2000字范文 > 教育史 educational history英语短句 例句大全

教育史 educational history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-20 12:09:59


教育史 educational history英语短句 例句大全

教育史,educational history

1)educational history教育史

1.Prospects of the course ofeducational history;教育史学科未来的几个问题

2.This paper summarizes the methods of distinguishing Chinese pseudographs from the perspective of philology, and cites the legal cases of Zixia Yi Zhuan and Gu Wen Shang Shu as examples to demonstrate pseudographs value as historical materials and useful references toeducational history studies.本文从文献学的角度概述了中国伪书的辨别方法,并以《子夏易传》和《古文尚书》两个伪书公案为例, 说明伪书本身也有一定的史料价值和教育史研究方面的参鉴意义,故而不可一概而废。


1.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

2.history of foreign countries education(science)外国教育史(学科)

3.a dark age in the history of education.教育史上的黑暗时代

4.What Is the Research on Educational History?--Take the Example of Foreign Educational History Research;什么是教育史研究?——以外国教育史研究为例

5.Between education and history:fourth study on the researchof Higher Education History;在教育与历史之间——高等教育史研究四探

6.On the Cognition of the Conception of Higher Education in the Western Education History;西方教育史上对“高等教育概念”的理解

7.History making one wise--On the learning of the history of education;读史使人明智——试论学习教育史的价值

8.A Historic Survey of Disciplinary Structure of Chinese Education History;中国教育史学科结构方式的历史探究

9.Studying History with the Anxious Consciousness--On Shu Xin-cheng’s Study of Education History;忧患下的史作——论舒新城的教育史研究

10.The History of Humanities Education and Humanities Education in History;人文教育的历史与历史中的人文教育

11.concise history of Chinese educational psychology中国教育心理学简史

12.concise history of western educational psychology西方教育心理学简史


14.Educational Value of Mathematics History and the Tactics of the History Recording Educates of Mathematics;数学史的教育价值及数学史志教育的策略

15.Historical Education During the Anti-Japanese War as seen in Xu Wenshan s LISHI JIAOYU LUN;抗战时期的历史教育与徐文珊的《历史教育论》

16.A Great History Education Concept--Thoughts on Reading "Relevant Issues of the Study of China Ancient History Education";也谈历史教育研究——兼谈一种大历史教育观

17.Civic Education:A Historic Choice of the Contemporary Chinese Education;公民教育:当代中国教育的历史选择

18.Harmonious vocational education;和谐的职业教育——西方教育思想史视阈


history of education教育史

1.Research tendencies of thehistory of education-Analysis of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education;新史学视野下教育史研究的转向——基于国际教育史常设会议的分析

2.A reflection of the research paradigms of the Chinesehistory of education;我国教育史学科研究范式的反思与转换

3.The article also touches upon the difference between the history of problems of education issues and traditionalhistory of education,the definition of problems of education and relevant aspects in th.本文主要以《外国中小学教育问题史》和《外国大学教育问题史》为例,论述教育问题史是教育史研究中一种值得重视的研究范式,具体阐释了教育问题史与传统教育史的差异、教育问题史研究中的问题确定以及应关注的重点。

3)education history教育史

4)the history of education教育史

1.This paper explores the significance of early Korean academies tothe history of education in the sense of their formation and educational features.从形成过程及教育特征来讨论韩国初期书院在教育史上的意义,从社会经济背景来看,韩国初期书院的出现,反映了在土地所有制和经营方式变化的基础上,教育逐渐从一般的中央集权转变为分权的新形势;儒学工夫论是书院教育得以巩固的特有理念经间,退溪的心学道统论对初期书院特征的形成起到了巨大的影响;书院祭享空间与讲学空间关系反映了儒学知道体系中尊德性与道间学、道与学的关系,其祭礼礼仪有社会约束及符号意味;从家学和家庭教育的特征来看,家庭教育的内容和形式并入了初期的书院教育之中。

5)historical education历史教育

1.In the course of political socialization,history andhistorical education possess an irreplaceably special efficacy and value and encourage students to deepen political acknowledge,enhance political identification and improve political quality.在政治社会化的进程中,历史学及历史教育具有其他学科难以替代的特殊功效和价值,它推助青年学生深化政治认知,增进政治认同,提高政治素质。

2.During South and North Song Dynasty,historical education was been highly valued by the ruling classes.两宋时期,历史教育受到了统治阶级的高度重视。

3.Rich educational resources of humanity are encompassed in the course of history andhistorical education should play a significant role in preparing college students at modern times to possess humanity accomplishment.历史学科中蕴含着丰富的人文教育资源,历史教育应该在培养当代大学生的人文素质方面发挥重要作用。

6)history education历史教育

1.Another discussion on the affective target of thehistory education under the concept of the new course standards;新课程理念下的历史教育情感目标的再认识

2.An introductory exploration in Li Da-zhao s thought ofhistory education;李大钊历史教育思想初探

3.To enhance the humanities quality of students inhistory education;在历史教育中提高学生人文素养


