2000字范文 > 公意 general will英语短句 例句大全

公意 general will英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-26 14:03:14


公意 general will英语短句 例句大全

公意,general will

1)general will公意

1.A Study on the General Will Theory of Bernard Bosanquet;伯纳德·鲍桑葵的公意理论研究

2.With illustratinggeneral will is the legitimacy basis of modern state,this paper explained how modern state was constituted from the following viewpoints: regime,constitution and society.从概述公意是现代国家得以成立的合法性基石出发,阐明现代国家的构成:政体、宪政和社会等方面的特征,并由公意的阙失指明现代国家的合法性危机;进而解释为化解合法性危机,卢梭型塑了一个与现代国家完全背离的公意理想国:以直接民主制对抗代议制民主;以在现代条件下重塑的积极自由反抗消极自由,从总体上拒斥了现代宪政主义的大部分元素;以公意克服众意来追求道德同一,否认现代社会的差异性和多样性。

3.Rousseau thought that the government was created by sovereignty;the legitimacy of government depends on commission from the people, and its power and behavior must obey thegeneral will;the forms of government are not important.卢梭认为,政府起源于主权者的创制,是主权者与臣民的中间体;政府的合法性在于人民的委托,其权限和行为要服从公意;政府的形式并不重要,关键是保障人民权益,服从公意。


1.Public Will,Public Opinions and Populism in Political Modernization;政治现代化中的公意、众意和民粹主义

2.open [hidden] hostility公然 [隐藏] 的敌意

3.high public profile引起公众人士高度注意

4.einstein de broglie formula爱因斯坦 德布罗意公式

5.Are you pleased with the new flat?你对这套新公寓满意吗?

6.Consorzio GET Export意大利康佐治出口公司

7.Daspi Gates Automation意大利代斯匹门控公司

8.He wants to air his opinions.他要公开发表意见。

9.public position公开场合发表的意见

10.The firm agreed to contract for labour and material.该公司同意包工包料。

11.I intend that you shall take over the business.我有意让你接管公司.

12.Italy Far East Freight Conference意大利远东运价公会

13.His eyes ranged over the park and he was satisfied.他眺望着公园,感到满意。

14.withheld from public view or attention.躲避公众视线或注意。

15.She was pressurized into agreeing to a merger.她被迫同意将公司合并.

16.ICAC Citizen Liaison Group廉政公署市民意见会

17.Yuhuan Kangyi Sanitary Wares Co., Ltd.玉环康意洁具有限公司

18.fly in the face of Providence公然做违反天意的事


Public will公意

1.The present paper is a comparative study of the Chinese concept of Tao (the Way) and Rousseau s concept of the public will, concluding that, although different in so far as the historical context is concerned, these two concepts are similar in content and function and therefore have developed in a similar way in practical political hfe.本文从中国传统政治思想中的“道”与卢梭的“公意”相比较出发,指出“道”与“公意”虽然是前现代和现代政治哲学的不同概念,却具有相似的内容和功能,因而在现实政治的展开中也呈现出同样的轨迹。

2.Those influences could be found from the elements as "public will,civil religion,conscience".卢梭理论中的“公意、公民宗教、良知”等要素都隐含自然法的思想因素。

3.Rousseau maintains that law is the expression of the public will, the aim of legislation is to realize justice, and legislators are uncommon persons coming from the people.卢梭认为 ,法律是公意的体现 ,立法是为了实现正义 ,而立法者是来自于人民的非凡人物 ,他们制定法律时应遵循自由与平等的原则。

3)the public will公意

1.Rousseau embarked on the explanation about "the public will" from his true freedom and equality,which has completely come into being opposite conclusion to his original intention.“公意”是卢梭政治学说的核心内容,却也是产生种种歧义的关键所在。

4)public opinion公众意见

1.This article focuses on the criticism of the concept of judicial acceptability whose central issue is that judges can usepublic opinions to displace the legal standards in legal reasoning.以"公众意见能够取代法律标准"为核心的裁判可接受性概念,实际上是以下两个方面的统合:一方面,公众意见能够被转化成正当化理由,因此才能取代法律标准成为裁判依据;另一方面,司法民主化要求司法裁判必须反映公众意见。

5)public consciousness公共意识

1.The modern growth ofpublic consciousness is the intrinsic demand of constructing a Socialist Harmonious Society.公共意识的现代生长是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在价值诉求,没有公共意识的现代生长,就难有社会主义和谐社会的构建。

2.At present, there is existing a current problem that in some field of Chinese socialpublic consciousness defaults, which brings a series of problems for public management.当前中国社会公共领域存在着公共意识缺失的问题,给公共管理造成极大的负担。

3.Affected by the traditional views of the state and the family,the traditional Chinese education lackspublic consciousness.公共意识是人们对社会公共领域的认识和行为的自觉性,它是社会秩序构建的基础。

6)citizen consciousness公民意识

1.Cultivation of the Citizen Consciousness in the Course of the Democracy at the Basic Level;基层民主进程中的公民意识的培养

2.Blending of vanguard spirit andcitizen consciousness ——Study of Bolok s poems;先锋精神与公民意识的交融——勃洛克诗歌研究


