2000字范文 > 诉权滥用 Abuse of Right of Action英语短句 例句大全

诉权滥用 Abuse of Right of Action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-14 02:05:15


诉权滥用 Abuse of Right of Action英语短句 例句大全

诉权滥用,Abuse of Right of Action

1)Abuse of Right of Action诉权滥用


1.On the Abusing of the Shareholders’ Representative Action and its Legal Regulation;股东代表诉讼中的诉权滥用及其法律规制

2.On the Reason Why Abuse of Civil Procedural Rights Appear in China;论民事诉权滥用在我国出现的外在诱因

3.Principle of Faith vs Abuse of Civil Procedure;诚实信用原则对诉讼权利滥用之制衡

4.Abuse of Legal Proceeding as a Tort;论“滥用法律诉讼”是一种侵权行为

5.The Abuse of the Procedural Rights in the Shareholder Representative Suit System &Its Prevention;股东代表讼诉制度中诉权的滥用及其预防

6.the misuse of power, authority, etc滥用权力、 滥施权威.

7.strain one"s authority,rights,power,etc滥用权威、权利、权力等

8.Harm Incurable:Criminal Prosecution and the Protection of Defendant;滥用公诉权程序制裁之论证——从保障被告人权利的角度

9.an abuse of trust, privilege, authority辜负别人的信任、 滥用特权、 滥用权力.

10.override one"s commission作越权处置,滥用职权

11.The Prevention of the Right to Take Shareholders Derivative Action;股东派生诉讼提起权滥用防止研究——兼评《公司法》的相关规定

12.The Regulation of Anti-monopolization against Abuse of Intellectual Property by Transnational Corporations;对跨国公司滥用知识产权行为的反垄断规制——从思科诉华为案谈起

13.The prosecuting authority, already accused of abusing its power to settle scores against Mr Zuma, has itself been caught in the crossfire, as have the Scorpions, who report to it.被指责滥用权力放弃对祖马诉讼的公诉机关连同向它报告的天蝎队都陷入了这困境。

14.They should never be allowed to abuse their authority and position.绝不允许他们滥用职权。

15.Excess of authority or abuse of powers;超越或者滥用职权的;

16.prostitution of talents or offices or services for reward.滥用公职职权得到回报。

17.He abused his power while in office.他在职时滥用权力。

18.They abused their power and rode roughshod over the people.他们滥用权力欺凌人民。


abuse of process滥用诉权

3)abuse of prosecutorial power公诉权滥用

4)abuse pleading right滥用起诉权

5)Abuses of Right to Sue滥用诉讼权利

6)Misuse of civil procedure right诉讼权利滥用

1.OnMisuse of civil procedure right brings many defects in Judiciary practice.本文基于司法实践中的民事诉讼权利滥用现况,通过对民诉权利滥用的内涵、评判标准以及现象的分析,对我国建立防止民事诉讼权利滥用机制提出了一些建议。


