to the modern European furniture design.明代家具代表着我国传统家具设计的最高成就,其主要的艺术特点有材料美、意境美、结构美和工艺美;17世纪后期开始,随着东西方贸易兴起,明代家具开始影响欧洲设计,产生了风靡一时的"中国风",以至对现代欧洲的家具设计产生了巨大的影响。


