2000字范文 > 民法理念 civil law idea英语短句 例句大全

民法理念 civil law idea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-26 13:58:03


民法理念 civil law idea英语短句 例句大全

民法理念,civil law idea

1)civil law idea民法理念

1.Thecivil law ideal formation and the development has the glorious history in the west,our country because lakes the corresponding economy and legal environment,the civil ideal has not become the mainstream consciousness which social politics and the populace lives.民法理念的形成和发展在西方具有悠久历史,我国由于缺乏相应的经济和法律环境,民法理念从来没有成为社会政治和民众生活的主流意识。

2.The essence ofcivil law idea is justice,and its core incarnate inviolability of private right,equality of personality and autonomy of will.民法理念是人类历史文明在民法上的典型表现,体现着市民社会的价值追求。


1.Development of the Notion of Civil Law and Construction of the Modern Civil Law System of Our Country民法理念的形成与我国现代民法制度的建构

pliance and Development:The Idea of Civil Law in Circular Economy;顺应与发展——循环经济背景中的民法理念

3.Civil Society and Its Idea: The Foundation Stone of Civil Law;市民社会及其理念——市民法的基石

4.On the Idea of Service People to Govern a Country by Law and Conduct Administration by Law;论依法治国与依法行政的“民本”理念

5.The Ideas of Civil Law and Social Basis of Chinese Civil Code s Formulation;民法的理念与中国民法典制定的社会基础

6.Influence on Basic Values of Civil Law of Cyberspace试论网络环境对民法价值理念的影响

7.On the Systematic Methods of Jiang Zemin Governing Concept;江泽民执政理念中的系统方法论探析

8.Analyzing the Purpose of Prison Work--Viewing from Philosophy of law enforcement for the people;监狱工作宗旨论析——基于执法为民理念

9.Liberty and Democracy:An Inquiry into the Values of Administrative Procedure;自由与民主:宪法诉讼的价值理念探幽

10.On Basic Idea and Principle of Economy Law of Minority论少数民族经济法的基本理念与原则

11.on the Transplantion of Law Theory and the Variation of Law Concept from National Nelief;从民族信仰看法理论的移植和法理念的变异

12.The Idea of Legislation in“Drug Administration Law of People"s Republic of China”《中华人民共和国药品管理法》立法理念探析

13.Legal Method and Civil Norms under the Perspective of the Harmonious;规范谐合理念下的法律方法与民间规范

14.Reforming the Model of Civil Trial and Constructing the Judges Ideological Insight;民事审判方式改革与法官司法理念的重塑

15.On the Feeble-justice of the People"s Courts under the Concept of a Harmonious Society论和谐社会理念下人民法庭的弱司法化

16.On Popular Indignation and Sentencing of Death Penalty--On the Implementation of Idea of "People Judicature for People" in the Sentencing of Death Penalty民愤与死刑量刑——死刑量刑中对“人民司法为人民”理念的贯彻

17.A brief discussion on the renewal of ideas and the reform of system in civil Judicature;以人为本,司法为民——民事司法理念更新及制度变革简论

18.On Civil Due Procedure in Constitution宪法视野中的民事诉讼正当程序——兼论我国《民事诉讼法》的修改理念


idea of civil law民法理念

1.This article tries to do some research on theidea of civil law and construct it in our country on the aspects of reason and national sprits.应探讨民法的价值理念,从理性和民族精神两方面塑造我国的民法理念。

3)the idea of civil law市民法理念

4)the basic idea of civil law民法基本理念

1.The engender ofthe basic idea of civil law in West Society has its cause of history and culture, but in China, due to the lack of economic and law circumslomes for the existence and development ofthe basic idea of civil law, it has never been the mainstream of our society.民法基本理念是指民法所体现的深层次的人文价值追求和内在的人类基本精神意蕴,它以主体平等、意思自治和追求公平为最高理念诉求,调整着以市场经济为基础的市民社会的经济和社会生活秩序。

5)influence the basic civil law theory影响民法理念

6)On Idea of Civil Law民法理念初探


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
