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脑中风 stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-08 08:29:48


脑中风 stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.Prospects of NMDA receptor antagonists/agonists in the therapy ofstroke;N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体拮抗/激动剂作为脑中风治疗药物的开发前景

2.The issues in the study of brain plasticity afterstroke;脑中风患者脑功能重塑研究中应注意的问题

3.A study of relationship among psychological stress,psychotherapy andstroke;脑中风患者心理应激、干预与康复


1.Nursing intervention in 101 cases with cerebral apoplexy during their rehabilitation period101例脑中风患者康复期的护理干预

2.Reasearch of Compound Physical Element Healing for the Brain Stroke复合物理治疗在脑中风肢体康复中的应用研究

3.Vascular dementia is also referred to as multi-infarct disease, or multiple stroke disease.血管性痴呆病也叫做多发性脑梗死病,或是多发性脑中风病。

4.The Suitability of Cerabral Synrome of Nao-Xue Differentiation for Apoplexy;脑血辨证脑病证候对中风病的适用性研究

5.Experimental Study of Naozhongxiao in Treating Cerebral Edema at the Acute Ischemic Apoplexy Stage;脑肿消对缺血性中风急性期脑水肿的实验研究

6.The Clinical Study of Ningnaotang in Relieving Cerebral Edema at the Acute Hemorrhagic Apoplexy Stage.;宁脑汤减轻出血中风脑水肿的临床研究

7.Effects of Zhongfeng Qihong Lishui Capsule on Excitatory Amino Acid,Water Contents in Ischemic Brain Tissues of Rats中风芪红利水胶囊对脑缺血大鼠脑组织的影响

8.Distinction and Correlation Between Transient Ischemic Attack and Diseases in TCM Including Stroke Precursor Slight Stroke短暂性脑缺血与微风 小中风等疾病的关系

9.OBstruction of an artery to the Brain may cause stroke.若向脑供血的血管被堵塞,可引起中风。

10.Despite her recent stroke, she is quite rational.她尽管最近曾患中风, 但头脑仍很清醒.

11.Stroks is the most common serious disorder of the brain.中风是脑的最常见最严重的疾

12.Observe the Efficacy of "Xingnao Kaiqiao" Method in Apoplectic Aphasia (AA) Treatment;醒脑开窍针刺法治疗中风失语症观察

13.Effects of Zhongfeng Capsule on the Experimental Cerebral Ischemia Injury in Rats;中风胶囊对实验性缺血脑损伤的影响

14.The Application of Brainstorming in English Listening Course;“头脑风暴法”在英语听力教学中的应用

15.Application of "Brains Storm Law" in English Listening Teaching;头脑风暴法在英语听力教学中的运用

16.On the Application of Brainstorming to AD Creative Teaching论头脑风暴在广告创意教学中的应用

17.Study on the brainstorming in logistics courses teaching头脑风暴法在物流课程教学中的尝试

18.The tempest in my mind/Doth from my senses take all feeling我脑海中的风暴/从我的感觉中迸发所有的情感


Cerebral stroke脑中风

1.Hyperbaric oxygen treatment and nursing in the patients with cerebral stroke.;脑中风患者的高压氧治疗及护理


1.The Application of Classified Diagnosis onApoplexy Using Stepwise Discriminant Analysis;逐步判别分析在脑中风分类诊断中的应用

2.The Application of Classified Diagnosis onApoplexy Using Stepwise Discriminant Analysis with Nonparametric Method;非参数逐步判别分析在脑中风分类诊断中的应用

3.Research on Optimization ofApoplexy Sub-type Diagnosis Model Based on SVM基于SVM的脑中风分型诊断模型的优化研究

4)cerebral apoplexy脑中风

1.Therapeutic effect of enema with mirabilite solution on constipation ofcerebral apoplexy and its nursing;芒硝液灌肠治疗脑中风便秘及护理

2.The site ofcerebral apoplexy was brain, and related closely with heart, kidney, liver, spleen.脑中风病位在脑,与心、肾、肝、脾、肺密切相关,但肺功能失调在脑中风发生、发展中的作用更为重要。

5)stroke diagnosis脑中风诊断

6)Hemorrhagic strokes脑溢血中风


快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐药物名称:芬那露片英文名:Chlormezanone别名: 非脑尔;快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐外文名:Chlormezanone适应症: 1.精神紧张、恐惧、精神性神经病、慢性疲劳以及由焦虑、激动和某些疾病引起的烦躁、失眠等。 2.配合镇痛药治疗背酸、颈硬、骨痛、四肢酸痛、风湿性关节痛等。 3.其他:震颤性麻痹、震颤、瘫痪、血管硬化及脑震荡出血等。 用量用法: 口服:成人每次0.2g,1日3次;儿童用量酌减。 注意事项: 1.有嗜睡、潮红、药疹、厌食、抑郁等不良反应。 2.不宜与氯丙嗪类、单胺氧化酶抑制剂等合用。 规格: 片剂:每片0.2g。 注:参见"芬那露"类别:抗精神失常药
