2000字范文 > 诉权 right of action英语短句 例句大全

诉权 right of action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 01:31:05


诉权 right of action英语短句 例句大全

诉权,right of action

1)right of action诉权

1.Based on analyzing the arguments about a divorce case in Shenzhen and on investigaton of the fundamental connotation of theright of action,the author expounds theoretically the injustice of limiting the right of divorce action.从深圳的一起离婚案的处理观点分歧入手,通过对诉权基本内涵的考证,论证了对离婚诉权限制的非正当性,并对我国《婚姻法》及有关法律的相应条款提出了完善的构想。

2.To a certain extent,economic analysis ofright of action could help us to explain the appearance,existence or disappearance of theright of action.诉权的经济分析一定程度上有助于解释诉权的产生、存在或者消失,本文运用诸多例证,生动有趣地讨论了艰深且以传统方法难以取得进展的诉权理论。


1.Actiones perpetuae永久诉讼,永久诉权

2.right to complaint [Patients" Charter]申诉权〔《病人约章》〕

3.Actio popularis民众之诉,公益之诉,众有诉权

4.On the right of private prosecution in the case of the public prosecution into private prosecution;“公诉转自诉”案件中之自诉权探微

5.The accused has the right to appeal to a higher court and the right of petition.被告人有上诉权和申诉权。

6.The Modern Transformation of Right of Action and the Protection of Civil Right of Action;诉权的现代转型与民事上诉权之保障

7.the statute of limitations【法律】追诉权时效法

8.Study on the Relationship between the Protection of the Right of Action and Jurisdiction;诉权保障与民事诉讼管辖制度关系论

9.Review and Reconstruction of Public Prosecution System--As Viewed from Procedural Right;公诉制度之检视与重塑——以诉权为视角

10.Actio negatoria否定役权之诉(包括用益权);所有权保全之诉

11.Litigation trust is different from litigation take-on, litigation surrogate and credit-right trust.诉讼信托不同诉讼担当、诉讼代理和债权信托。

12.Tort which be actionable per se侵权本身可引起诉讼

mission on Human Rights and Reception of Complaints人权和申诉受理委员会

14.It is his legal right to appeal.上诉是他的正当权利。

15.action for infringement of a patent因侵犯专利权的诉讼

16.a court authorized to hear appeals.被授权审理上诉的法庭。

17.You want to sue for custody?你要为监护权提出起诉?

18.Maritime Jurisdiction Involving Foreign Elements涉外海事诉讼管辖权


litigation right诉权

1.The judicial review of litigation qualification is the principal step of hearing the cases concerned the owner committee,and immediately relate to whether the partieslitigation right come into existence and the orders of their legal status.主体资格的审查是审理有关业主委员会案件的首要环节,直接涉及当事人诉权是否成立及诉讼地位的确立。

2.By comparing thelitigation right of criminal retrial with judicial authority and appeal against trial supervision, states the essence of litigation of criminal retrial.刑事再审申诉权是当事人不可剥夺的诉权,其与刑事审判监督抗诉权的地位是并列的,都是刑事再审审判权启动的基础性条件。

3.Lacking thelitigation right,civil rights will become unmeaningful.诉权,是指公民向法院提出的司法救济权。

3)Litigious right诉权

1.litigious right is that litigants ask court hear and decide to protect litigant substantive benefit and right.诉权是当事人为保护其实体权益或者确认实体权利义务关系,请求法院以国家审判权的名义进行审理并作出裁判的权利。

2.During the process of modernization of ruling by law,fundamental right position of litigious right is becoming increasingly conspicuons.诉权是一项请求法律救济的权利,是启动和延续诉讼的权利。

3.To regard litigious right as common legal right is not sufficient to provide effective protection for Chinese citizens legal right.将诉权理解为一般的法律权利 ,已不足以对我国公民的法律权利提供有效的保护。

4)right of suit诉权

1.Theright of suit is a kind of right with dual qualities: value of procedure and substance.诉权是当事人请求法院启动程序规则以实现其实体请求的权利,具有程序与实体的双重意义与价值。

2.There are common and personality between theright of suit in Pre—trial Procedures in different legal systems.刑事诉权在两大法系审前程序的发展既有个性也有共性。

5)litigation rights诉权

1.The conflict and balance between trial rights andlitigation rights in civil lawsuit;民事诉讼中审判权与诉权的冲突与制衡

2.They had held variouslitigation rights.就诉讼而言,中国古代诉讼当事人绝非客体,而具有一定的主体地位,并享有多方面的诉权,只是相对于现代人来讲,其主体地位和诉权均不够充分。

6)right to appeal诉权

1.The face of diverse social interests and the public demand for the expansion of private rights of relief given period of social transition,the civil retrial procedure reform must face the public\"s judicial needs ofright to appeal.面对社会利益多元化和民众私权救济需求不断膨胀的特定社会转型期,民事再审程序的改革必须直面公众对诉权的司法需求,在深入认识诉权与再审审判权之间相互关系的基础上,通过具体的程序设计实现诉权与再审审判权关系之平衡。

2.Theright to appeal is constitutional in nature and the criminalright to appeal is no exception.诉权本身具有宪法权利属性,刑事诉权也不例外。


