2000字范文 > 中美经济差距 Economic gap between China and USA英语短句 例句大全

中美经济差距 Economic gap between China and USA英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-05 12:45:38


中美经济差距 Economic gap between China and USA英语短句 例句大全

中美经济差距,Economic gap between China and USA

1)Economic gap between China and USA中美经济差距

2)economic disparity经济差距

1.Ethnic issues turned out to be the issues of development while theeconomic disparity is the key disparity in development.民族问题归根到底是发展问题,经济差距是发展的根本差距。

2.With the further Opening and Reformation,China s regionaleconomic disparity is being enlarged.从缩小我国区域经济发展差距的必要性入手 ,分析了我国区域经济发展差距的产生原因 ,并就新形势下如何尽快缩小我国区域经济差距问题 ,提出了看


1.Empirical Analysis on Regional Economic and Investment Disparities in China;我国地区经济差距与投资差距的实证分析

2.An Empirical Analysis of Regional Economy Disparity and Investment Disparity in China;中国地区经济差距与投资差距的实证分析

3.So too can the uneven performance of our provincial economies.各省的经济差距同样会产生影响。

4.It says the idea could serve as a way to help reduce economic differences between rich and poor nations.其目的是消除贫、富国之间的经济差距。

5.The Analysis on Economic Disparities and Their Reasons of Three Belts in China;我国东中西部经济差距及其成因分析

6.Study of Regional Economic Gaps in Jiangsu and Solving Ways;江苏省地区经济差距成因及对策研究

7.A Positive Study on Variation of Regional Disparities in Shandong Province;山东省区域经济差距变动的实证研究

8.Analysis and Rational Study of Regional Economic Development Gap of Shannxi Province;陕西省区域经济差距变化及原因分析

9.they are far apart socioeconomically.在社会经济学方面,他们有很大差距。

10.Study on the Relationship of Domestic Investment Area Gap, FDI Area Gap and Economic Steady State Growth;内外资地区差距与经济稳态增长研究

11.The Research of Income Assign Gap and Economy Increase Relation;收入分配差距和经济增长的关系研究

12.China s Regional Disparity in the Perspective of New Economic Geography;新经济地理学视角下的中国地区差距

13.The Effect of Population Mobility on the Regional Disparity of Economic Growth;人口流动对经济增长地区差距的影响

14.Boosting the Continual Development of Economy and Narrowing the Gap Between Rich and Poor;推进经济持续发展 努力缩小贫富差距

15.On Decomposition of Regional Econmic Disparity in Qinghai Province;青海省区域经济发展差距的因素分析

16.Analysis of the influence of income inequality to economic development;居民收入差距对我国经济发展的影响

17.Economic Growth,Regional Income Disparity and Public Spending;经济增长、地区收入差距与公共支出

18.According as the Quality of Urbanization Recognize the Gap of Provinces Economic Development;从城市化质量认识省域经济发展差距


economic disparity经济差距

1.Ethnic issues turned out to be the issues of development while theeconomic disparity is the key disparity in development.民族问题归根到底是发展问题,经济差距是发展的根本差距。

2.With the further Opening and Reformation,China s regionaleconomic disparity is being enlarged.从缩小我国区域经济发展差距的必要性入手 ,分析了我国区域经济发展差距的产生原因 ,并就新形势下如何尽快缩小我国区域经济差距问题 ,提出了看

3)economic gap经济差距

1.Theeconomic gap of China s mid-west and the advantage of developing such areas;我国中西部地区经济差距及开放发展的有利条件

2.This paper analyzes the reasons of causing the bigeconomic gap between the east and the west of China, and advances some countermeasures for the west to catch up with and surpass the east.分析了造成东西部经济差距拉大的原因,提出了西部赶超东部的对策。

3.But the permanent idea must be adopted due to two reasons:firstly the bad natural and ecological conditions in developing the area;secondly the greateconomic gap between west and east China.因为 :一、大开发面临恶劣的自然、生态条件 ;二、西部与东部经济差距很

4)economic disparities经济差距

1.Why have a series of anti-Chinese incidents happened in Indonesia? This paper will have an in-depth analysis of these anti-Chinese incidents basing on psychological factors,economic disparities,nationalism and national policy,aiming at exploring the source of anti-Chinese in Indonesia.印度尼西亚缘何屡屡发生排华事件?本文从心理因素、经济差距、民族主义和国家政策四个方面出发,对印度尼西亚排华问题做深入的分析和探究,力图找出印度尼西亚排华问题的根源所在。

5)economic difference经济差距

1.The author analyses the major reason — human capital factor, which results in the cause and the development ofeconomic difference in areas by means of the regression method, on the basis of which the author makes some policy suggestions, such as solid change of modes of tho.笔者采用回归分析方法分析地区经济差距产生和发展的主要原因———人力资本因素,在此基础上提出了切实转变观念、加大教育投入、利用信贷手段、合理配置人力资本、加大农村人力资本投资等政策建议。

2.The difference of population quality and its influence upon economic development result in theeconomic difference in the eastern and western regions in Hunan Province.湖南东、西部地区在产业结构、国民经济发展水平、基础设施建设和科教文化发展状况等四个方面存在着经济发展差距;而人口因素的差距及其时经济发展影响是湖南东、西部地区经济差距的重要原因;全面提高人口综合素质是发展湖南西部地区经济的可行性对策。

3.In terms of theeconomic difference between east and west areas in China, the effective ways to reducing difference in western China are to foster competitive industries, to center on industrialization and speed up the process of accumulating national wealth.从我国东西部地区经济差距的形成原因看,缩小差距的途径在于培植有竞争力的优势产业,坚持以工业化为中心推进产业升级,加快国民财富积累过程。

6)Sino-American economy中美经济


中国经济实力与邻国的差距日本人均GDP34000美元。香港人均GDP23030美元,新加坡人均GDP21825美元台湾人均GDP12730美元韩国人均GDP12628美元。2002年韩国人均GDP为1221万韩元(1190韩元约合1美元),超过1万美元。我国人均GDP首次突破1000美元。1977年韩国人均GDP达到1000美元。1988年泰国人均GDP达到1000美元。上海人均GDP4600美元。中国如果没有高速增长,如何生存于强国之林?不过如果按所谓的购买力平价指数计算,中国的人均GDP可以更高一点,但还是差距很大。附:各国人口、国民生产总值(GDP)和人均GDP一览 国家名称 人口(百万) GDP (亿美元) 人均GDP(美元) 挪威 5 2216 48442 瑞士 7 3095 41539 丹麦 5 2124 39236 爱尔兰 4 1486 37720 美国 293 108800 37130 冰岛 0.29 105 35718 日本 127 43260 33974 瑞典 9 3008 33383 荷兰 16 5120 31376 芬兰 5 1620 31067 英国 60 17950 29782 比利时 10 3020 29184 德国 82 24000 29118 法国 60 17480 28929 阿联酋 3 709.6 28115 澳大利亚 20 5184 26033 加拿大 33 8344 25668 意大利 58 14660 25251 香港 7 1586 23136 新加坡 4 913.4 20979 卡塔尔 1 174.7 20790 西班牙 40 8361 20757 希腊 11 1730 16248 科威特 2 353.7 15667 葡萄牙 11 1490 14158 台湾 22 2932 13213 捷克 10 850 8296 沙特阿拉伯 26 1885 7307 中国 1,299 14100 1086 印度 1,065 5990 562
