2000字范文 > 行人不安全行为 city pedestrian unsafe behavior英语短句 例句大全

行人不安全行为 city pedestrian unsafe behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-29 18:49:45


行人不安全行为 city pedestrian unsafe behavior英语短句 例句大全

行人不安全行为,city pedestrian unsafe behavior

1)city pedestrian unsafe behavior行人不安全行为

1.Analyzing the psychology characters ofcity pedestrian unsafe behaviors,and finding the safety problems of city street-cross facilities,and giving some analysis in the view of psychology,some measures of city street-cross facilities optimization based on traffic psychology were put forward.通过分析城市行人不安全行为的心理特性,找出过街设施存在的安全问题,从心理角度进行相关分析,并给出基于交通心理的过街设施优化建议措施。


1.Pedestrian Unsafe Behavior Based on Traffic Psychology;基于交通心理的行人不安全行为研究

2.Study on Unsafe Human Action in Gas Accidents in Coal Mines煤矿瓦斯事故中人的不安全行为研究

3.Hominine Unsafe Acts Prevent and Control Research Management人的不安全行为预防与控制管理研究

4.Study on Autonomous Safety Management Mode with Constraint for Unsafe Behavior in Coal Mine;煤矿井下人的不安全行为约束型自主安全管理模式研究

5.Investigation on Safety Management of Furniture Enterprise:Research on Unsafe Behaviors Using Behavior-sampling Method家具企业安全管理调查研究——运用行为抽样法调查分析不安全行为

6.Accidents are caused by either unsafe conditions or unsafe acts.事故是由不安全的条件或行为导致的。

7.The investigation of actions and factors analysis of irrational drug use in clinic临床不安全用药行为研究及成因分析

8.It says that risky sexual activity is increasing infection rates in all five.在这5个国家中,不安全的性行为促使感染人数增加,

9.(So are criminals and people who habitually engage in unsafe sex Farley said).(法利说,罪犯和习惯从事不安全性行为的人也是大T性格。)

10.Analysis on Unsafe Behaviors in the Construction of Hydropower Station水电施工中人的不安全行为产生的原因及控制措施

11.As a result,drunks not only make a fool of themselves but their drunken behavior could endanger their safety and the safety of others.结果,酗酒不仅使自己出丑,其行为还会危及自身的安全和他人的安全。

12.safe and responsible sexual behaviour安全和负责任的性行为

13.Most people agreed that while all of the "crossing the line" behaviors were upsetting, only the overtly sexual behaviors were a cause for concern.多数人承认虽然越轨行为都令人不快,但明显的性行为才使人不安。

14.No -- better still, he would join the Indians,这不行,最好还是与印第安人为伍,

15.a cynical disregard for others" safety只顾自己不顾他人安危的可耻行为

16.to give sb.security clearance对某人进行安全检查

17.how to avoid premature and unsafe ***.如何避免过早发生性行为 以及怎样避免不安全的性 行为.

18.Unsafe behavior in furniture enterprise行为抽样法在家具企业不安全行为研究中的应用


Unsafe behavior人的不安全行为

3)human unsafe behavior人不安全行为

1.The differences between the psychological measurement ofhuman unsafe behavior and general psychological measurement are analyzed firstly.分析人不安全行为心理测量与一般心理测量的区别;阐述人不安全行为心理测量量表的编制依据和具体的编制方法;给出了人不安全行为心理测量的初步施测量表,即包括8个分量表的总计750条指标项目。

4)unsafe behavior不安全行为

1.Analysis onunsafe behavior at oil depots and control over risk;石油库人员不安全行为的分析与风险控制

2.Based on the observation ofunsafe behavior,theunsafe behavior of workers in furniture enterprises falls into two kinds: static and dynamic.人的不安全行为是导致事故发生的直接原因之一。

3.Based on the questionnaire survey on managers and workers in coalmine, their cognitions in controlling workers"unsafe behavior and their cognitive diversi.通过对煤矿管理者和员工的问卷调查和研究,实证地分析了管理者和员工对不安全行为控制问题的认识,及其在该问题上的认识差异。

5)unsafe act不安全行为

1.mart sunsafe act is the most dominant factor which leads to safety accidents, whereas the badness of safety education and training is the primary cause engendering the errors.人的不安全行为是导致安全事故的最主要因素,而安全教育培训不良是造成人为失误的根本原因。

6)unprotected anal sex不安全性行为

1.Study on status ofunprotected anal sex and its associated factors among men who have sex with men in Chongqing;重庆市男男性行为者不安全性行为状况及其影响因素研究




