2000字范文 > 国家诉权 right of action of state英语短句 例句大全

国家诉权 right of action of state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-05 10:37:54


国家诉权 right of action of state英语短句 例句大全

国家诉权,right of action of state

1)right of action of state国家诉权

2)The nation"s power of prosecution国家追诉权


1.Structure And Function:Discuss On The Structure Of Scout And Control And Exertion Of National Prosection Right;结构与功能:论侦控构造与国家追诉权的行使

2.The Study of the Function of the National Human Rights Institution to Handle the Human Rights Complaints;论国家人权机构处理人权申诉的职能

3.the statute of limitations【法律】追诉权时效法

4.On the Readjustment of the State Power and Civil Rights in Criminal Lawsuits;试论刑事诉讼中国家权力和公民权利的调适

pare and Refer:on the Main Changes of Korea Criminal Procedure Law--From the perspective of protecting accused"s rights比较与借鉴:韩国刑事诉讼法的主要变化——以被追诉人权利保障为视角

6.On the Relationship between National Rights and Constitutional Litigation--On the Feasibility of Constitutional Litigation in the Unique Situation of China;国家权力与宪法诉讼的关系——论我国宪法诉讼的可能性

7.Property Right and Criminal Procedure: From the Perspective of Protection of the Defendants Property Rights;刑事诉讼中被追诉人财产权保障问题研究?

8.The Analysis on Some Questions about the Human Rights Guarantee to the Accused Person;刑事被追诉人人权保障若干问题研究

9.Research on the Development Tendency of the Suspect s Right to Get Remedy;刑事被追诉人权利救济发展趋势研究

10.Criminal Courtroom Discourse and Human Rights Guarantee of the Accused刑事庭审话语与被追诉人的人权保障

11.Public Interest:Protection of State Ownership and New Approach to Remedies;公益诉讼:国家所有权保护和救济的新途径

12.The Redistribution of the Procuratorial Powers and the Establishment of System;国家民事公诉:检察权的新型配置与制度建构

parison of National Public Procurator s Prosecution Right between Two Major Legal Systems and Its Implications;两大法系国家检察官公诉权的比较及启示

14.Are National Immunity Rights Applicable to Bacteria War Lawsuit?;“国家豁免权”在细菌战诉讼案中是否适用

15.Presumption of Innocent Doctrine and “Philosophy of State Power”in Criminal Procedure;无罪推定与刑事诉讼中的“国家权力哲学”

parative Analysis About The Appealing & Investgation Functions Of Human Rights Violation Among Different Asian And Pacific States" Human Rights Agencies亚太各国国家人权机构人权侵害申诉调查职能比较分析

17.The Protection of the Defendant s Legal Rights Review from Rights Angle;被追诉人合法权益保障的考察——从人权的角度

18.Impact of Strengthening International Intellectual Property Protection on Technology Catching-up of Developing Countries;国际知识产权保护的加强对发展中国家技术追赶的影响


The nation"s power of prosecution国家追诉权

3)"public prosecution"《国家公诉》

1."public prosecution" written by Zhou Mei-sheng touches on the fight between power and law in actral life and shows the hardship, hope and secret worry about developing rule of law.周梅森《国家公诉》触及了我国现实生活中权与法的斗争,表现我国法治进程中的艰难、希望与隐忧。

4)State Prosecutor国家公诉人


1.The Status of Sovereignty in Hong Kong Basic Law and Its Implications;香港基本法中国家主权的地位及其启示

2.On influences of transfering sovereign power between EU members to theory ofsovereignty;欧盟国家间主权让渡对国家主权理论的影响

3.Evolution and Essence of Sovereignty in Economic Globalization;经济全球化时代国家主权的演化与实质

6)national sovereignty国家主权

1.An analysis on the influence of economic globalization onnational sovereignty;试论经济全球化对国家主权的影响

2.On the corrosion of globalization on thenational sovereignty and its countermeasures;全球化对国家主权的销蚀与对策取向

3.An Analysis on the Influence of Information Hegemmony on National Sovereignty;试分析信息霸权对国家主权的影响


