2000字范文 > 教育史学科 history of education英语短句 例句大全

教育史学科 history of education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-20 14:58:38


教育史学科 history of education英语短句 例句大全

教育史学科,history of education

1)history of education教育史学科

1.A retrospect of the development of thehistory of education in Germany德国教育史学科发展的回顾与钩沉


1.A Historic Survey of Disciplinary Structure of Chinese Education History;中国教育史学科结构方式的历史探究

2.Review of Development of the Foreign Educational History Discipline at the Beginning of 20th Century;20世纪初期外国教育史学科发展概述

3.On the Dual Origins of the Foreign Educational History and the New Ideas of Its Textbook Construction;教育史学科的双重起源与外国教育史课程教材建设的“新思维”

4.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

5.history of foreign countries education(science)外国教育史(学科)

6.The Investigation on the History of Science:The Phases of History of Science Entering into Scientific Education科学史教育的历史考察:将科学史引入科学教育的历程

7.Science History Education--The Valid Means of Popularization of Science in all Directions;科学史教育——全方位科普的有效手段

8.The Cultivation of the Science Spirit of the Contemporary College Students, Based on an Education of the Science History;基于科学史教育的当代大学生科学精神的培育

9.The Relevant Problems of Teaching of Science History in China;我国科学教育中科学史教学的相关思考

10.Enhance Education of History of Mathematic to Improve Students Science Literac;加强数学史教育 提高学生科学素养

11.Strengthening the Education of History of Physics to Improve Students Scientific Quality;加强物理学史教育,提高学生科学素养

12.HPS(History,Philosophy and Sociology of Science):A New Paradigm of Scientific Education;HPS(科学史、科学哲学与科学社会学):一种新的科学教育范式

13.History in Education: It′s Character and System Formation;谈历史教育学学科属性及其体系构成

14.Historical Reflections on the Integration of Scientific Education and Humanist Education;科学教育和人文教育整合的历史反思——评胡适的科学教育价值观

15.Reseach on Using History of Physics to Improve the Integration between Science Education and Humanity Education;应用物理学史促进科学教育与艺术教育的统一

16.Re-establishment of a New Figure of Zhang Heng and His Scientific Studies in the Instruction of the History of Science--And a Comment on the Compilation of the Course-book of the History of Science;重塑科学史教育中张衡及其科学研究新形象——兼论教科书中科学史教育的编写方式

17.The Dimension of Education on History of Science: Cultural Inosculation Between Science and Humanism科学史教育的向度:科学文化与人文文化的融合

18.On the establishing of the emotional education objective system in the science of history;历史学科情感教育目标体系构建初探


scientific history education科学史教育

1.The paper discusses the rise and growth of thescientific history education in America,hoping that it could offer some new insights into exploring and carrying out our ownscientific history education in the new situation.科学史教育是培养和提高学生科学素养的重要途径。

3)history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

4)education of biological history生物科学史教育

5)educational historiography教育史学

1.At present the development ofeducational historiography meets a double crisis of inside and outside.中国教育史学的发展遭遇到内外双重危机。

2.Nowadays, the research of Americaneducational historiography in several domestic famous universities can be in the ascendant.当前,美国教育史学研究在国内几所顶尖高校可谓方兴未艾,但总的来说,我国的美国教育史学研究还处于起步阶段,并有待继续深化。

3.However,this institute has withdrawn to the marginal position of the mainstream ofeducational historiography due to the influence of genderless-oriented research and traditional historiography after the founding of New China and its successful experience has passed into silence and been left unused.由于建国后中性化研究取向和传统史学理路等多种影响,这所高等教育学府已经退居主流教育史学的边缘位置,其成功经验也被遗忘和闲置。

6)historiography education史学教育


国际科学史和科学哲学协会由国际科学史协会同国际逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会合并而成的国际性的科学哲学家的学术性团体。简称IUHPS。该协会成立于1956年,会址在法国巴黎。原科学史协会,原逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会,作为其中的两个分会而保持各自的独立性。协会的宗旨:建立上述学科的研究团体和学者之间的学术联系,出版有关刊物和资料,召开国际大会和有关专题学术讨论会。截至 1984年,已有 30多个国家的有关学术机构参加该协会的组织和学术活动。它的定期刊物是《国际科学史档案》(季刊,法文)和《符号逻辑杂志》(季刊,英文)。
