2000字范文 > 三违 three violation behavior英语短句 例句大全

三违 three violation behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-27 05:56:20


三违 three violation behavior英语短句 例句大全

三违,three violation behavior

1)three violation behavior三违

1.Research on accidents to prevent "three violation behavior" of coal mine;煤矿防“三违”事故探讨


1.On the Combination of“Three-disobey”and the Safety Education on Staff浅谈“三违”与探索职工安全教育的融合创新

2.Improve Three Foundations,Rectify Three Kind of Violation, Reinforce Examination and Improve Comprehensive Quantity Management and Quality Control.;抓“三基”,反“三违”,强化考核,全面提升安全数质量管理水平

3.Solidify foundations of security management through solidifying three foundations, fighting three kinds of violation, and rectification;强三基、反三违、抓整改、保安全,全面加强安全管理基础工作

4.(4) The lessee violates Article 30 of these Provisions;(四)承租人违反本规定第三十条的;

5.(iii) any other conduct which violates the principle of good faith.(三)有其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。

6.Third, we should tighten oversight, and fight flaws and crime.第三,要加强监管,打击违法、规行为。

7.It is illegal to sell peanuts in Lee County after sundown on Wednesday.周三日落后在李郡卖花生是违法的。

8.A Study on Mafia-like Gangs in Pearl River Delta;珠三角地区恶势力违法犯罪团伙研究

9.Fishing in Bohai Bay and Three Fishery Problem;辽东湾海蜇违捕与“三渔问题”分析

10.On the Validity and Responsibility for Contracts for the Thrid Party;为第三人利益合同的效力与违约责任

11.Order the organizations and individuals violating the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations to stop the illegal practice.(三)令违反职业病防治法律、规的单位和个人停止违法行为。

12.Where a party"s breach was attributable to a third person, it shall nevertheless be liable to the other party for breach.当事人一方因第三人的原因造成违约的,应当向对方承担违约责任。

13.Article333 Commissioning Party"s Breach Where the commissioning party breached the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the development, it shall be liable for breach of contract.第三百三十三条委托人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、误或者失败的,应当承担违约责任。

14.In a single term, 1935-1936, thirteen acts of Congress were set aside as invalid.从一九三五年到三六年短短一年中,有十三项国会案被宣判违宪。

15.Where the developer breached the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the development, it shall be liable for breach of contract.第三百三十四条研究开发人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、误或者失败的,应当承担违约责任。

16.Their import was illegal on three counts.这批发动机的引进在三个方面违反了要求。

17.(c) It shall comply with the laws of the countries where it is incorporated and shall have a clean record.(三)遵守注册所在地法律,无违法、犯罪行为。

18.A third strike means a suspension for at least one semester.第三次违规意味着他将休学至少一个学期。


The action of three violating rules"三违"行为

3)Three-second violation三秒违例

4)behavioral motives of "three violations"三违行为机理

5)Breaking the Laws and Disciplines违法违纪

1.Elementary Countermeasures and Thinking on How to Construct the Early-warning System of Preventing the Policeman fromBreaking the Laws and Disciplines;构建防范民警违法违纪预警机制的对策与思考

6)violation of constitution and law违宪违法


三违1.谓因道不行而三次去官。 2.谓三度未见。
