2000字范文 > 主汛期 flood season英语短句 例句大全

主汛期 flood season英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-20 15:42:39


主汛期 flood season英语短句 例句大全

主汛期,flood season

1)flood season主汛期

1.Through the analysis of precipitation inflood season in Guangxi, the years with abnormal more or/and less precipitation is preliminary defined.通过对广西主汛期降水量的分析 ,初步确定了异常偏多和异常偏少年 ,分析广西主汛期平均降水量与太平洋海温场和大气环流的关系 ,筛选影响广西降水量的海温和 5 0 0 h Pa位势高度场因子 ;建立降水异常的统计诊断模型及概念诊断预测模型。


1.Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation Events and Their Circulations in Guizhou贵州主汛期极端降水事件及其环流特征分析

2.Climate Characteristics of Precipitation and Phenomenon of Drought-flood Abrupt Alternation during Main Flood Season in Huaihe River Basin淮河流域主汛期降水气候特征及“旱涝急转”现象

3.Application of Support Vector Machine to Short-term Climate Prediction during the Flood Season of Sanming Prefecture支持向量机在三明市主汛期短期气候预测中的应用

4.Verification of NMC Subjective and Objective PrecipitationPrediction during the Main Flood Season in 20022002年主汛期国家气象中心主客观降水预报对比检验

5.Flood Season Division and Reansonable-Determination of Limited Water Level of Cascade Resevoirs;梯级水库汛期分期及汛限水位合理确定研究

6.Fuzzy Division of Flood Season and the Determination of Its Flood Control Water Level of Reservoir水库汛期模糊划分及其分期汛限水位的确定

7.Fuzzy Partition of Flood Season and Determination of Limited Water Level on Zhangze Reservoir;漳泽水库汛期模糊划分及汛限水位的确定

8.Decision-making on reservoir flood control level and its control manner in post-flooding seasons for Biliuhe Reservoir碧流河水库后汛期汛限水位及控制运用方式

9.The Application of Staged Limited Level of Reservoir during Flood Season and Seasonal Flood Periods Classification in the Dongfeng Reservoir;水库汛期分期及汛限水位调整在东风水库中的应用

10.They fished all day in fishing season and saw flying fish.鱼汛期他们整天捕鱼,还看见了飞鱼。

11.It might be a useful index for rainfall forecast in China.这是每年汛期降水预报的一个指标.

12.The fish price in the period of the fishing season is lower.鱼价在鱼汛期间是较低的。

13.The Space-time Change of Rainstorm and Origin Cause of Formation in Pre-Summer Flood Period of South China;华南前汛期暴雨的时空变化及其成因

14.Typhoon Activity Effect on Precipitation over North China During Flood Season;台风活动对华北汛期降水影响的研究

15.Risk and Benefit Analysis to Stage Flood Season Limited Water Level of Reservoir;水库分期汛限水位的风险与效益分析

16.Precipitation Test by WRF Model in Jiaozuo Flood Season in WRF模式对焦作汛期降水的检验

17.Water Vapor Analysis of Heavy Rain Events in Guangxi in July 7月广西汛期暴雨过程水汽特征

18.Changes of Flood-Season Severe Precipitation over South China in 2071-210021世纪末华南汛期强降水变化分析


main flood season主汛期

1.Research on operation manner of intercepting and storing flood tail for Shiquan reservoir inmain flood season;石泉水库主汛期拦蓄洪尾运用方式研究

3)main flood period主汛期

1.Statistics features of strong convection weather disaster in China in main flood period;主汛期我国强对流天气灾害统计特征

4)main flood season precipitation主汛期降水

5)Precipitation of main flood season in Sichuan四川主汛期降水

6)main flood season precipitation series主汛期降水序列


华南前汛期暴雨华南前汛期暴雨rainstorm during pre-rainy season in South Chinahua’nan qianxunqi baoyu华南前汛期暴雨(rainstorm during Pre-rainy season in South China)每年4一6月发生在中国南岭以南地区(包括广东、广西和福建三省、区)的暴雨。华南地处亚热带,受夏季风影响较中国其他地区为早,3月末至4月初即进入汛期,4月至9月为暴雨季节,其中4一6月称为前汛期,这时产生暴雨主要为锋面、低空急流、切变线、低涡等温带天气系统;7一9月为后汛期,·暴雨主要由台风和东风波等热带天气系统所造成;华南前汛期多年平均暴雨日数可达4天以上,以5月最多,6月次之、4月最少。特大暴雨几乎都出现在5月和6月。暴雨中心与年雨量的多雨中心一致。在广西暴雨中心位于桂林附近的桂北地区,在广东省有3个暴雨中心;第一个在云开大山的迎风坡恩平、阳红附近;第二个在九连山的迎风坡清远、佛岗和龙门一带;第三个在粤东沿海和莲花山迎风坡一侧的潮汕平原一带。在福建暴雨中心位于闽北武夷山区。暴雨中心区,暴雨量约占全年降雨量的三分之一。前汛期暴雨过程短的不足1天。长的可达5一7天。华南地区降雨强度一般比内陆地区大得多,24小时暴雨量达100一200毫米比较常见,特大暴雨可达800毫米以上,暴雨过程总量可达1000毫米以上,前汛期暴雨是一次次冷暖空气交绥的结果。当东亚大气环流由冬季形势向夏季形势调整时,西太平洋副热带高压逐渐加强,西南和东南暖湿气流进入华南地区;由北方南下的冷锋移至华南趋于准静止状态,形成华南静止锋。高空西风槽在华南形成切变线,在锋后槽(切变线)前容易形成暴雨。地形作用促使华南前汛期暴雨中心多半集中于山脉的迎风坡。 (黄忠怒)
