2000字范文 > 首页 front sheet英语短句 例句大全

首页 front sheet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-06 21:32:56


首页 front sheet英语短句 例句大全

首页,front sheet

1)front sheet首页

1.thefront sheet of a medical record is the summary of all information; Registration, category, and index for the medical record are solely based on it.病案首页是病案的小结和简要提纲,是病案室进行各项登记,编目,索引的依据,是统计的最原始资料,因此正确填写病案首页,不但关系到病案资料的准确性和完整性,而且直接影响统计结果,也影响对一个医院的医疗质量和效率的评估,因此如何正确填写病案首页是一个不容忽视的问题。


1.Self-ends: First and last pages of a book block used as end papers.自衬页:书心的首页和尾页作衬纸用有情况。

2.The EMS AP Summary Page is the first page available on the EMS GUI.EMS AP 汇总页是在 EMS GUI 上可用的首页。

3.Sorry, the web you visited is not available now, Please click here to our frontpage.对不起,您访问的网页不存在,请返回我公司首页。

4.Specify sender information to be included on cover pages.指定要包括在首页中的发件人信息。

5.Displays available cover pages and sent and received Faxes显示现有的首页并发送和接收传真

6.Then, lastly, I work on the home page.接下来所要做的就是最后的步骤——首页。

7.When writing the cover letter, avoid negatives.在写首页的时候,避免消极否定的表达。

8.Detong, add the lineage title to the index webpages.茶桶,将此传承标题增入到我们的首页。

9.Do not overload your first page.但是不要让首页的信息承载量太大。

10.Sorry! The forum does not exist.You will be redirected to our homepage.对不起,论坛不存在,现在引导回首页。

11.Analysis and Diagnosis-related Groups Based on Inpatient Records of Zhejiang Province;浙江省病案首页信息统计与DRGs编码

12.The designed comparison in newspaper domain and the homepage of the news website;报纸版面与新闻网站首页设计之比较

13.The banners positioned on the Main Page& Sub-Page are concurrently shown a maximum of four advertising banners.首页及内页轮替横额广告最多可各同时容纳四个广告轮替出现.

14.The title of a newspaper or periodical as it appears across the first page, front cover, or title page of each issue.报刊名称出现在报刊首页、封面或每期标题页的报刊名称

15.Members of this group can manage fax queues and fax cover pages.此组的成员可以管理传真队列和传真首页。

16.ABC agrees to provide service for the Customer for the Product listed on the first page of this Agreement.ABC同意对合同首页所列的产品为客户提供维修。

17.I strongly request you to post my views on the front page of Yahoo.我强烈要求将本人的观点发布于雅虎首页。

18.illustration at the beginning of a book,on the page opposite the title-page卷首插图(在与书名页相对的一页上的).



3)front sheet病案首页

1.Problems of diagnoses in thefront sheet;减少疾病诊断在病案首页中问题的几点建议

2.During this period,some quality defects of EMRfront sheet were discovered through building quality control network of EMRfront sheet.我院病案室在实施电子病案管理的一年多时间中,通过建立网上首页质量控制,从中发现电子病案首页的质量缺陷问题,分析了问题的原因所在,制定了六项主动控制对策,并通过实践取得了较好的电子病案首页管理成效。

3.Results Front sheet disfigurement were 4.目的分析病案首页质量缺陷,提出改进措施。

4)First page information首页信息

5)the first page of medical record病案首页

1.After 8 months practice, the error data rate inthe first page of medical record was greatly reduced (10.阐述了该院利用医院信息网络技术,结合科学的管理原理,设计电子病案首页“网卡”流程管理,经过8个月时间实践,收到较好成效,病案首页的数据填写错误率大幅下降,达10。

6)Home Page Content首页内容


