2000字范文 > 国家人权行动计划 National Human Right Plans of Action英语短句 例句大全

国家人权行动计划 National Human Right Plans of Action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 11:58:45


国家人权行动计划 National Human Right Plans of Action英语短句 例句大全

国家人权行动计划,National Human Right Plans of Action

1)National Human Right Plans of Action国家人权行动计划

1.National Human Right Plans of Action is promoting human rights of citizen,as well as the civil right of sports.公民体育权利是人权的基本组成部分,《国家人权行动计划》的实施将进一步推动我国公民体育权利的实现和人权事业的发展。


1.The Development of Civil Sports" Right in China: Some Thoughts in the Implementation of National Human Right Plan of Action我国公民体育权利发展研究——从实施《国家人权行动计划》引发的思考

2.Plan of Action for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995- 1995-联合国人权教育十年行动计划

3.National Plan of Action on the Status of Women国家妇女地位行动计划

4.National Environment and Health Action Plan国家环境和卫生行动计划(环卫计划)

5.World Plan of Action for the Education for Human Rights and Democracy世界人权和民主教育行动计划

6.World Plan of Action on Education for Human Rights and Democracy人权和民主教育世界行动计划

7.National Information Infrastructure (NII)美国国家信息基础结构行动计划

8.National Applications of Recommendations for the Implementation of the World Population Plan of Action执行世界人口行动计划各项建议的国家实施办法

9.Plan of Action for the Full Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples关于充分执行给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言的行动计划

10.International Seminar on Family Policy and Plans of Action家庭政策与行动计划国际讨论会

11.National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans国家生物多样性战略和行动计划

prehensive Plan of Action Assisting the Developing Countries援助发展中国家的全盘行动计划

13.Plan of Action on National and Regional Initiatives for Human Resources Development and its Technological Dimensions关于人力资源开发及其技术方面的国家及区域性倡议的行动计划

munity Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects人权教育活动资助计划

15.To free Latin America from the snares of foreign concessionaires and bankers, he proposed a farsighted plan.为使拉丁美洲不致陷入外国特许权所有人和银行家的圈套,他提出了一个先见之明的计划。

16.In many nations, everyday activities are done in a planned, orderly manner.在许多国家,日常活动都是有计划地按顺序进行。

17.Caribbean Meeting of Experts for a Regional Plan of Action on Population and Development制定人口与发展区域行动计划加勒比专家会议

18.A presidential finding that authorized the covert operation.授权进行秘密行动计划的总统文件


National Plan of Action国家行动计划

3)Model National Action Plan示范国家行动计划

4)state plan国家计划

1.The market acts fundamentally while thestate plan has an important guiding function in the disposition of resources.在资源配置中,市场起基础性作用,国家计划具有重要指导作用。

2.This dissertation study institutional arrangement, institutional foundation and institutional function ofstate plan in market economy regarded as a kind of institution by institutional method.本文把国家计划作为一种制度,运用制度的理论和方法对之进行研究,重点是研究市场经济中的国家计划的制度基础、制度安排和制度功能。

5)international action plan国际行动计划

6)national allocation plan国家排放权分配计划


