2000字范文 > 校史教育 school history education英语短句 例句大全

校史教育 school history education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 12:03:10


校史教育 school history education英语短句 例句大全

校史教育,school history education

1)school history education校史教育


1.The Publicity of School History:An Effective Channel for Ideological and Political Education of Undergraduates;校史教育:大学生思想政治教育的有效途径

2.Liberal Education: Historical Inevitability of Higher Education;自由教育:高等学校教育的历史必然

3.Secondary School Education on History and a Trial Research on the Effectiveness of Moral Education;中学历史教育与学校德育实效性初探

4.The Popularity of Historical Education is an Important Base for Diathesis Education in Colleges;普及历史教育:高等学校素质教育的重要基础

5.Civic Education--Historic Transition of Ideological and Political Education in Institutions of Higher Learning;公民教育——高校思想政治教育的历史转型

6.School-based Curriculum Development in High School on the Basis of Chemical History Education;基于化学史教育的高中校本课程开发

7.The History Review And Reality Reflection in Calligraphy Education of Universities;高校书法教育的历史回顾与现实反思

8.Sino-American Educational Interaction from the Microcosm of Fudan s Early Years;中美教育交流:以复旦早期校史为例

9.To Promote Education of All-round Development Is a Historical Mission for University;全面推进素质教育是高校的历史使命

10.The Historical Necessity of Quality Education in Institutions of Higher Learning;中国高校实施素质教育的历史必然性

11.Historical Mission of Educational Creation At Local Teacher s College;论地方高师院校教育创新的历史使命

12.Development of Humanism in History Education in Higher vocational Colleges高职院校历史教育中人文精神的培养

13.Study of the Function of History Education in Moral Education Course in Vocational School;历史教育在中职学校德育课程中的作用研究

14.A Research on the Developmental History of Physical Education of Sports Major in Hunan Colleges and Universities;湖南省普通高校体育专业教育发展史研究

15.The evolution of school physical education and the teacher s role;学校体育的历史发展与体育教师的角色演变

16.The history in fluence of the soviet union s education pattern on colleges and universities P. E. in Henan province;论苏联教育模式对河南高校体育的历史影响

17.On the Modern History of Development of P.E. Theory in Schools in China;我国近、现代学校体育教育思想发展史略

18.The Application and Practice of Bio-science History Education in Biological Teaching in Nursery Schools;生物科学史教育在卫校生物教学中的应用研究


history education in schools学校历史教育

3)history of education教育史

1.Research tendencies of thehistory of education-Analysis of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education;新史学视野下教育史研究的转向——基于国际教育史常设会议的分析

2.A reflection of the research paradigms of the Chinesehistory of education;我国教育史学科研究范式的反思与转换

3.The article also touches upon the difference between the history of problems of education issues and traditionalhistory of education,the definition of problems of education and relevant aspects in th.本文主要以《外国中小学教育问题史》和《外国大学教育问题史》为例,论述教育问题史是教育史研究中一种值得重视的研究范式,具体阐释了教育问题史与传统教育史的差异、教育问题史研究中的问题确定以及应关注的重点。

4)educational history教育史

1.Prospects of the course ofeducational history;教育史学科未来的几个问题

2.This paper summarizes the methods of distinguishing Chinese pseudographs from the perspective of philology, and cites the legal cases of Zixia Yi Zhuan and Gu Wen Shang Shu as examples to demonstrate pseudographs value as historical materials and useful references toeducational history studies.本文从文献学的角度概述了中国伪书的辨别方法,并以《子夏易传》和《古文尚书》两个伪书公案为例, 说明伪书本身也有一定的史料价值和教育史研究方面的参鉴意义,故而不可一概而废。

5)education history教育史

6)historical education历史教育

1.In the course of political socialization,history andhistorical education possess an irreplaceably special efficacy and value and encourage students to deepen political acknowledge,enhance political identification and improve political quality.在政治社会化的进程中,历史学及历史教育具有其他学科难以替代的特殊功效和价值,它推助青年学生深化政治认知,增进政治认同,提高政治素质。

2.During South and North Song Dynasty,historical education was been highly valued by the ruling classes.两宋时期,历史教育受到了统治阶级的高度重视。

3.Rich educational resources of humanity are encompassed in the course of history andhistorical education should play a significant role in preparing college students at modern times to possess humanity accomplishment.历史学科中蕴含着丰富的人文教育资源,历史教育应该在培养当代大学生的人文素质方面发挥重要作用。


《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》 《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》 药学著作。简称《绍兴本草》。系绍兴29年(1159年)南宋政府修订刊行《经史证类备急本草》时所用的书名。其内容全与《证类本草》同。只是作了部分改订,即“考证名方五百(或作三百)余首,证舛错八千余字。”现此书仅存各种旧钞的残卷。有1933年日本春阳堂的影印本(残存图卷一-五卷)。
