2000字范文 > 韩国民法 Korean civil law英语短句 例句大全

韩国民法 Korean civil law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-04 12:55:58


韩国民法 Korean civil law英语短句 例句大全

韩国民法,Korean civil law

1)Korean civil law韩国民法

1.After studying the fundamental rules of interest obligations inKorean civil law, we focus on the disputes on the rate of interest and the limitation of interest, which are also concerned by Korean learned society and judicial departments.考察韩国民法中关于利息之债的基本规定(如:利息之债的含义、性质、种类等),论述目前韩国学术界和司法实践对于利率和利息的限制等方面的争论。

2)Korean civil procedure law韩国民事诉讼法

1.This article analyzes the principles ofKorean civil procedure law from way of comparative studying, to explain common regularity of civil procedure and provide some materials , which will be good to improve and develop our civil procedure system.从比较法的 视角出发,勾勒韩国民事诉讼法的各项基本原则,探讨韩国民事诉讼法的一般规律性,以期为我 国民事诉讼法的完善与发展提供一点素材和参考。

3)folk organization of South Korea韩国民团

4)Korea house韩国民居

1.Similar geographical environment and human setting of Korea and China forms the comparability ofKorea house and Chinese house.由于相近的地理环境以及人文背景 ,韩国民居与中国民居之间存在着相似性。

5)Korean Mass韩国民众


1.A sense of despair prevailed among South Korean public.一种绝望的情绪笼罩着韩国民众。

2.The general feeling among young South Koreans is that America has overstayed its welcome.一般年轻的韩国民众心里不欢迎美国驻军继续留驻该国。

3.He urged all citizens to boycott Korean goods.他呼吁所有民众联手抵制韩国货。

4.A human rights group says North Korea is increasing punishment for citizens who try to leave the country for neighboring China.一个人权组织表示,北韩正在加大力度惩罚那些试图离开北韩逃往中国的民众。

5.ROK Residents Association in Japan韩国居留民团(民团)

6.Analyze the development of South Korean mass culturewith the grounds of the life of its female;从韩国女性生活状态透视韩国大众文化的发展

7.Korea Civilian Assistance Command韩国平民协助管理处

8.Promotion of Popular Sports in China:Experience of Popular Sports in South Korea and Japan;借鉴日、韩大众体育经验 促进我国大众体育发展

9.The results reflect public concerns about Japanese friction with China and South Korea over their shared history, the Asahi said.朝日新闻》称,调查结果表明,日本民众对政府与中韩两国在历史问题上的分歧较为关注。

10.The Status of the Provisional Government of ROK and the Korean Recovery Army in the History of Korean Nation韩国临时政府与韩国光复军在韩民族史上的地位

11.The Korean Nationalism and the Affect on the Sino-ROK Relations in the Post-Cold War Era;冷战后韩国的民族主义及其对中韩关系的影响

12.Discussion about the Korean Nationalism and Sino-Korean Relationship under its Affection;论韩国民族主义及其影响下的中韩关系

13.The Achievement and Experience in Cultivation Citizen s Democracy Consciousness of Korea;韩国公民民主意识培养的成果与经验

14.New Governance and Civil Society in Korea: Politicization of Civil Organization in Democratic Consolidation;新型治理:韩国民主进程中的市民组织

15.The Unique Feature and Inspiration of the National Spirit Education in Korea s Schools;韩国学校国民精神教育的特色与启示

16.Developmental Process of South Korea s Popularization on Higher Education and Its Revelations;韩国高等教育大众化的发展历程及其启示研究

17.Analysis on Impetus of Korean Mass and Universalized Higher Education after World WarⅡ;战后韩国高等教育大众化与普及化动力透析

18.Outcome and Future Prospect of Governmental Sport Policy for Sport For All Promotion in Korea;韩国政府大众体育促进政策展望与构想(英文)


Korean civil procedure law韩国民事诉讼法

1.This article analyzes the principles ofKorean civil procedure law from way of comparative studying, to explain common regularity of civil procedure and provide some materials , which will be good to improve and develop our civil procedure system.从比较法的 视角出发,勾勒韩国民事诉讼法的各项基本原则,探讨韩国民事诉讼法的一般规律性,以期为我 国民事诉讼法的完善与发展提供一点素材和参考。

3)folk organization of South Korea韩国民团

4)Korea house韩国民居

1.Similar geographical environment and human setting of Korea and China forms the comparability ofKorea house and Chinese house.由于相近的地理环境以及人文背景 ,韩国民居与中国民居之间存在着相似性。

5)Korean Mass韩国民众

6)South Korean folk custom韩国民俗


