2000字范文 > 日本民法 Japanese civil law英语短句 例句大全

日本民法 Japanese civil law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-03 14:26:48


日本民法 Japanese civil law英语短句 例句大全

日本民法,Japanese civil law

1)Japanese civil law日本民法

1.The advantages and disadvantages of civil capacity inJapanese civil laws are analyzed, developing Chinese civil capacity system into scientific and systematic, leading to the economic system reform and the perfection of judicature practice.深入分析日本民法民事行为能力制度的利与弊 ,扬利抑弊 ,促进我国民事行为能力制度的科学化、体系化 ,从而引导经济体制改革和司法实践的发展。


1.Enlightenment of Japan Inheriting and Accepting the Western Laws on China s Statutes;日本继受西方法对我国民法典的启示——以日本民法典为例

2.On the Essential Features of the Japanese Corpus of Civil Law;论日本民法典的基本特点——兼及对中国民法典制定的启示

3.History and Present Condition of Legal Anthropology and National Law in Japan;日本法人类学及民族法学研究的历史与现状

4.This law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation. The ""Law of Civil Procedure of the People"s Republic of China (for Trial Implementation) "" shall cease to be in force on the same day.本法自公布之日起施行,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》同时废止。

5.Japan"s ruling Liberal Democratic party plans to legalise casino gambling next year.日本执政党自民党计划明年将赌场赌博合法化。

6.Implementation of Japanese Publication of Information Act and Administrative Target under Popular Guidance日本信息公开法实施与民间主导的行政目标

7.The Inspiration That the Theory of Civil Society in Japan Has on Legal日本市民社会理论对中国法治建设的启示

8.The people"s court shall send a copy of the bill of defence to the plaintiff within five days of receiving it.人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内,将答辩状副本发送原告.

9.A people"s court shall send a copy of the bill of complaint to the defendant within five days of filing the case.人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内,将起诉状副本发送被告。

10.Nippon Decimal Classification, NDC《日本十进分类法》

11.The ruling party hopes casinos will spur tourism, help revitalise local economies and increase tax revenues.日本自民党希望,赌场合法化将刺激日本旅游业,帮助复兴本国经济并增加税收。

12.Japan’s Administrative Reform and Japan Post Privatization;日本行政体制改革与日本邮政民营化

13.Discussion on the Prewar Japanese Election System战前日本选举制度史论:1889—1942——从“人民代表法”到“法制选举”的动因分析

parison of Debates between the Codification of Japan s Meiji Civil Code and Those concerning Li-Fa at the End of China s Qing Dynasty;日本明治时期民法典论争与我国清末礼法之争(一)

15.The Enlightenments Borrowed from the Private School Law in Japanese日本《私立学校法》对完善我国《民办教育促进法》的启示

16.Some Japanese settled the island.有些日本人移民到该岛。

17.The day of triumph of the Japanese people"s revolution will be the day Japan is transformed.日本人民革命胜利之日,就是日本改造之时。

18.Japan has the obligation of international law to compensate Chinese nongovernmental victims and it will bear the state responsibility for repudiation of liability. ?日本对中国民间受害者赔偿负有国际法义务; 日本拒绝赔偿将承担国家责任。


Japanese Corpus of Civil Law日本民法典

1.On the Essential Features of theJapanese Corpus of Civil Law;论日本民法典的基本特点——兼及对中国民法典制定的启示

pared to theJapanese Corpus of Civil Law and the Rules of Medical Injury Compensation of America,the rules of medical injury compensation of China is not consummate,especially rules of mental damage compensation in medical dispute.相对于发展较为成熟的日本民法典与美国医疗损害赔偿制度,我国的医疗损害赔偿制度还在不断探索与改革中,尚未建立完善的精神损害赔偿制度,而医疗损害赔偿中索要精神损害赔偿的案件正在日益增多,制度上的欠缺已经带来了很多弊端。

3)Common people of Japan日本民众

4)Japanese resident日本居民

5)Japan"s Colonialism日本殖民

6)Japanese people日本国民


日本国家标准(见日本标准体系)日本国家标准(见日本标准体系)National Standards of Japan: see standards system of JapanRi比n GuOJia BiaoZhun日本国家标准_(NationalS切旧d印心5 of la户川见日本标准体系。
