2000字范文 > 韩国法 Korean law英语短句 例句大全

韩国法 Korean law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-02 03:23:44


韩国法 Korean law英语短句 例句大全

韩国法,Korean law

1)Korean law韩国法

1.During the feudal society period, Korea was in under the influence of Confucian culture,Korean laws following a comprehensive subject from Chinese laws.朝鲜王朝末期,韩国法逐渐朝大陆法系靠近,在法学思想、法典编纂和司法运用等方面进行移植,其中,又数德国法对韩国法的影响最为深刻。


1.On scope of subrogation by insurers under Korean commercial code;韩国法下保险人代位求偿权行使范围

2.At that time, Japan was at the first rank, South Korea the second, France the third.当时是第一日本,第二韩国,第三是法国。

3.Hanfei was the master of legalist school at the end of the Warring Period.韩非,战国末期法家思想的集大成者。

4.The Research of Improvement Plan for Issue of Korea On-Line Game Law;韩国网络游戏法相关问题及改善方案

5.The Influence of Confucianism on Modern Korean Law;会通之路:儒教对韩国现代法律的影响

6.The Comparison of England,France and Korea s Urbanization and Its Apocalypse;英、法、韩三国城市化进程回顾及其启示

parative Studies on Past Tense in English and Korean;英语、韩国语过去时的“跨时间”用法对比

8.On the Syntactic Research on Korean by Westerners in the 19th Century;19世纪西方人韩国语句法研究探析

9.The Constitution and the politics;宪法与政治——韩国总统弹劾案的启示

10.The Characteristics and Enlightenment of Vocational Education s Legislation in Korea After World War Ⅱ;战后韩国职业教育立法的特点及启示

11.Academic and Practical Analysis of Korean Constitutional Petition韩国宪法诉愿制度的理论与实践解析

12.The Reforms of Legal Education and Bar Examination in South Korea韩国的法学教育及律师资格考试改革

13.The Third Revision of the Korean Act of the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings试评韩国《集合建筑物法》第三次修订

14.The Legislation Development of the Vocational Education in Japan,South Korea and its Enlightenment日本、韩国职业教育法制化历程及启示

15.Remark on Korean Information Open Law韩国信息公开法述评——兼及对中国的立法启示

16.Thinking on the Revision of the Current Chinese Construction Law--A Comparison Between the Chinese Construction Law and the Korean Construction Law;《建筑法》修订的思考——与韩国《建筑法》的比较研究

17.Analysis of Theory and Practice about Jurisdiction of Korean Constitutional Court韩国宪法法院审判权的理论与实践解读

18.hansan ramie cloth韩山苎麻布料(韩山是韩国地名)


commercial law in Korean韩国商法

3)Korean civil law韩国民法

1.After studying the fundamental rules of interest obligations inKorean civil law, we focus on the disputes on the rate of interest and the limitation of interest, which are also concerned by Korean learned society and judicial departments.考察韩国民法中关于利息之债的基本规定(如:利息之债的含义、性质、种类等),论述目前韩国学术界和司法实践对于利率和利息的限制等方面的争论。

4)law of ancient Korea韩国古代法

5)Foreign investment Law of China韩国外资法

6)Korea Constitutional Court韩国宪法法院


