2000字范文 > 历史人文教育 history humanistic education英语短句 例句大全

历史人文教育 history humanistic education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-02 10:01:49


历史人文教育 history humanistic education英语短句 例句大全

历史人文教育,history humanistic education

1)history humanistic education历史人文教育


1.Reasons on Strengthening the Historical Humanities Education in Vocational Colleges;关于高职院校加强历史人文教育的思考

2.The History of Humanities Education and Humanities Education in History;人文教育的历史与历史中的人文教育

3.The Essence of History Teaching in Middle School is Humanistic Education;中学历史教学的本质是人文主义教育

4.The Reconsidering for Present Condition of Humane Quality in Senior Middle School History Lessons;高中历史课人文素养教育现状的反思

5.A Research on the Historical Education and the Cultivation of Humanistic Spirit;中学历史教育与人文精神培养之研究

6.On historical significance of multiculural education from perspective of humanity人性视域下多元文化教育的历史使命

7.Development of Humanism in History Education in Higher vocational Colleges高职院校历史教育中人文精神的培养

8.On History Switch and Inspiration of Chinese and Western Education of Humanities and Sciences;中西人文教育和科学教育的历史嬗变及启示

9.A historical change of the science education and humanity education in the west;西方科学教育与人文教育关系的历史演变

10.Human Education--Reincarnation of Culture in the Course of History;人文教育:历史课程文化的再造——透视高中历史课程标准

11.Human Accomplishment Education about History Teaching for Middle School Students;中学历史教学中加强人文素养教育研究

12.Historical Education During the Anti-Japanese War as seen in Xu Wenshan s LISHI JIAOYU LUN;抗战时期的历史教育与徐文珊的《历史教育论》

13.Historical Reflections on the Integration of Scientific Education and Humanist Education;科学教育和人文教育整合的历史反思——评胡适的科学教育价值观

14.The Practice and Explorion of Humane Spiritual Education in Middle School in History Class;中学历史课中人文精神教育:实践与探索

15.Humanistic Education: Differentiating Analyzing of the Concept, Developing in History and Using in Practice;人文教育:概念辨析、历史发展及现实切入点

16.A Brief Discussion on the Role of Historical Education in College Students Humanity Accomplishment;简论历史教育在大学生人文素质培养中的作用

17.A Brief Remark on the Function of Historic Education in Humanistic Spirits Creation;浅淡历史教育在人文精神塑造中的作用

18.History Logic and their Present Significance of Humane Education and Science Education;人文、科学教育的历史逻辑及其现实意义


historical education历史教育

1.In the course of political socialization,history andhistorical education possess an irreplaceably special efficacy and value and encourage students to deepen political acknowledge,enhance political identification and improve political quality.在政治社会化的进程中,历史学及历史教育具有其他学科难以替代的特殊功效和价值,它推助青年学生深化政治认知,增进政治认同,提高政治素质。

2.During South and North Song Dynasty,historical education was been highly valued by the ruling classes.两宋时期,历史教育受到了统治阶级的高度重视。

3.Rich educational resources of humanity are encompassed in the course of history andhistorical education should play a significant role in preparing college students at modern times to possess humanity accomplishment.历史学科中蕴含着丰富的人文教育资源,历史教育应该在培养当代大学生的人文素质方面发挥重要作用。

3)history education历史教育

1.Another discussion on the affective target of thehistory education under the concept of the new course standards;新课程理念下的历史教育情感目标的再认识

2.An introductory exploration in Li Da-zhao s thought ofhistory education;李大钊历史教育思想初探

3.To enhance the humanities quality of students inhistory education;在历史教育中提高学生人文素养

4)educational history教育历史

1.Is the educational essence lost in history? This article analyses the educational essence and points out the complication ofeducational history.教育历史是教育本性迷失的过程吗?本文通过分析教育的本性,教育历史发展的复杂性,提出教育历史研究应超越二元对立的研究范式,着眼于实现研究的社会价值。

2.Based on the analysis of three historical views of education that have made important influence on our research oneducational history, the author points out that the historical view of progress has its limitations.本文通过分析三种对我国教育史研究具有较大影响的教育史观的分析,指出了进步教育史观的局限性,认为应当转换认识的视角,重新认识教育历史的本质。

5)education of history历史教育

1.Theeducation of history in ancient times of our conntry,having gone through the initial development in pre-Qin period,entered an important developing period in Two Hans.我国古代历史教育经过先秦时期的初步发展 ,到两汉进入了一个重要的发展时期。

2.In the education system with the separation of arts and science, there are many problems in theeducation of history, such as different history teaching programme for students of arts and science, passive history learning and also lacking basic history knowledge of most students of science, history material leaving little space for.知识经济时代,需要具有创新意识和人文素养的人才,历史教育承担着这一重任。

6)history teaching历史教育


