2000字范文 > 采光板 lighting sheet英语短句 例句大全

采光板 lighting sheet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-28 08:54:49


采光板 lighting sheet英语短句 例句大全

采光板,lighting sheet

1)lighting sheet采光板

1.To meet the performance requirements oflighting sheets,the formulas of glass fiber size dedicated forlighting sheets has been designed.为了满足采光板的性能要求,对采光板专用玻璃纤维增强型浸润剂进行配方设计,对于如何选用成膜剂、润滑剂、抗静电剂等进行总结。


1.Palram brings highly versatile solutions in structural envelopes for the world of agriculture, ranging from greenhouse coverings that allow yeild increase to long-term livestock cladding that is easy to install and maintain.产品范围从能提高产量的温室采光板,到易于安装和维护、命很长的牲畜棚盖板。

2.Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor by Phase Mask Method采用掩模板制作的光纤布喇格光栅传感器

3.The room"s natural lighting condition has limited the floor color choice scope.居室的采光条件限制了地板颜色的选择范围。

4.Optimizing of Data-acquisition System for Laser Electronic Whiteboard and Realization of USB Interface;激光电子白板数据采集系统优化与USB接口实现

5.Construction Technique of Double-layer Danpalon Plate Lighting Roof Screen System;双层登普板结构采光屋面天幕系统施工技术

6.Opto-electronic Technology Based Online Measuring & Recording System for Hot Rolling Steel Belt采用光电技术的热轧板带钢在线检测记录系统

7.Application of Laser Positioning to Sliding Prevention of Scraper Conveyor in Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face激光定位在综采工作面刮板输送机防滑的应用

8.The metal plates are made of aluminum and steel respectively, and their surfaces are all polished.实验中采用的金属板分别为铝质和钢质,表面都进行了抛光处理。

9.Finite element analysis for bulldozing resistance of geomitric unsmoothed wave blade is carried out.采用有限元法对波纹型几何非光滑推土板推土阻力进行了分析。

10.Generation of Focused Hollow Beam by a 2π-phase Plate and Its Atomic Lens;采用2π位相板产生的聚焦中空光束及其原子透镜

11.Day-Lighting Analyzing Model and Structural Optimization for the 3D-Fined Plate of Solar Collector太阳能强化集热板三维翅表面采光分析模型及其结构优化

12.Ouality Evaluation on Virus Inactivation in APPC Using Riboflavin as a Photosensitizer核黄素光化学法灭活单采血小板中巨细胞病毒的效果评价

13.stone gobber【采矿】底板清理工

14.Study on Pathogen Inactivation of Apheresis Platelet Concentrates Using Riboflavin and Light and Influence on the Platelet Functional Activity核黄素光化学法灭活单采血小板悬液中病原体的实验研究及其对血小板活性影响的探讨

15.The spectrometer models with older electronic designs( PC plug-ins and the master/ slave boards of the S2000 Spectrometer era) are also being discontinued.采用老的电子设计(就是使用PC插件和主/从板的S2000光谱仪)光谱仪型号也已经停产。

16.For light pumped solid laser medium the slabs with Brewster ends have some advantages.侧面光泵的固体激光工作介质采用端面为布儒斯特角的板条形状有许多优点。

17.Table-board: using solid physiochemical board or epoxy resin table-board.台面板:采用实芯理化板或环氧树脂板。

18.In order to shorten test time, a forced drying method is adopted in preparing sample so as to measure gloss and colour of self-curing paint film at ambient temperature.为缩短检验时间,采用强制干燥方法制备样板,对需要常温自干漆膜的光泽和色泽进行测定。


light board on the roof屋面采光板

3)PC panel and sheetPC建筑采光板

4)deck prism light甲板采光棱镜


1.Investigation on NaturalLighting in Houses Constructed in Different Times in Island City;海岛城市住宅自然采光卫生学调查

2.The review and prospect of lighting illumination of building;建筑采光照明的回顾和展望


1.In this paper, some key problems such as damp-proof,day-lighting, ventilation and disaster prevention etc in development and utilization of underground space were discussed.本文主要就地下空间开发利用中防水、防潮、采光、通风、防灾等几个关键问题进行分析 ;并论述了这些问题的特殊性、重要性 ,及通常解决这些问题的办法。


采光标准为建筑采光设计和采光设施维护管理所制定的规范。合理的采光标准对于满足生产和生活要求、保护视力和确保安全具有重要的作用。采光标准主要包括采光系数和采光质量。采光系数是指在全阴天时室内某一点的天然光照度与室外露天无遮挡处的水平面照度之比。采光系数值越大,采光效果越好。采光质量不仅取决于被识别对象的表面照度,而且还取决于投射在物体表面的光的方向性,识别对象与背景的亮度对比,视野内有无眩光,以及房间内各围护结构表面间的亮度比。确定采光系数的方法可分为间接法和直接法两种。间接法是根据不同用途的房间,规定窗口面积与地板面积的比例。这种方法简便,适用于标准建筑和装配式建筑,但此方法未考虑室内采光量的大小、光线分布状况和窗口所引起的光损失等因素。直接法规定了房间的采光系数值。这种方法弥补了间接法的不足之处,是世界各国采用的主要方法。中国制定了《工业企业采光设计标准》 (TJ33-79)。这个标准以全阴天天空扩散光作为采光设计中进行计算的光源,以采光系数作为采光设计的数量评价指标。根据中国大部分地区的光气候特点,规定了室外临界照度(5000勒克斯)和采光标准等级;规定了统一的采光系数值,并提出了采光系数的计算方法和计算所需的参数。为便于设计,标准中还列出了各工业系统生产车间和工作场所的采光系数。
