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普遍 general英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-02 15:29:55


普遍 general英语短句 例句大全



1.To our questioning,in name of "general",western sports regards all the traditional sports of other countries as "special".西方体育假"普遍"之名将一切非西方国家的民族传统体育视为"特殊",此种普遍性假设很值得我们质疑。


1.It is popularly believed that...人们普遍认为...

2.Generalized preferential system普遍优惠制(普惠制)

3.general preferences system普遍优惠制度(普惠制)

4.epidemic discontent.普遍流行的不满情绪

5.universal Alfven-wave instability普遍阿尔芬波不稳定性

6.Are mangoes popular in Taiwan?芒果在台湾很普遍吗?

7.accepted practice普遍接受的习惯做法

8.Some of the more common sources of these harmonics are:较普遍的谐波源有:

9.no general improvement in intelligence or morality,没有得到普遍提高,

10.popular attention普遍注意,广泛关注

11.drank wine of the commonest sort;最为普遍的饮用葡萄酒;

12.current opinions, beliefs, etc普遍的看法、 信仰等

13.sentence of a universal character具有普遍特性的语句

14.general feeling or opinion among a group of people(集体的)普遍感觉或意见

15.Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden.丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。

16.Here are some common symbols in dreams:这些是梦的普遍象征:

17.general nondiscriminatory system of preferences非歧视性普遍优惠制

ans of political power were set up everywhere in the districts and townships.区乡政权普遍建立。



1.International Cooperation on the Basis ofUniversal Interests of States ——Discussing from New Prominent Issues after Cold War;普遍的国家利益基础上的国际合作——从冷战后世界新突出问题谈起

2.Structure"is a category of universal existence in various field of nature,society and thinking.“结构”在自然界、社会、思维各领域是普遍存在的范畴。


1.People have the conception that “universality” has become a concept of value so that anything that is more popular is thought to be better.在人们的观念中 ,“普遍性”已经成为一种具有价值观念的东西 ,越普遍的东西就被认为越好。

2.This article intends to argue that the theory in Plat s philosophy is as much the wrleynt as "gene"in genetics and accordingly it is ofuniversality and a substance that dues exist before any concrete,individual and perceptual living substance appears As a result,this paper proposes that the injustice to Plato s theory should be righted.柏拉图哲学中的“理式”与生物遗传方面的“基因”是同一个概念 ,从而它既是实体也是普遍 ,是先于任何具体、个别、感性的生命物质而存在的一种形式和质。


1.Study on the Generalization of Creation of Fine as Administrative Punishment;行政处罚罚款设定普遍化研究

2.The social factors accelerating thegeneralization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corvée,local rebellion,the monopoly of eunuch,etc.明代生祠主要为地方官员、抚按及平定地方动乱的军事将领而建,正德、嘉靖以后逐渐普遍化。

5)general equation普遍方程

1.By using knowledge of calculus and definition of strange-function, it deducesgeneral equation of beam-deformed expressed by strange-function.介绍了一种求梁的变形的简单方法———奇异函数法 ,该方法以一种简单形式可直接用于任何集中力、力偶及分布载荷组合作用的梁上 ,运用微积分知识和奇异函数定义推导了用奇异函数表示的梁变形的普遍方程 ,通过与积分法比较 ,可得出结

2.By analysis of motion mechanism in any instantaneous andgeneral equation of the dynamics, the change law of the acceleration and cutting force of the whole process of mechanism motion is given.通过对机构任意瞬时的运动分析 ,结合动力学普遍方程 ,给出了运动全过程刨刀的加速度及切削力的变化规律 ,为合理设计刨床 ,提高切削效率提供了理论根

3.By analysis of the whole process of mechanism motiongeneral equation of the dynamics, the change law of the acceleration and impulsive force of the punch pin isg iven out.通过对机构运动全 过程的分析,结合动力学普遍方程,给出了冲头加速度及冲力的变化规律。

6)universal will普遍意志

1.The manifestations of man s will can be classified intouniversal will and decision-making will.人的意志在表现形式上可分为普遍意志与决策意志。


