2000字范文 > 行人违章 Pedestrian Violation Behavior英语短句 例句大全

行人违章 Pedestrian Violation Behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-02 17:16:39


行人违章 Pedestrian Violation Behavior英语短句 例句大全

行人违章,Pedestrian Violation Behavior

1)Pedestrian Violation Behavior行人违章


1.Legally Analysing the Saying“Serves the Pedestrian Right if he Breaks the Traffic Rules”;对“行人违章,撞了白撞”的法理分析

2.Research and Simulation of the Trait of Pedestrian Violation Behavior Based on Road Management Function基于道路管理功能的行人违章穿越行为特性分析与仿真

3.drive or go faster than the speeds allowed by law违章超速驾驶或行驶

4.A worker has the right to refuse to engage in dangerous operations forced upon them by the management in violation of the relevant regulations,劳动者对用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,有权拒绝执行;

5.Besides, the analysis of the location of the parties in the tort action on illegal construction is given at the end of the article.文章最后还对违法建筑物侵权之诉中当事人的确定进行了分析

6.to improve operations and management, to raise the quality of service, to listen to the criticisms and suggestions by tourists, and to investigate and handle violators of rules and regulations by personnel of their own units;and改善经营管理,提高服务水平,听取旅游者的批评建议,查处本单位工作人员违章违纪的行为;

7.It is an offense to drive a car at night without lights.夜晚行车不开灯是违章的。

8.Say goodbye to lawless driving, ensure the smooth flow of traffic.◆告别违章行车,保证交通顺畅。

9.The police said he"d been speeding on the motorway.警察说他在高速公路上违章超速行驶.

10.Economics Analysis of Tourist Peccancy in the Forest Park;森林公园游客违章行为的经济学分析

11.Questioned the validity to "the announcement for the violating regulations ";“违章上榜”式警察行政的正当性质疑

12.Psychological Reason Analysis of Act in Violation of Regulations and Precautionary Measures;违章行为的心理原因分析及预防措施

13.On Readers Violation and Precaution in College Library;试论高校图书馆读者违章行为与防范

14.An analysis and countermeasures to library users acts in violation of regulations;图书馆读者违章行为分析及管理对策

15.Thoughts on "Habitual Violation" Behavior关于“习惯性违章”行为的几点思考

16.Countermeasures for slow traffic peccancy on urban signal intersection城市灯控交叉口慢行交通违章行为及对策

17.Injury or sickness due to the wilful act, default ormisbehaviour of the sick, injured or deceased person;受伤或患病是由病人、受伤者或死者的故意行为、违章或不正当的举止所致;

18.any aviation personnel who violate the rules and regulations thereby causing major air accidents and serious consequences are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or detention;航空人员违反规章制度,致使发生重大飞行事故,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;


violation behavior违章行为

1.This paper explores the psychological reasons of theviolation behavior,puts forward the behavior function of the violation and analyzes the expectancy theory of Victor Vroom by reverse thinking and proves the rationality of the behavior function of the violation,Finally this paper points out the tactics of reducing theviolation behavior from the psychological angle of view.通过对企业生产中违章行为心理动因的探索,提出了违章的行为函数,并对弗洛姆的期望理论进行了逆向解读和分析,从而佐证了违章行为函数的合理性,最后指出了从行为者心理动因角度减少或者杜绝违章行为的策略。

3)act in violation of regulations违章行为

1.The psychological reason of theact in violation of regulations in the production process is analyzed,proceeding from modern safe management theory.从现代安全管理理论出发,分析了生产过程中发生违章行为的心理原因,并阐述了预防违章的措施,指出完善安全管理制度,加强培训、营造安全氛围,消除设备与设施的不安全状态,是防止事故发生的重要措施。

2.This paper analyzes theact in violation of regulations of library users in technical institutes and the causes that comes into being.分析了高校图书馆读者违章行为及其产生的原因。

4)violation operation flight违章飞行

5)drive against traffic regulations违章行驶

6)deliberate violation behavior故意违章行为

1.This paper researches the influencing factors of coalmine employees"deliberate violation behaviors in China coalmine fatal accidents.研究了中国煤矿重大事故中的煤矿工人故意违章行为的影响因素,以煤矿工人个体层面和煤矿组织层面的各类因素作为外源变量,行为效价和行为成本感知为中介变量,以煤矿工人高成本-高效价和高成本-低效价两类特征性故意违章行为作为内生变量,构建故意违章行为影响因素的结构方程模型,研究发现煤矿工人的传记特征对两类特征性故意违章行为具有直接的正向影响;煤矿生产条件对两类特征性故意违章行为没有显著影响;煤矿生产任务性质通过感知效价间接正向影响两类特征性故意违章行为;煤矿组织特征和关系特征变量均对两类特征性故意违章行为具有间接的负向影响。


