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板材 sheet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-21 10:12:19


板材 sheet英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on Laser Bending of Sheet;板材激光弯曲成形规律的研究

2.Structure and properties of speciality PS resin for foamedsheet;挤出法PS发泡板材专用树脂的结构与性能

3.Research of XDS stainless steelsheet for high-temperature concentrated sulphuric acid;高温浓硫酸用XDS不锈钢板材的研究


1.folding machine for metal plates or sheets numerically controlled数控金属板材或薄板材折叠机

2.flattening machine for metal plates or sheets, numerically controlled数控金属板材或薄板材矫直机

3.flattening machine for metal plates or sheets, not numerically controlled非数控金属板材或薄板材矫直机

4.folding machine for metal plates or sheets, not numerically controlled非数控金属板材或薄板材折叠机

5.corrugating machine, for metal plates or sheets, numerically controlled金属板材或薄板材波纹机,数控式

6.Stripes sometimes noticeable on flatsawn face. Easily worked. Sliced veneer-flooring and wall. Sawn lumber-furniture, door-sills and flooring.在木材弦切面可见条纹。平切单板-地板、板。板材-家俱、槛、板。

7.A flat piece of wood or similarly rigid material adapted for a special use.板材木材或其它材料制成的板,备作特殊的用途

8." Niobium steet,shrip and foil"GB/T3630-1983铌板材、带材和箔材

9." Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet,strip and foil"GB/T3629-1983钽及钽合金板材、带材和箔材

10.Sliced veneer-furniture and doors.Sawn lumber-fancy posts flooring.平切单板-家俱、木门化装合板贴附。板材-家俱、地板。

11.thin flat sheet of metal,glass,etc(金属、玻璃等的)薄板材

12.metal plate edging binder金属板材联合角咬缝机

13."Granite Board Co., Ltd."花岗石板材有限公司

14.superficial foot方英尺-板材计量单位

posed panel roof and siding复合板材屋面及墙面

pressed wood up to medium-hard wood, aluminum, synthetic and plastic boards.压结至中等硬度的木材、、造板材和塑料板。

17.ched-type piling bar(钢材) 拱形板桩

18.Pipe Spacer"管材排列,隔离板"



1.Effects of 5083 aluminium alloy ingot homogenizing on properties and structures of ingot andplates;5083铝合金铸锭均匀化处理对铸锭和板材组织与性能的影响

2.A Analysis on Porosity Types of Plate Produced by 1Cr13 Direct Rolling Billet;1Cr13直接轧制轧坯生产板材气泡类型调查分析

3.Studies on compositions comprising heat-resistant and anticorrosive rigid PVC for extruded plasticplates;耐热耐腐蚀硬质聚氯乙烯挤出板材塑料配方研究

3)sheet metal板材

1.The Virtual Yoshida Buckling Test for the Sheet Metals Forming;虚拟板材冲压皱曲特性试验

2.Numerical simulation of forming forces insheet metal multi-point forming process;板材多点成形过程中成形力的数值模拟

3.A new model ofsheet metal hydroforming equipment based on a type YX28-400/650C double-action press;基于YX28-400/650C双动液压机的板材液压成形装备的研制


1.Development ofboard speciality polypropylene resin;PP板材专用树脂的开发

2.Influence of Crosslinking Procedure on Property of Foamed PP Board;交联过程对交联发泡PP板材性能的影响

5)sheet material板材


1.The Research ofPanel Node Video Identify Theory;板材节子视频检测数学描述理论

2.The Theoretical Research in Texture Video Searching of the Main Tree sPanel Characteristic in the Northeast;东北主要树种板材特征的纹理视频检索理论研究

3.The section and panel belong to different material scope.型材和板材是应用材料领域中需要的量大面广的两种不同材料体系。


