2000字范文 > 光强 light intensity英语短句 例句大全

光强 light intensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-14 23:08:02


光强 light intensity英语短句 例句大全

光强,light intensity

1)light intensity光强

1.Effect of nitrogen sources andlight intensity on the absorption and accumulation of phenanthrene in cucumber seedlings;氮素形态与光强对苗期黄瓜吸收累积菲的影响研究

2.Effect oflight intensity and light quality on growth and total flavonoid accumulation of Erigeron breviscapus;光强和光质对灯盏花生长与总黄酮量影响的研究

3.Leaf photosynthetic characteristics and its response forlight intensity of three species of Dendrobium Sw.in Huoshan County;霍山县3种石斛叶片光合特性及其对光强的响应


1.two luminous points of equal intensity两个等光强的发光点

2.Relationship photosynthetic rate of salvia miltiorrhiza with irradiance at low photon flux densities;低光强时丹参叶片的光合速率与光强的关系

3.Relationship between laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence intensity and laser power激光诱导式叶绿素荧光强度与激光强度关系

4.The luminous intensity on unit area.单位面积上的发光强度。

5.ultra-rapid lens甚大光强[相对]孔径物镜

6.laser intensity direction and ranging激光强度测向与测距

7.mean hemispherical intensity平均半球面发光强度

8.BHT(bright,high tenacity)有光和高强力[的]

9.dazzle lamps [lights](汽车的)强光前灯

10.The bright light made her look away.这光太强, s:tfElI;"BrtfElI/ adv.

11.a supersensitive emulsion感光性极强的感光乳剂

12.photocathode phosphor image intensifier光阴极磷光体象增强器

13.Studies on Photoinhibition Effects Exposed to High Light and Monocolour Light in Eggplant;强光和单色光下茄子光抑制效应研究

14.The violent daylight drilled into the room.强烈的阳光直射进室内。

15.The violent daylight drills into the room强烈的日光直射进室内。

16.an intense light used in producing films.拍摄电影时用的强光灯。

17.half-intensity beam angle发光二极管的半强度角

18.The strong light made him wink.强烈的光使他眨眼。



1.Effects of different stimulus frequency andintensity on rat light adaptation flicker electrophysiology;刺激光频率及光强对SD大鼠明适应视网膜电图的影响

2.Algorithm ofintensity distribution of underwater Gauss laser beam in far-field一种计算水下高斯光束远场光强分布的方法

3.By using the method of continuous polarization interfering,we have measured birefringence dispersion curve andintensity transmission curve of quartz between 300 nm and 800 nm.采用连续偏光干涉原理,针对石英晶体样品,获得了石英晶体在300~800 nm间的光强透射比曲线和最大双折射率的色散曲线。

3)intensity of light光强

1.An analysis for theintensity of light and diffraction angle of bright fringes of the single -slit Fraunhofer diffraction is developed from qualitative to quantitative discussion,basing on the method of Fresnel s half-band and its extention,and on the obrvation for the amplitute vector features of wave band and sub-band on screen.由菲涅耳半波带法思路出发,加以延伸扩展,结合观察屏上波带与子波带的振幅矢量图象,对单缝夫琅禾费衍射的明纹光强与明纹衍射角作了由定性到定量的讨论,剖析了半波带法明纹公式的近似性。

4)optical intensity光强

1.In the course of testing, the laser was used as light source with twin-light path, dispelled the error of light-intensity variation of traditional detection devices, the measurement result only relates to the relative change ofoptical intensity.测量以激光为光源,采用双光路法,消除了通用检测仪由于光源光强不稳定产生的误差,使得测量结果只与光强的相对变化量有关;光波出入波导均采用棱镜耦合,减少了普通测试方法因样品质量及面形误差和端面洁净情况不同或输出透镜不能很好汇聚光波而产生的误差;利用常规仪器设备实现了数字化检测显示,避免了人为主观读数产生的误差; 利用AD538实时模拟计算芯片,提高了计算精度和运算速度。

2.In the course of testing, the laser is used as light source with twinlight path, the error of lightintensity variation of traditional detection devices is dispelled, the measurement result is only relates to the relative change ofoptical intensity.测量以激光为光源,采用双光路法,消除了传统检测显示仪由于光源光强不稳定产生的误差,使得测量结果只与光强的相对变化量有关;利用AD538实时模拟计算芯片,提高了计算精度和运算速度;利用常规仪器设备实现了数字化检测显示,避免了人为主观读数产生的误差。


1., to adapt to light irradiance, temperature and inorganic carbon for photosynthesis were assessed by a series of experiments, which may provide a sound basis for genus selection for restoration of submerged macrophytes in shallow lakes.本文研究了主要环境因子光强、无机碳和温度对太湖常见的三种大型沉水植物菹草、马来眼子菜以及苦草光合作用的影响,其结果将为治理富营养化湖泊修复,人工配置沉水植物群落的选种以及结构设置工作提供理论依据。

2.Effects of temperature and irradiance on the early development of C.本研究以青岛海域采集的角叉菜(Chondrus ocellatus Holm)为材料,分析了温度及光强对其早期生长发育的影响。

6)Strong light强光

1.In many kiwifruit growing regions, high temperature, drought and strong light often lead to leaf abscission and fruit drop, reduction of fruit yield.猕猴桃是一种中等喜光性果树,在许多引种栽培地区因高温干旱强光危害而造成落叶落果,果实品质下降,产量和贮藏性降低,甚至导致植株死亡,严重影响其经济效益。

pared to the results of low ligh treatment, strong light lowered significantly Fv/fm and ere (Fig.莴苣叶绿体在强光处理下发生先抑制,主要表现为叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm和ΦPSⅡ降低;外源活性氧H2O2、O2·OH和1O2均能引起叶绿体PSⅡ光化学效率Fv/Fm不同程度的下降,其中以1O2影响最明显;H2O2在诱导叶绿体荧光猝灭过程中,引起荧光产量降低,而使qp、qN、ΦPSⅡ、KD上升;在H2O2诱导的叶绿体荧光猝灭过程中,Fe2+能使qN和KD低于对照;由于1O2的产生对PSⅡ反应中心造成了损伤,引起qp和ΦPSⅡ下降。

3.For aerial and submerged leaves,strong light resulted in serious photoinhibition; excessive water loss result from increased stomata conductance and transpiration rate aggravated photoinhibition under high light.气生叶和沉水叶出水后其活体叶片在强光下的相对含水量急剧下降,发生明显的光抑制;而弱光下无明显光抑制发生。


张光强张光强,男,汉族, 1951年11月生,山东曹县人,中共党员,1968年11月参加工作,硕士研究生学历,教授。曾任西安交通大学党委宣传部副部长,党委常委兼党办、校办主任,党委副书记,陕西省政府副秘书长,国家杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区党工委书记、常务副书记(正厅,主持工作),管委会副主任(主持工作)、常务副主任(主持工作)等职务。现任西北农林科技大学党委书记(副部长级),国家杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区党工委书记。主要社会职务有:中共十六大代表,第十届全国人大代表,中共陕西省委第九、十届委员,陕西省第十届人大代表 。
