2000字范文 > 英语素材:各种笑的英语说法2000字


时间:2024-09-07 11:12:13



微笑 - smile【释义】The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards.嘴角向外运动并轻微向上扬起。【例句】Her smile makes her even more beautiful.她的微笑使她更美丽了。

大笑 - laugh【释义】To make a noise to show one's amusement and happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused.发出声音以表现出愉快的情绪。听到笑话或看到有趣的场景人会大笑。即使没有逗趣的事情人也能大笑。【例句】Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.你笑,世界也会跟着你一起笑。你哭,却只能独自一人。

露齿而笑 - grin【释义】To smile with the teeth.露出牙齿地微笑。【例句】People who confess to feeling happy also grin more than others.承认感觉幸福的人们也会比别人更喜欢咧着嘴笑。

轻声地笑 - chuckle【释义】To laugh quietly.不发出声音地静静地笑着。【例句】She was roused by a chuckle which Mr. Dorset seemed to eject from the depths of his lean throat.多森先生从他那瘦弱的喉咙深处迸出一阵笑声,把她吓了一跳。

咯咯笑 - giggle【释义】To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls.无法控制地不断傻笑,通常用来形容女孩。【例句】There was silence for a moment, then a giggle.沉默了片刻之后,有人在吃吃地笑。

坏笑 - snicker【释义】To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way.偷偷地略带鄙夷地笑。【例句】The shuffle and snicker become the comedian's trademark.搅和与窃笑成为那个戏剧演员的标志。

假笑 痴笑 - simper【释义】To smile in a silly unnatural way.不自然地傻笑。【例句】I'll tell you, Scarlett O'Hara, if you'll take that Southern belle simper off your face.我会告诉你的,斯佳丽·奥哈拉,只要你脸上别带着那种南方美人儿的傻笑。

得意的笑 - smirk【释义】To smile in a false or too satisfied way.虚假地或是自鸣得意地微笑。【例句】Look at his smile, really more of a smirk.看着他的笑容,那根本就是在得意地奸笑。

憋笑,痴痴地笑 - titter【释义】To laugh very quietly from nervousness or badly controlled amusement.由于紧张或无法压抑的搞笑而偷偷地笑着。【例句】He was abusing with anger, but hearers laughed, even Hai Xi Xi close tightly his mouth to titter. I definitely gloated over him.他怒冲冲地骂着,听的人却发出笑声,连海喜喜也抿着嘴偷笑,我当然更有点幸灾乐祸。

狂笑 - guffaw【释义】To laugh loudly and rudely.大声而粗鲁地笑着。【例句】All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.听到这个笑话,男孩子们发出一声狂笑。

哄笑 - roar【释义】To laugh long and loudly.持续不断地大笑。【例句】They roared after they heard the joke.听了笑话后他们哄堂大笑。

欢笑 - chortle【释义】To give a laugh of pleasure or satisfaction.因为开心或者满足而笑出来了。【例句】Father used to chortle over the funny funny papers every Sunday.父亲以前每个星期天看到滑稽报纸,总要哈哈大笑。

嘲笑 嘲弄 - ridicule【释义】To laugh unkindly at or to make unkind fun of.为了取笑别人而笑。【例句】Your conduct subjects you to public ridicule.你的行为使你受世人嘲笑。

讥笑 - deride【释义】To laugh at or make fun of as of no value. /to mock讥讽而不屑地笑话。【例句】Most of them, however, mock the clichés used to deride European business.而其中多数人,念念不忘那些用来讥笑欧洲商业的陈词滥调。

嘲弄 - mock【释义】To laugh at sb(sth) when it is wrong to do so, esp. by copying in a funny or contemptuous way.不怀好意地模仿别人来嘲笑某人。【例句】How dare a newspaper published in a country that invented the chip butty and the deep-fried Mars Bar mock the rich and varied cuisine of half a continent?一个发明了薯条黄油三明治和油炸巧克力的国家出版的报刊,怎敢嘲弄另外半个大陆丰富多样的美食?

嘲笑 轻蔑地笑 - scoff【释义】To laugh at, to speak or act disrespectfully. /to speak in scornful mocking way.出于不屑、轻蔑和不敬而嘲弄某人地笑。【例句】Some even scoff at the store's efforts to spruce up its image.有人甚至把沃尔玛改善公司形象的努力也拿来大加嘲讽。

讥笑 - jeer【释义】To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way.为羞辱别人而大声不敬地笑。【例句】The children liked to jeer at the awkward student.孩子们喜欢讥笑这个笨学生。
