2000字范文 > 义利纠葛 Imbroglio of national right and business benefit英语短句 例句大全

义利纠葛 Imbroglio of national right and business benefit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 01:46:22


义利纠葛 Imbroglio of national right and business benefit英语短句 例句大全

义利纠葛,Imbroglio of national right and business benefit

1)Imbroglio of national right and business benefit义利纠葛


1.Imbroglio of National Right and Business Benefit-Study of Guiyang Business Association (1937-1949)义利纠葛—贵阳商会研究(1937-1949)

2.Imbroglio between Aesthetic and Utility--Literary Thinking of Liang Qichao s "Style Revolution";审美与功利的纠葛——梁启超“文体革命”的文学之思

3.Oh, the tangle of human life!啊,这人生的纠葛!

4.Features and Implications of the Description on the Conflict between Bao-yu and Dai-yu;宝玉黛玉之间矛盾纠葛描写的特点及其哲理意义

5.The Mutual Involvement Between Sex Consciousness and Ethnic Politics:Post-colonial Feminist Criticism;性别意识与族群政治的复杂纠葛:后殖民女性主义文学批评

6.The Entanglement Between Meaning and Function:on the Jusrisprudence as Original Theory in Law意义与功用的纠葛——简论作为法学“元理论”的法理学

7.Jiaoxue Tongyi and Kang Youwei s Approaches to Jingxue: With reference to the Alleged Plagiarization of Kang Youwei from Liao Ping;《教学通义》与康有为的早期经学路向及其转向——兼及康氏与廖平的学术纠葛

8.Poor student Wang Kuei and famous prostitute Guei Ying once had love relationship; however, the chase of fame and money, entangle with love, it pushed for expressing reality of human natures.贫困书生王魁与名妓焦桂英的相恋,一场名利与爱情的纠葛叵析人性的经典歌仔戏剧作。

9.Rectify the Tendency of Utilitarianism and Strengthen and Improve College Moral Education;纠正功利主义倾向加强和改进大学德育教育

10.extricate oneself from an unhappy love affair使自己摆脱不快的爱情纠葛.

11.There"s a dispute between them.他们之间发生了一点纠葛。

12.His affairs were not fettered with any incumbrance.他的业务未与任何人发生纠葛。

13.I don"t want to have any difficulties with the Governor.我不愿跟州长发生任何纠葛。

14.Deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict.心烦意乱的极其烦恼的,如因感情纠葛

15.This entanglement made Carrie anxious for a change of some sort.这种纠葛弄得嘉莉急于改变一下。

16.The lock has not been sprung."这时,他又想起白天的全部纠葛。

17.He would go to her and tell her all his family complications.他要去见她,把他家里的纠葛都告诉她。

18.Have you ever been arrested or been in trouble with police?你有没有被逮捕过与警局有过纠葛?



3)entanglement and combination of human and ghost人鬼纠葛

4)economy imbroglio经济纠葛

5)love imbroglio爱情纠葛

6)Folklore Contradictions民俗纠葛

1.The Plot Conflicts Caused byFolklore Contradictions in Feature Films;论故事片电影中由民俗纠葛构建的情节冲突


