2000字范文 > 公意学说 the General Will Theory英语短句 例句大全

公意学说 the General Will Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-06 17:00:28


公意学说 the General Will Theory英语短句 例句大全

公意学说,the General Will Theory

1)the General Will Theory公意学说

2)The idea of general will公意说

3)The Study on the General Will Theory of Rousseau论卢梭的公意学说

4)The Theory of Unconsciousness无意识学说

1.Wassilyeves andThe Theory of Unconsciousness;瓦西里耶夫与无意识学说


1.G. G. Rung s Collective Unconsciousness and Jack London s The Call of the Wild;荣格的集体无意识学说与杰克·伦敦的《野性的呼唤》

2.From Unconsciousness to Blood Contact:On D. H. Lawrence’s Inheritance and Excess of S. Freud’s Theories从“无意识”到“血性意识”——论劳伦斯对弗洛伊德学说的继承与超越

3.collective unconsciousness集体无意识(心理学)

4.On the Compatibility of Implicit Learning Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness;试析内隐学习的意识-无意识兼容性

5.Unconsciousness of knowledge and cultural pedigree of Chinese new literature;知识无意识与中国新文学的文化系谱

6.Individual Unconsciousness,Collective Unconsciousness and Social Unconsciousness个体无意识·集体无意识·社会无意识

7.AhQ s Love Tragedy: Struggle between "Life Unconsciousness"and "Society Unconsciousness;在生命无意识与集体无意识之间挣扎——从阿Q“恋爱的悲剧”说开去

8.He said that dreams come from a part of one"s mind which one can neither recognize nor control. He named this the "unconscious mind."据他说梦来自于人无法识别和控制的那部分意识,他称之为“潜意识”。


10.Ideology, Poetics and the Chinese Translation of English Stream-of-consciousness Novels意识形态、诗学与英语意识流小说的汉译

11.Literary Stylistics: Translation of the Style in Stream-of-Consciousness Fiction文学文体学与意识流小说的风格翻译

12.These ideas are not learnt consciously.这些思想是无意识学到的。

13.On Jameson s Theory of Literary Narrative in The Political Unconscious;詹姆逊《政治无意识》的文学叙事理论

14.On "Collective Unconsciousness" in Aesthetic Theory System of Carl Gustav Jung论荣格美学理论体系中的“集体无意识”

15.The Aesthetic Significance of ‘Spirit with No Trace’ in Acient Poetics;古代诗学“无迹而神”说的美学意义

16.An indescribable sorrow filled his heart and he automatically turned his head round.心头怅仍到不可言说,只是无意识地把身子乱转。

17.Female-Gender-Motherhood Gender: Awareness of Zhang Jie s Novel "No Word";女性—两性—母性:论张洁小说《无字》的性别意识

18.Inescapable Survival Plight--on the fate consciousness in the fiction by LiuHeng;无法逃脱的生存困境——论刘恒小说中的宿命意识


The idea of general will公意说

3)The Study on the General Will Theory of Rousseau论卢梭的公意学说

4)The Theory of Unconsciousness无意识学说

1.Wassilyeves andThe Theory of Unconsciousness;瓦西里耶夫与无意识学说

5)theory of axiomatics公理化学说

1.In addition, there is a very influential theory called thetheory of axiomatics for double-entry bookkeeping.此外,还有一种 影响深远的理论--复式簿记公理化学说。

6)theory of ideology意识形态学说


