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概括 generalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-12 07:06:56


概括 generalization英语短句 例句大全



1.Generalization,overgeneralization and negative transfer in English learning;英语学习中的概括、过度概括与母语干扰

2.This article demonstrates the use of non-deductive method, one of the methods of thought about the scientific theory of institution in dialectics of nature, in the practice of singing by studying its three-part-analysis and synthesis, induction andgeneralization, analogy and association.从非演绎方法入手,从分析与综合、归纳与概括、类比与联想三个方面联系歌唱的思维过程,论述非演绎思维方法在歌唱过程中的运用。

3.Thegeneralization is performed in two steps,the first is the QI-gener- alization,.该方法将概括分为两步QI-概括和SA-概括,从而,实现了满足每个人隐私要求的最小量的概括,最大程度地保留了原始数据中信息。


1.abstract (of a publication)(出版物的)摘要,概括,概要

2.give an abstract (of).对……进行抽象概括。

3.higher form of scientific generalization高级形式的科学概括

4.He had put the whole situation in a nutshell.他概括地说了整个情况。

5.Two broad explanations come to mind.有两点概括性的解释。

6.Knowledge is experience generalized.知识是被概括出的经验。

7.This article is a succinct summary.这篇文章概括性很强。

8.This was an uncritical survey.这是一个不中肯的概括。

9.It may be briefly summed up as follows.它可以简短地概括如下。

10.sweeping generalizations全面性的概括 [总的归纳]

11.Let"s recapitulate the main ideas.让我们来概括一下要点。

12.my view of the world, in sum.概括地说我的世界观

13.A principle, a statement, or an idea having general application.概括的原则、叙述或思想

14.The last paragraph is a succinct summary.最后这段话概括性很强。

15.Generalization,overgeneralization and negative transfer in English learning;英语学习中的概括、过度概括与母语干扰

16.A review or "recap" of the story so far (the previous episodes).第一部分包括对上一次故事的概括.

17.A statement summarizing the important points of a text.概述概括主题主要观点的论述

18.Semantic opacity covers such issues as ambiguity,vagueness and generality.语义不明确包括多义(歧义)、模糊与概括(笼统)。



1.A very important link to enhance it is to purify andsummarize the norm of professional ethics which adheres to the cardinal principle of collectivism.要加强职业道德建设,提炼和概括好职业道德规范是一个十分重要的环节。


1.During design teaching, it is important in class to express clearly the relationships between sketch and change,concentration andsummary, and notice both the colour of the design,and the structure of it.在图案教学中要重点讲清写生与变化的关系,集中与概括的关系;还应重视图案的色彩,图案的构图。


1.But where are the methods of learning Chinese ﹖ They are heredity ,summarization and creation .语文学习方法从何而来?一要继承,二要概括,三要创新。

2.Abstract: The use of transfer theory in chemistry teaching is expounded in this essay to realize theteaching ideology, Teach for transfer from students knowledge growing points, classification andsummarization, comparison between the old and the new, altemative drilling, knowledge conformity,situation creation, abilities training and so on.在分析学生的知识生长点、归类概括、新旧比较、变式训练、知识整合、创设情境、培养能力等方面,阐述了迁移理论在化学教学中的应用,从而达到“为迁移而教”的教学理念。

5)abstract generalization抽象概括

1.The term, as a philosophical concept, constitutes two meanings: one is theabstract generalization of the nature of a thing; the other the organic combination of all the elements making up a thing.在马克思主义哲学论断中 ,“总和”是作为一重要的哲学概念来使用的 ,其深刻内涵有两层 :一是指事物本质属性的抽象概括 ;二是指构成事物全部要素的有机结

6)summarizing use概括用途


