2000字范文 > 自然光影 Natural lighting and shadow英语短句 例句大全

自然光影 Natural lighting and shadow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-19 08:40:16


自然光影 Natural lighting and shadow英语短句 例句大全

自然光影,Natural lighting and shadow

1)Natural lighting and shadow自然光影

2)natural projection自然投影

3)natural influence自然影响力

1.Abstraet:Thenatural influence of the leading cadres is mainly manifested in their cohesion,inspiration and affinity with the masses.领导干部的自然影响力主要表现为凝聚力、感召力和亲和力。

4)Natural light自然光

1.The discussion on the natural light using technology in ecological building design;生态建筑设计中的自然光利用技术探讨

2.On the application of natural light in the architecture of Tadao Ando;浅析安藤忠雄建筑中自然光的运用

3.Technical factors influencing natural light design in architecture design;建筑设计中自然光设计的技术因素


1.A celestial body that gives off or reflects light.自然光源发光或反射光的天体

2.The sample excited by ultraviolet-visible light can emit bright green light.样品在自然光照射后持续发出明亮的绿光。

3.The sample excited by ultraviolet visible light can emit bright yellow-green light.样品在自然光照射后持续发出明亮的黄绿光.

4.The Natural Light Use and Contorl in Human Interior;人居室内空间中自然光的利用与控制

5.Natural Light Environment Design and Research in Art Museum;艺术博物馆自然光环境的设计及研究

6.Hair"s natural shine is supplied by its own conditioner, sebum, an oil composed of waxes and fats and also containing a natural antiseptic that helps fight infection.头发的自然光泽来自它自身的护发素:油脂,它含有蜡和脂肪,还含有抗感染的自然抗菌剂。

7.Use shaded skylights to compensate for any resultant loss of natural daylight.运用带有遮阳的天窗以弥补自然光的损失。

8.A sp1endour and harmony of nature invites the soul.大自然绚丽和谐的风光令人陶然忘情。

9.Woven flax handicrafts of a natural color and genuine luster make your rooms much Brighter.麻编工艺品,自然色泽,色泽自然,为您居室添光彩。

10.Design characteristic of combining natural lighting with natural ventilation for main power building火电厂主厂房天然采光结合自然通风设计

11.Body of Light( Su): A lumi"s body is infused with a softly glowing positive energy.明光之躯(自然能力)光民的身体充盈着正能量。

12.The Grandeur of Natural Humanity--The primitive existence of Lena in light in august自然人性的光辉——《八月之光》中琳娜的原始性存在

13.an unparalleled scene of natural beauty unfolded in front of their eyes.无与伦比的自然风光 展现在眼前.

14.having lots of light either natural or artificial.有大量自然的或者人工的光亮。

15.The aurora is one of nature"s most awesome spectacles.极光是自然界最可畏的奇观之一。

16.Light sets the speed limit for nature.光速限定了自然界的速率极限。

17.All nature smiled in the sunlight.大自然的一切在阳光下显得明媚开朗。

18.He focused on the natural life of Xiangxi.他把目光投向了湘西自然的生命形态。


natural projection自然投影

3)natural influence自然影响力

1.Abstraet:Thenatural influence of the leading cadres is mainly manifested in their cohesion,inspiration and affinity with the masses.领导干部的自然影响力主要表现为凝聚力、感召力和亲和力。

4)Natural light自然光

1.The discussion on the natural light using technology in ecological building design;生态建筑设计中的自然光利用技术探讨

2.On the application of natural light in the architecture of Tadao Ando;浅析安藤忠雄建筑中自然光的运用

3.Technical factors influencing natural light design in architecture design;建筑设计中自然光设计的技术因素


1.UV Combined withSunlight and Its Applications for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine Waste Water;紫外光与自然光联合光催化处理UDMH废水

2.Effect of sunlight and NH_4~+ on vitrification of Enstoma grandiflorun;自然光及NH_4~+对洋桔梗玻璃化的影响


1.Design idea and technique of natural daylight as a design element in architectural design;自然光作为设计元素的设计理念和手法

2.The applicative principle of natural daylight as a design element in architectural design;自然光作为设计元素在设计过程中的应用原则

3.The poetic expression of daylight in space;自然光于空间中之诗性表现


滤波反投影或卷积反投影滤波反投影或卷积反投影影像学术语。当代影像学设备进行影像重建的数学方法。在直接用扫描后所获得的投影轨迹剖面图反投影重建出的CT图像中,无法避免角度卷入条纹伪影(angular aliasing streaks)造成的模糊和失真。这种现象与被扫描层面的空间频率中高频信息的损失有关。使用一种精密的数学方法去除这种模糊。称为“展现”(unfolding)或去卷积(deconvolution),即在反投影前使用一种数学的“滤器”或卷积函数对原始数据进行修正,然后再进行反投影。两步数学处理过程合称为滤波(修正后)反投影或卷积(后)反投影。这种方法的优点是处理过程简单,速度快,所得图像逼真、清晰。
