2000字范文 > 西方人本主义 western humanism英语短句 例句大全

西方人本主义 western humanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 10:47:20


西方人本主义 western humanism英语短句 例句大全

西方人本主义,western humanism

1)western humanism西方人本主义

1.After that, the development skeleton ofwestern humanism planning theory is sorted out, the track of its development is grasped, and its soul is indicated as well.着重对近现代三位人本主义规划大师的思想进行了概括,试图梳理西方人本主义规划思想的发展脉络,把握其发展变化的轨迹,揭示人本主义规划思想的精髓,为当代城市规划提供借鉴,以便在规划实践中贯彻实施。

2.Marxist philosophy andwestern humanism emphases human s self-determination,practicality and activity because they origin from the western traditional philosophy criticism and negation,especially the contemporary philosophy criticism and negation.作为同是对西方传统哲学 ,特别是近代哲学批判和否定产物的马克思主义哲学和西方人本主义 ,都强调人的自主性、实践性和能动性 ,强调在人与世界的关系中 ,人占主导地位 ,并由此批判以近代西方理性派形而上学为代表的传统形而上学 ,使哲学研究在不同的程度上从抽象化的自在的自然界或绝对化的观念世界 ,返回到人的现实生活世界。

3.Marx established his theory about human on the base ofcriticizing and inheriting early modernwestern humanism.马克思在批判继承近代西方人本主义的基础上,确立了自己的人学思想。


1.See the Western Humanism and Marxist Wane from the Perspective of Main-body Paradox;从主体悖论看西方人本主义马克思主义的式微

2.Tan Sitong--a Unique Convergence of Humanism of both the Orient and the Occident谭嗣同——东西方人本主义的特殊交汇

3.The Influence of the Modern Western Humanism in Aesthetics in China;现代西方人本主义思潮在中国的影响

4.Marx Idea of "Consider the Value of Human First" and the Doctrine of Western Anthropologicalism;马克思的“以人为本”思想与西方人本主义思潮

5.The Discrimination on the Outlook of Human Nature between Karl Marx and Other Western Humanist;马克思人的本质观与西方人本主义辨析

6.The Humanistic Tradition in the West and Marx Treatment of Human Beingsas the Foundation of All Values;西方人本主义的传统与马克思的“以人为本”思想

7.A Comment on Education Influences of the Modern West Humanism现代西方人本主义思潮的教育影响评析

8.The contemporary change of human-basis doctrine into non-rationalism in western countries is a rebel of absolute rationalism.现代西方人本主义的非理性主义的转向是对绝对理性的反叛。

9.From Totality to Totalisation: analyzing the developmental logic of Western Humanistic Marxism;从总体性到总体化——西方人本主义马克思主义理论发展逻辑探析

10.The Irrational Orientation of Western Ethics;浅议现代西方人本主义伦理学的非理性主义倾向

11.A Comparison of Western Humanists and Marx s Answer To WhatisThe Position and Significance of Human in Philosophy;关于人在哲学中的地位和意义问题:西方人本主义与马克思的回答

12.Impact Analysis of Major Schools of Morden Western Philosophical Humanism on Ideology of Physical Education in China;现代西方人本主义哲学主要流派对我国体育思想的影响分析

13.Modern Westerners Main Thought on Humanism Ethnics--From Husserl, Heidegger to Sartre;现代西方人本主义伦理学的主体性思维——从胡塞尔、海德格尔到萨特

14.Study on Western Humanism and the Cultivation of Chinese National Humanistic Spirit;西方人本主义思潮与当代中华民族人文精神的培育研究

15.Humanism--a new direction of anthropological theory in contemporary western philosophy;人本主义——现代西方哲学人学新动向

16.Scientism,Humanism and the Study of Western Educational Administration;科学主义、人本主义与西方教育管理学研究

17.The "People-centered" Idea and Traditional Western Humanism;科学发展观的“以人为本”与西方传统人道主义

18.On the Western Natural Individualism and the Cultural Reason for its Modern Transformation;西方本真的个人主义及其现代嬗变的文化成因


western capitalism西方资本主义

1.Deng Xiaoping s Understanding of the Contemporary Western Capitalism.;邓小平对当代西方资本主义的认识

3)western humanism西方人文主义

1.training in Chinese reading by disscusing how to refer the basic thought of thewestern humanism in Chinese reading teaching on the basic of new course standard,and then to make them not only to adapt to the Chinese teaching in high school,but also to the Chinese teaching in noamal school,and to provide the possible referring to humanism.为了促进我国语文教育与世界的人文交流和发展,丰富我国语文教育的人文文化内涵,提高我国语文教育的人文培养水平,借鉴西方人文主义是很有必要的。


1.Orientalism andOccidentalism;东方主义与西方主义比较研究

5)intrusion of capitalism civilization近代西方资本主义文明

6)Western capitalist countries西方资本主义国家


