2000字范文 > 泛人本主义 pan-humanist英语短句 例句大全

泛人本主义 pan-humanist英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-11 11:24:07


泛人本主义 pan-humanist英语短句 例句大全




1.The novelist tries to comprehend life and death from the angle of Christianity and negates all the wars, which shows aPan-humanistic thought.在曾获 1958年诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《日瓦戈医生》中有许多关于终极问题的思考 ,帕斯捷尔纳克力图从基督教角度来理解生死 ,对一切战争都予以否定 ,表现出一种泛人道主义思


1.adherence to history and culture,harmonization with environment and reflection ofhumanity.按照城市景观的类别对公共家具进行分类,并从公共领域与公共空间的角度分析了公共家具的属性,对公共家具的三个设计原则,即:“遵循历史与文化”、“与城市景观协调”、“体现人本主义”进行了系统分析。

2.The author think “story” is the general narrative tradition of investigative reports,dramatic narrative nodel,all-sides narrative angle,humanity narrative view are the general means of story.笔者进一步认为 ,戏剧化的叙述模式、多维化叙事视角、人本主义的叙事立场是使新闻“故事化”的基本手段。

3.It is different in nature fromhumanity in the west.它并不是向西方人本主义的回复,与人本主义有着本质的区别。


1.Humanistic Psychology and Humanistic Language Teaching;人本主义心理学与人本主义语言教学

2.Journal of Humanistic Psychology人本主义心理学杂志

3.The Antagonism and Integration of Scientism and Humanism;唯科学主义与人本主义的对立与整合

4.Humanism and Functionalism in Sociological View;社会学视界中的人本主义和功能主义

5.SA8000 Standard: Humanism or New Mercantilism?;SA8000标准:人本主义还是新重商主义?

6.The Instrumental Duet of Humanism:The Epic Gesar under the View of Hamanism;人本主义二重奏——人本主义视阈下的《格萨尔》史诗

7.Phenomenological Theories: Problems and the Outlet of Essentialism and Humanism;现象理论:本质主义与人本主义的困境与出路

8.The Revolution of Accountancy: A Leap from Material centric to Human-centric;会计学革命──从物本主义到人本主义的飞跃

9.humanistic therapy人本主义心理治疗 人本治疗法

10.People-Orientation and Humanism--An Outlook on Scientific Development;以人为本与人本主义——兼论科学发展观

11.See the Western Humanism and Marxist Wane from the Perspective of Main-body Paradox;从主体悖论看西方人本主义马克思主义的式微

12.Property Rights of Human Capital、Thoughts of Human Based Management and Human Based Finance;人力资本产权、人本管理思想与人本主义财务学

13.Humanist Historical Viewpoints Transcend Classical Humanism人文主义历史观对古典人本主义的超越

14.Humanistic Significance of Kant s Copernicus Revolution;康德“哥白尼革命”的人本主义意义

15.an advocate of capitalism.一类倡导资本主义的人。

16.Liberal universalism embodies individualistic basic spirit.自由主义普遍主义体现着个人主义的基本精神。

17.The Spiritual Motive of Capitalism:From Max Weber to Liah Greenfeld;资本主义精神:新教伦理、个人主义还是“民族主义”

18.Departmentalism is the magnified individualism.本位主义是放大了的个人主义。



1.The novelist tries to comprehend life and death from the angle of Christianity and negates all the wars, which shows aPan-humanistic thought.在曾获 1958年诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《日瓦戈医生》中有许多关于终极问题的思考 ,帕斯捷尔纳克力图从基督教角度来理解生死 ,对一切战争都予以否定 ,表现出一种泛人道主义思


1.adherence to history and culture,harmonization with environment and reflection ofhumanity.按照城市景观的类别对公共家具进行分类,并从公共领域与公共空间的角度分析了公共家具的属性,对公共家具的三个设计原则,即:“遵循历史与文化”、“与城市景观协调”、“体现人本主义”进行了系统分析。

2.The author think “story” is the general narrative tradition of investigative reports,dramatic narrative nodel,all-sides narrative angle,humanity narrative view are the general means of story.笔者进一步认为 ,戏剧化的叙述模式、多维化叙事视角、人本主义的叙事立场是使新闻“故事化”的基本手段。

3.It is different in nature fromhumanity in the west.它并不是向西方人本主义的回复,与人本主义有着本质的区别。


1.Considering of thehumanism on circumstance of living areas;居住区环境的人本主义思考

2.Humanism in Healthcare and Its Reflection in Architecture;医疗中的人本主义及其建筑折射

3.Plan the impact on modern urban planning of the thought in China and Westernhumanism;中西方人本主义规划思想对现代城市规划的影响


1.Humanistic and Litigation Systems in Ancient China;人本主义与中国古代诉讼制度

2.The Humanistic View on the Strategy of College Sports Teachers to Sports Education Reform;人本主义视野下高校体育教师应对体育教育改革的策略研究

3.The Enlightenment ofhumanistic study theory in political and ideological theory teaching;论人本主义学习理论对思想政治理论课教学的启示


1.On the Revalation from Simonde′thought of Humanitarianism in Economic Ethics;论西斯蒙第人本主义经济伦理思想的启示

2.The paper first analyzes the basic theory of Feuerbach shumanitarianism,then points out that Feuerbachhumanitarianism leads the subsequenthumanitarianism.随着全球发展中人与自然、人与社会、人与人关系的矛盾日益突出,人本主义思想已经逐渐被现代社会所接受和重视,并且发展成为社会发展理论中的一个核心理念。

3.This essay analyzeshumanitarianism management mainly from the aspects ofhumanitarianism essence, management model and its transformation process to explore the origin and development of orien.本文着重从人本主义的实质、管理模式、转变过程等三个方面对组织中的人本主义管理进行分析,着力挖掘富有东方特色的管理思想和方法的产生和发展。


资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)humanism of bourgeoisie划c豹。川论Ur邸d。。2卜Uyi赛产阶级人道主义51已今见人道主义。位咖_、九。夕仆卯铭e价
