2000字范文 > 板卷 coiled sheet英语短句 例句大全

板卷 coiled sheet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-31 17:01:20


板卷 coiled sheet英语短句 例句大全

板卷,coiled sheet

1)coiled sheet板卷

1.In view of the trial-production of J55 hot-rolledcoiled sheet for petroleum casing pipe,rolling process control and comprehensive quality of the products were analyzed.针对J55石油套管热轧板卷的试制情况,重点从轧制过程控制、产品实物质量进行了分析。

2.According to the statistics analysis for production datum,tracing test and lab test,the main factors in the edge defects ofcoiled sheet have been found.针对涟钢CSP板卷存在的板卷边部缺陷主要质量问题,统计分析了大量的生产数据,进行了现场跟踪试验以及实验验证;查找出了CSP板卷边部缺陷的主要影响因素;并通过采取相应的控制与改善措施,获得了良好的效果。


1.Oxide Scale Microstructure Evolution of Thin Slab and Strip Coil Hot Rolled by CSPCSP流程薄板坯及热轧板卷氧化皮组织演变

2.Study On Longitudinal Surface Cracks On CSP Hot-Rolled Plate酒钢CSP热轧板卷表面纵裂纹研究

3.A Comparison and Analysis of Property Forecast Models for HR Q235B Coils热轧板卷Q235B性能预报模型对比与分析

4.hand bending rolling and shearing machine手动折弯卷板剪板机

5.Cardboard won"t roll without creasing.纸板不折一下卷不起来。

6.anti-rool guide防卷曲导板[切片机用

7.front spring eye bushing前钢板弹簧卷耳孔衬套

8.Adjustment in Rolling Conical Shell with Three Roller Machine and Improvement of Rolling Process三辊卷板机卷制任意锥筒的调整计算及卷制过程的改进

9.PVC floor sheets-PVC floor sheets with backingGB/T11982.1-1989聚氯乙烯卷材地板带基材的聚氯乙烯卷材地板

10.Classification of Foil, Strip, Sheet & Plate by Thickness不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类

11.the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling; The road curved.雪茄烟在天花板处发生了卷曲。

12.Each piece is to be doubled folded, rolled on cardboard, wrapped in kraft paper and then packed in wooden cases.双折卷板,外包牛皮纸,然后装木箱。

13.He tore it up and rolled it into pipe spills.他把它撕碎,卷成了点板烟的纸捻儿。

14.Research of Process and Equipment for Three Roller Plate Coiling of Level Adjust Below;水平下调式三辊卷板工艺及设备研究

15.Research on Logistics System for Sales & Marketing of Plate & Coil in Longwei Corporation;龙威公司卷板制品营销物流系统研究

16.Design and Implement of the Template of Test Paper in Word;试卷模板在Word中的设计与实现

17.The Development of 19.05/20.62 mm Thick X65 Pipeline Steel Hot Rolled Coiled Sheet19.05/20.62mm厚规格X65热轧卷板的开发

18.Development of Hot Rolling Strip of X70 and X80 Pipeline Steel with Extra ThicknessASP特厚规格X70和X80热轧卷板的开发


steel coil板卷

1.The one-directional tension test on X65steel coil and pipe manufactured with it shows that the Bauschinger Effect is greatly influenced by the strength level of thesteel coil.通过对X6 5钢级板卷以及其制成钢管的同方向拉伸性能试验表明 ,板卷强度水平对包申格效应有着重要影响 ,并给出包申格效应值VBE大小的经验关系式 ,同时还讨论了板卷屈强比对包申格效应的影响。

2.Adopting rectangle and round bar specimens,conducted tensile test on small batch trial-produced X80 gradesteel coil and SSAW pipe.采用矩形试样和圆棒试样对国内小批量试制的X80级板卷和螺旋埋弧焊管进行了拉伸试验,从两种试样类型对试验结果的影响、板卷不同厚度强度的分布、沿板卷长度及对应钢管的强度分布、制管前后材料拉伸性能的变化等方面进行了详细的阐述和分析,分析结果表明,对于板卷建议采用矩形试样测试材料的拉伸性能,对于管体横向建议采用直径尽可能大的圆棒试样测试钢管的拉伸性能。

3)Plate Bending卷板

1.Simulation of the Springback inPlate Bending Process;卷板过程中回弹的有限元仿真

2.To cooperate with the development of the numerical control system of plate bending and to optimize the process, the deform law of this process has been studied.为配合卷板设备数控系统的研制和对卷板工艺过程进行优化,建立了三辊数控卷板成形过程的弹塑性大变形接触问题的有限元模型系统。

4)rolling plate卷板

1.It was the first time that to make the longitudinal submerged arc welding pipe byrolling plate in our country or even in the world.采用卷板制造直缝埋弧焊接钢管,在国内甚至世界上尚属首次。

2.This article describes the whole process of JCOE longitudinal submerged arc welding pipe made fromrolling plate.简述了采用热轧卷板制造直缝埋弧焊接钢管的全过程。


1.The 3-D surface flexiblebending technology is a novel method for sheet metal flexible forming.三维曲面柔性卷板成形技术是一种新颖的板材柔性成形技术,其基本原理是通过多个高度可调、自身能够旋转和摆动的短辊组成所需要的曲线,再通过短辊的压下量以及短辊与板材之间的摩擦来实现三维曲面连续局部塑性成形。

2.Flexiblebending forming is a new technology to achieve the sheet flexiblebending for 3-D surface, It’s the organically combine with multi-point forming and the traditionalbending forming technology.柔性卷板成形是一种实现板材三维曲面柔性成形的新技术,是多点成形与传统卷板成形技术的有机结合。

6)coiled plate卷板

1.Against problems in purity of molten steel and profile shape control,some measures are adopted to SPHC hot-rolledcoiled plate production in component design and process improvement,a good result got.针对SPHC热轧卷板在钢水纯净度、卷板板型控制等方面存在的问题,在成分设计、工艺等方面采取一系列措施后,取得了较好效果。

2.It is analyzed the influence on mechanical property of SPHC hot-rolledcoiled plate from chemical component and rolling temperature,some suitable technological parameters offered.通过分析SPHC热轧卷板生产工艺中化学成分、轧制温度等对带钢力学性能的影响,给出了适当的工艺参数,改善了钢带的力学性能。


卷板、校板设备操作规程适用机型:卷板机:C235,W11-3×1500,W11-5×2000,W11-12×1800,WA11-19×2000,9241。校板机:44П21,12×1000七辊校板机,32×4000七辊校板机。一、 认真执行《锻压设备通用操作规程》有关规定。二、认真执行下述有关补充规定:(一) 凡装有润滑油泵的设备,工作前应先起动润滑油泵,待油压正常指示灯亮后,才能起动主电动机。(二) 工人中认真作到:1、不准卷制或校平表面有突起焊缝或有切割毛边的钢板2、在卷制或校平时,钢板应置于工作辊的中间部位进行。不允许钢板与工作辊有打滑的现象。3、不许在有负荷的情况下,升降活动横梁和导辊。4、有专门人员操作的设备,操作人与其他工作人员应密切配合,正反车要有信号联系。
