2000字范文 > 凌汛期 the ice flood season英语短句 例句大全

凌汛期 the ice flood season英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-17 20:46:53


凌汛期 the ice flood season英语短句 例句大全

凌汛期,the ice flood season

1)the ice flood season凌汛期

1.Analysis of river water flow evolution inthe ice flood season in the downstream of Yellow River;黄河下游凌汛期河道水流演进计算分析


1.Analysis on Ice Flood Damaged Dike from the Location of the Inner Mongolia Hangjinqi Duguitalakuisu Region of the Yellow River黄河内蒙古杭锦旗独贵塔拉奎素段凌汛期溃堤原因分析

2.Factor Analysis for Ice Flood and Model Research for Freeze-up Time and Break-up Time in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River;黄河内蒙段凌汛成因分析及封开河日期预报模型研究

3.Lower Yellow River was safe during ice run in 1989-1990黄河下游安度1989—1990年凌汛

4.Analysis of Causes to Dammed Water in Little-North-Stem of the Yellow River in 1996 Ice Flood1996年凌汛黄河小北干流冰塞壅水成因分析

5.On the Yellow River Ningmeng River Reach Ice Jam Flood Disaster Preventive Measures;黄河宁蒙河段凌汛灾害特点及防御措施

6.Analysis of the Meteorological Causes Ice Jam Dam Flood Disaster at Heilongjiang,Songhuajiang and Nenjiang River黑龙江、松花江、嫩江冰坝凌汛的气象成因分析

7.Flood Season Division and Reansonable-Determination of Limited Water Level of Cascade Resevoirs;梯级水库汛期分期及汛限水位合理确定研究

8.Fuzzy Division of Flood Season and the Determination of Its Flood Control Water Level of Reservoir水库汛期模糊划分及其分期汛限水位的确定

9.Fuzzy Partition of Flood Season and Determination of Limited Water Level on Zhangze Reservoir;漳泽水库汛期模糊划分及汛限水位的确定

10.Decision-making on reservoir flood control level and its control manner in post-flooding seasons for Biliuhe Reservoir碧流河水库后汛期汛限水位及控制运用方式

11.The Application of Staged Limited Level of Reservoir during Flood Season and Seasonal Flood Periods Classification in the Dongfeng Reservoir;水库汛期分期及汛限水位调整在东风水库中的应用

12.He died in the early hours of Sunday morning.他于星期日凌晨逝世.

13.They fished all day in fishing season and saw flying fish.鱼汛期他们整天捕鱼,还看见了飞鱼。

14.It might be a useful index for rainfall forecast in China.这是每年汛期降水预报的一个指标.

15.The fish price in the period of the fishing season is lower.鱼价在鱼汛期间是较低的。

16.The Space-time Change of Rainstorm and Origin Cause of Formation in Pre-Summer Flood Period of South China;华南前汛期暴雨的时空变化及其成因

17.Typhoon Activity Effect on Precipitation over North China During Flood Season;台风活动对华北汛期降水影响的研究

18.Risk and Benefit Analysis to Stage Flood Season Limited Water Level of Reservoir;水库分期汛限水位的风险与效益分析


ice run凌汛

3)Ice flood凌汛

1.Application of CBERS-02 on ice flood monitoring of Yellow River;中巴地球资源一号02星在黄河凌汛监测中的应用

2.During 1950~1967 years before commissioning of Liujiaxia reservoir, there took place ice floods resulting in eight breaches of dikes in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of Yellow River.黄河宁蒙河段,在刘家峡水库投运前的1950~1967年间,宁蒙河段凌汛灾害引起堤防决口8次。

3.The ice flood is one of the serious natural disasters in the lower reaches of Yellow River.凌汛是黄河下游严重的自然灾害之一,黄河下游天桥河段属于典型的弯曲窄河段,极易发生凌情。

4)ice jam flood凌汛

1.Ice jam disaster has been often happened in the Chinese history, particularly in the period of last 100 years after the Tongwaxiang break and change courses of the Yellow River in 1855 till 1955,ice jam floods occurred in 29 years and nearly 100 breaks took place with a frequency of once in 3.历史上黄河凌汛灾害严重,特别是清咸丰五年(1855年)铜瓦厢决口改道后至1955年的100年中,发生凌汛决溢的年份达29年,决口近百处,平均三年半就有1年发生凌汛灾害。

2.The lower reaches of the Yellow River is an instability frozen cover section, and ice jam conditions complex , andice jam flooding occurred frequency in history.但由于凌汛的发生带有很大的突发性,冰塞、冰坝难以预测,加之河道持续淤积萎缩,弯道和浮桥众多,影响凌汛的热力因素无法控制等,黄河下游防凌仍将是长期任务,今后防凌工作还有许多问题需重点研究。

5)cause of ice flood凌汛成因

6)ice dam and ice-jam flood冰坝凌汛

1.It elaborates the the Erguna River general situation and the hydrology and weather characteristic in the paper,analyzes theice dam and ice-jam flood circumstance since 1951,and carries out a synopsis analysis of the origin.阐述了额尔古纳河流域河流概况及水文气象特征,分析了1951年以来冰坝凌汛情况,对其成因做了简要分析。


黄河凌汛黄河凌汛ice flood of Huanghe Riverhuanghe Iingxun黄河凌汛(iee flood of Huallshe斑ver)黄河流域位于中国中部,界于北纬32.50一41.70与东径96“一119’之间。河道迁回曲折,流向变化大,其中,上游的内蒙古河段和下游的河南、山东河段河道水流方向偏北、坡降平缓,常有严重的凌汛发生。上游宁夏、内蒙古河段凌汛本段地处黄河流域最北端,干流长320公里,河道形势呈一倒‘’U”字形(见图1)。黄河由宁夏进入内蒙古境后,河身逐渐由窄深变为宽浅,河道坡降减缓,浅滩弯道叠出,平面摆动较大。该区冬季严寒漫长,最低气温可达一35oc,河段年年封冻,是一个稳定封冻河段。历年出现流凌的时间一般在11月下旬,封冻日期为12月上、中旬,解冻日期在3月中、下旬,冰期约100天,冰盖厚度0.7米左右。黄河从上游的甘肃兰州至内蒙古河段,纬度增加4‘37’,致使上下游的冬季月平均气温差约soC,包头河段的流凌封冻比兰州早20多天,而解冻却晚一个多月。使内蒙古河段封冻时溯源而上。解冻时则由上而下,构成了复杂的冰情现象。河道自宁夏石咀山市进入内蒙古以后,即穿行于峡谷之间,河身狭窄解冻时流冰常在弯曲段受阻。出峡谷后河身逐渐放宽,但多畸形大弯。自巴颜高勒至托克托,较大弯道有69处。冰凌极易在弯道处堵塞,形成冰塞和冰坝,引起水位陡涨,凌汛期峰水位常常接近或越过同年伏汛期最高水位。这段河道年年均有程度不同的凌害发生。岁娜,截0固阳马头一~一理呼和浩特}“刁举黔‘产牛托彭毛0杭锦旗乌海撇)愁石嗯饭L砚色急科鄂托克旗神水黑乃‘|斗l石、l!一份少___吴忠一决--一州一下 6州月升中卫0定边宁|渗申同划、黑山峡景秦声厂红山峡o娜}、大宁延安3逐104哦o洛川}、龙门图l黄河宁、河南、山东河段凌汛该河段地处北纬34.55’一38’o『之间,干流长800多公里。河段封冻概率约80%,是一个较不稳定的封冻河段。河道自河南兰考东坝头以下呈西南至东北流势。至山东垦利入海处,纬度增加3’左右。
