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全身 general英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-01 02:24:16


全身 general英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of epidural andgeneral anesthesia on stress response in gynecological laparoscopic operation;硬膜外麻醉与全身麻醉对妇科腹腔镜手术患者应激反应的影响

2.Awareness with recall duringgeneral anesthesia:analysis of cases;全身麻醉患者术中知晓情况分析

3.Analeptic effect of Shenfu injectio in patients emerging fromgeneral anesthesia;参附注射液对全身麻醉恢复期患者的催醒作用


1.Yes, my whole body hurts.是的,我全身都痛。

2.local [general] anesthesia局部 [全身] 麻醉

3.general [nervous] prostration全身 [神经] 衰弱

4.Do you feel exhausted?你感到全身疲乏吗?

5.The heart circulates blood round the body.心脏使血液在全身循环。

6.Fill your heart with this presence and trust it.全身心地装着它,信任它。

7.The news sent a thrill through him.那消息使他全身振奋。

8.she shouted, summoning all her strength.她使出全身力气喊道。

9.My bone ache.我全身骨头都痛了。

10.She was dressed all in white, ie All the clothes she was wearing were white.她全身都穿着白的.

11.He threw himself flat on his face, and crawled into the hut.他全身躺下,爬了进去。

12.Lie down and I"ll give you a thorough examination.躺下,我给你做全身检查。

13.Warmth coursed through her body.一股暖流流遍她的全身。

14.The children are covered in mud from head to toe.孩子们全身沾满了污泥。

15.You are splashed all over with mud.你全身溅满了污泥。

16.Ted was weak with hunger.特德饿得全身无力。

17.His body shook with a palsy of fright.他全身发抖,真是吓瘫了。

18.In fact I was in aches and pains all over,事实上我全身酸痛,


personal safety人身安全

1.On the Personal Safety Guarantee in the Law Enforcement of Police;论警察执法活动的人身安全保障

2.In a word,the aim is to ensure the safe production andpersonal safety.论述为什么要提倡安全生产文化建设 ,解释何谓安全文化 ,明确安全文化的作用 ,阐述建设安全文化的重要意义 ,提出怎样建设安全文化 ,目的就是要确保安全生产 ,确保生产过程中的人身安

3.From aspects of safety sense, causes of accident and manage-ment solutions, the paper elaborates how to strengthen thepersonal safetywork for railway transport enterprises.对于铁路运输企业职工的人身安全,管理和控制的难度很大,通过对齐齐哈尔铁路分局1990年以来冬运期间发生伤亡事故案例的分析,从安全意识、事故致因、管理措施三方面阐述了如何加强铁路运输企业人身安全工作,并从不同侧面论述了铁路运输企业搞好人身安全应考虑的要素、应把握的重点及应采取的措施。

3)Whole body level全身水平

4)General Anesthesia全身麻醉

1.Influence of propofol on cardiovascular center during general anesthesia;全身麻醉中异丙酚对循环抑制作用机制的研究

2.Influence of different incubation measures on anesthesia recovery period of lung cancer patients undergoing operation under general anesthesia;不同保温措施对全身麻醉肺癌手术病人麻醉恢复期的影响

3.Effects of peridural and general anesthesia on respiration and circulation in gynecological laparoscopic operation;全身麻醉与硬膜外麻醉在妇科腹腔镜手术中对呼吸、循环的影响

5)whole body hyperthermia全身热疗

1.Theoretical evaluation on heating efficiency for four typicalwhole body hyperthermia approaches;四类典型全身热疗方法加热效果的理论评估

2.Therapeutic effect ofwhole body hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy in patients with advanced cancer;全身热疗联合化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤疗效分析

3.Fluid management during anesthesia ofwhole body hyperthermia to patient with late malignant tumor;晚期肿瘤患者全身热疗围麻醉期的液体管理



全身1.保全生命或名节。 2.整个身体。
