2000字范文 > 汛期 flood season英语短句 例句大全

汛期 flood season英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-18 01:21:05


汛期 flood season英语短句 例句大全

汛期,flood season

1)flood season汛期

1.Using fuzzy set analysis method to make a division for Diaoyutai Reservoir sflood season;用模糊集合分析法对钓鱼台水库汛期的划分

2.The research on the flood peak flow forecast of Jiaokou head work inflood season;关于汛期交口渠首渭河洪峰流量预报的初步探讨

3.Operation manner researches of water storage of Baibengzhu Reservoir duringflood season concerned flood forecast and flood pre discharge;考虑预报预泄时白盆珠水库汛期蓄水运用方式研究


1.Flood Season Division and Reansonable-Determination of Limited Water Level of Cascade Resevoirs;梯级水库汛期分期及汛限水位合理确定研究

2.Fuzzy Division of Flood Season and the Determination of Its Flood Control Water Level of Reservoir水库汛期模糊划分及其分期汛限水位的确定

3.Fuzzy Partition of Flood Season and Determination of Limited Water Level on Zhangze Reservoir;漳泽水库汛期模糊划分及汛限水位的确定

4.Decision-making on reservoir flood control level and its control manner in post-flooding seasons for Biliuhe Reservoir碧流河水库后汛期汛限水位及控制运用方式

5.The Application of Staged Limited Level of Reservoir during Flood Season and Seasonal Flood Periods Classification in the Dongfeng Reservoir;水库汛期分期及汛限水位调整在东风水库中的应用

6.They fished all day in fishing season and saw flying fish.鱼汛期他们整天捕鱼,还看见了飞鱼。

7.It might be a useful index for rainfall forecast in China.这是每年汛期降水预报的一个指标.

8.The fish price in the period of the fishing season is lower.鱼价在鱼汛期间是较低的。

9.The Space-time Change of Rainstorm and Origin Cause of Formation in Pre-Summer Flood Period of South China;华南前汛期暴雨的时空变化及其成因

10.Typhoon Activity Effect on Precipitation over North China During Flood Season;台风活动对华北汛期降水影响的研究

11.Precipitation Test by WRF Model in Jiaozuo Flood Season in WRF模式对焦作汛期降水的检验

12.Water Vapor Analysis of Heavy Rain Events in Guangxi in July 7月广西汛期暴雨过程水汽特征

13.Changes of Flood-Season Severe Precipitation over South China in 2071-210021世纪末华南汛期强降水变化分析

14.Climate characteristic analysis for abnormal water-logging during flood season in Sanming三明各县(市)汛期特涝年气候特征分析

15.Analysis of Meteorological Factors of Regional Heavy Rainfall in East China during Meiyu Period;华东梅汛期分片暴雨前期气象因子场的分析


17.Analysis on Channel Scour and Fill Regulation in Normal Water Period of Flood Season of the Lower Yellow River黄河下游汛期平水期河槽冲淤调整分析

18.Period and Trend Analysis of Runoff and Sediment Transport at Tongguan Station along the Middle Yellow River in Flood Season黄河潼关汛期水沙变化周期及其趋势分析


flood period汛期

1.Analysis and forecast of water regime trend in flood period of Liaoning province;辽宁省汛期水情趋势分析

2.Study on utilization of water resources duringflood period in Taizihe river basin;太子河流域汛期水资源利用研究

3.Analysis of water regime duringflood period of 2001 year in Songliao rivers basin;松辽流域2001年汛期雨水情分析

3)rainy season汛期

1.Based on the daily precipitation data of 52 stations in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River in 1960~,the statistical characteristic of precipitation due to rainstorm during therainy season of the region were studied.选取了长江下游地区52站1960~逐日降水资料,运用EOF分析将其分为3个分区,采用小波分析,Mann-kendall非参数检验法及趋势系数法等分析方法研究各分区汛期暴雨降水的气候统计特征。

2.Based on Grey system theory integrated with Markov state analysis,the model for forecasting rainfallduringrainy season in Northern Zhejiang was developed.以灰色系统理论为基础,结合马尔柯夫状态分析,建成浙北地区汛期降水量预测的灰色马尔柯夫模型。

3.Semi-objective analysis method designed by Samel et al,Mann-Kendall test method and moving t-test technique are used based on the understanding ofrainy season in order to investigate the beginning and end dates ofrainy season over North China.基于对汛期的理解和认识,利用Samel等人设计的半客观统计分析方法、Mann-Kendall突变分析、滑动t检验等方法,通过分析和研究1957—华北台站的日降水资料,确定了华北汛期起讫的日期。

4)flood season/would-be flood season汛期/准汛期

5)flood season division汛期分期

1.Application research of the improved vector statistical method into theflood season division;改进矢量统计法在汛期分期中应用研究

6)flood season staging汛期分期

1.Reservoirflood season staging calculation is conducted based on annual maximum sampling and super-quantitative sampling through using vector statistics and relative frequency methods,and compared with other methods currently in use.应用矢量统计法和相对频率法,基于年最大值取样以及超定量取样进行汛期分期计算,并与现有的方法进行比较研究。

2.The research onflood season staging is the foundation of scheduling control on dynamic flood limit water level of power stations and reservoirs.汛期分期研究是实现电站、水库动态汛限水位调度控制的基础。


