2000字范文 > 单作自然光强 Monoculture natural light intensity英语短句 例句大全

单作自然光强 Monoculture natural light intensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-08 10:52:41


单作自然光强 Monoculture natural light intensity英语短句 例句大全

单作自然光强,Monoculture natural light intensity

1)Monoculture natural light intensity单作自然光强

2)Natural light intensity自然光强

3)natural intensification自然强化作用

1.This article shows an investigation of the meanings ofnatural intensification and non-natural intensification, their relationships and their functions in the teaching of physical training.就体育自然强化作用和非自然强化作用的涵义,自然强化作用和非自然强化作用所具有的包含性,自然强化作用和非自然强化作用二者的对应关系,以及在体育教学中如何运用两种强化进行探


1.A Reexamination of the natural. Intensification and Non-natural Intensification in Physical Training;对体育的自然强化作用和非自然强化作用的再认识

2.On the Proper Design of Natural and Unnatural Strengthening Function and Implication in Sports Teaching;体育教学中自然与非自然强化作用的合理设置及应用

3.Research of Using “Natural Enforcement Role” of Physical Item to Build Teaching Model;运用体育项目的“自然强化作用”原理建立教学模式的研究

4.Study on Intensifing Interior Natural Ventilation Utilizing Solar Energy;利用太阳能强化室内自然通风的研究

5.Gold mineral is native gold, its grain size is fine, its fineness is high.围岩蚀变作用不强。金矿物为自然金,粒度细、色高。

6.Echo of Nature;自然的回声(六)——论盘古神话对中国文化自然观的定型作用

7.Modelling of dendritic growth in forced and natural convections强制对流和自然对流作用下枝晶生长的数值模拟

8.Water Self-purification and Its Assessment of Shanghai Coastal Zone;上海滨岸带水体自然净化作用及其评价

9.Basic Study on Using Solar Chimney to Enhance Natural Ventilation in Buildings利用太阳能烟囱强化建筑物自然通风的基础研究

10.implicit reinforcement隐蔽的强化作用 隐蔽的增强作用

11.Solar Chimney for Strengthening Natural Ventilation太阳能烟囱强化自然通风的研究进展

12.an oil well with a strong natural flow so that pumping is not necessary.不用水泵的有强大的自然流量的油井。

13.The authors noted, however, that the ability to sustain this effect as questionable and that the potential antithrombotic effects of n-3 FA-rich eggs warranted investigation.然而,作者还注意到维持这种作用的能力仍须质疑;并且强化蛋对潜在抗凝血作用值得研究。

14.Approaching to natural cooperation is an inexorable developing trend;走向自然合作:教师文化的应然发展

15.Antioxidation: Glutathione is the major naturally-occurring antioxidant present in our cells.抗氧化作用:谷胱甘肽是人体细胞内自然生成的抗氧化剂。

16.Status and Role of Natural Factors in Desertification in the Southern Region of Toksun County托克逊县南部区土地沙漠化现状与自然因素在沙漠化的作用

17.enhanced United Nations role强化(的)联合国作用

18.To Maximize the System and to Implement Autonomous Byelaw完善体系 强化落实 确保自治条例发挥应有的作用


Natural light intensity自然光强

3)natural intensification自然强化作用

1.This article shows an investigation of the meanings ofnatural intensification and non-natural intensification, their relationships and their functions in the teaching of physical training.就体育自然强化作用和非自然强化作用的涵义,自然强化作用和非自然强化作用所具有的包含性,自然强化作用和非自然强化作用二者的对应关系,以及在体育教学中如何运用两种强化进行探

4)non-natural intensification非自然强化作用

1.This article shows an investigation of the meanings of natural intensification andnon-natural intensification, their relationships and their functions in the teaching of physical training.就体育自然强化作用和非自然强化作用的涵义,自然强化作用和非自然强化作用所具有的包含性,自然强化作用和非自然强化作用二者的对应关系,以及在体育教学中如何运用两种强化进行探

5)natural unit of work自然工作单位

6)natural element自然单元

1.Application of meshlessnatural element method to elastoplastic analysis;无网格自然单元法在弹塑性分析中的应用

2.In stead of searching for the natural neighbors from Delaunay triangulation of the whole domain innatural element method(NEM) or natural neighbor method(NNM),the MNNM quantifies the natural .该方法克服了自然单元法需要全域三角形网格以及无单元伽辽金法难以准确施加位移边界条件和材料不连续条件、形函数的计算复杂、权函数的选择困难等缺点,适合于考虑多种材料、多步施工过程等复杂岩土工程的自动数值模拟。

3.The localnatural element method(LNEM) which can be used in the automatic analysis of geotechnical engineering problems is implemented for solving the elasticity problem.提出了一种能够用于实际岩土及地下工程全自动分析计算的数值计算新方法——局部自然单元法。


