2000字范文 > 贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor英语短句 例句大全

贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-05 07:48:31


贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor英语短句 例句大全

贫富差距,gap between the rich and the poor

1)gap between the rich and the poor贫富差距

1.On the nature of socialism andgap between the rich and the poor in the transitional period;论社会主义本质与转型期的贫富差距

2.Thegap between the rich and the poor in contemporary China is not only a major economic issue worth our concern but also a major social and political problem.贫富差距问题既是当代中国一个值得关注的重大经济问题,也是一个重大的社会、政治问题。

3.Narrowing thegap between the rich and the poor is a great challenge that confronts the Party at present,and it is logically consistent with the requirements imposed by a harmonious society.缩小贫富差距是新时期党所面临的重大挑战之一,它与和谐社会的要求有内在的逻辑联系。


1.Beware of the poverty gap trap.小心贫富差距的陷阱。

2.Review on the Disparity Between Rich and Poor in Achieving Common Prosperity;正确认识“共同富裕”进程中的“贫富差距”

3.The gap between China"s rich and poor, and between its urban and rural areas, is growing.中国的贫富差距、城乡差异正在扩大。

4.Paying Close Attention to Wealth Margin and Promoting Harmonious Development--Discussion on the Current Situation and Reasons about the Wealth Margin in China in the Transitional Period;关注贫富差距 促进和谐发展——转型期我国贫富差距状况和原因透视

5.The gap between the rich and poor has increased rapidly because of income discrepancies between cities and villages.由于城乡收入差距的扩大,贫富差距拉大。

6.We have to bridge the gap between rich and poor people around the world.我们必须要消除世界各地的贫富差距。

7.The wealth gap between the North and the South is being enlarged.南北贫富差距进一步拉大。

8.Artificial efforts to try to curb wealth gaps invariably do more harm than good.人为地控制贫富差距只会有害无益。

9.Describe the wealth gap in China.试描述中国的贫富差距状况。

10.Problems and Possible Solutions in the Gap between the Rich and Poor at the Primary Stage of Socialism in China;社会主义初级阶段贫富差距问题研究

11.On Chinese Government s Policy Options for Wealth Gap Governance;论中国政府治理贫富差距的政策选择

12.Rational Reflection on the Gap between Rich and Poor of Present China;对当前中国贫富差距问题的理性思考

13.An Analysis on the Cause of the Widening of the Gap between the Rich and the Poor and the Countermeasures against It;浅析我国贫富差距扩大的原因及对策

14.An Analysis of the Causes and Trends of Japan s Widening Income Gap;日本贫富差距扩大的原因及趋势分析

15.Boosting the Continual Development of Economy and Narrowing the Gap Between Rich and Poor;推进经济持续发展 努力缩小贫富差距

16.The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening.贫富之间的差距在扩大。

17.The gap between the rich and the poor has widened.贫富之间的差距扩大了。

18.Level out the differences between the rich and the poor消除贫富之间的差距


Gap between rich and poor贫富差距

1.Institutional measures to narrow gap between rich and poor in Classical Athens;古典时期雅典城邦对贫富差距的制度调适

2.Fairness and justice is the essence of a socialist harmonious society and lack of it in social distribution produces a widened gap between rich and poor and an unharmonious society.当前,导致社会不和谐的根源之一是社会分配不公,贫富差距拉大。

3)the gap between the rich and the poor贫富差距

1.At the same time,the gap between the rich and the poor is getting widened.改革开放三十年来,我国经济得到了持续高速发展,人民的生活水平日益提高,收入不断增长,与此同时,贫富差距日益扩大。

2.Nowadays,asthe gap between the rich and the poor is widening,we should pay more attention to real property tax s function of adjusting distribution of personal wealth.物业税是一种财产税,因而在理论上具有调节贫富差距的公平功能。

4)the gap between rich and poor贫富差距

1.Now,the gap between rich and poor is gradually enlarging internal of the village and brings about a lot of social problem.然而,目前农村内部的贫富差距在逐渐拉大,产生了很多的社会问题。

2.Especially since the year ,the trend of the expasion ofthe gap between rich and poor has become more obvious,which is very disadvantageous to constitute of a socialist harmonious society.近年来,我国居民收入差距呈扩大之势,特别是以来,贫富差距扩大之势更加明显,这对构建社会主义和谐社会十分不利。

3.However, after the reform and opening-up,the gap between rich and poor is widening.然而,改革开放以来,随着经济体制改革的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,我国也出现了贫富差距现象,并呈逐渐拉大的趋势,目前已到了值得引起高度关注的程度。

5)gap between the poor and the rich贫富差距

1.This paper analyzes on the present situation that the Chinese resident s income gap quickly becomes big, probes into the influences of the over-biggap between the poor and the rich, and advances some concrete countermeasures for solving the problem of over-biggap between the poor and the rich.分析了我国居民收入水平差距迅速拉大的现状,探讨了贫富差距过大的影响,提出了解决收入差距过大的具体措施。

2.This paper expounds the functions of establishing and perfecting the wealth tax systems on narrowing thegap between the poor and the rich in China from aspects of adjusting and reforming the individual income tax,collecting the social security tax,perfecting the consumption tax system,and collecting the inheritance tax,etc.从调整改革个人所得税、开征社会保障税、完善消费税制、开征遗产税等方面,阐述了建立完善财富调节税制对缩小我国贫富差距的作用。

3.Thegap between the poor and the rich in our country arise from the unjust opportunity due to the policy、unjust competition、power corruption、displace of government s function,however these policies and system、condition s formation is duo to the shortcoming of notion of law in essence.我国贫富差距过大已严重损害了社会和谐,这一问题却未得到法律学界的充分关注。

6)the urban and rural gap between rich and poor城乡贫富差距

1.In this thesis,firstly I simply analyse the present situation ofthe urban and rural gap between rich and poor in Chongqing,then majorly research the expanding origin of the urban and rural inhabitants gap between rich and poor.城乡贫富差距是决定整体贫富差距的第一位因素,研究城乡居民贫富差距具有重要的现实意义。


等贵贱,均贫富中国宋代起义农民提出的关于政治经济要求的口号。在中国长达两千多年的封建社会中,历代起义农民提出的各种要求,反映出社会发展不同阶段上阶级斗争的具体内容,也反映出不同阶段起义农民的经济思想。在唐宋时期,起义农民的经济思想是以平均主义为核心的,唐末起义农民就提出过"均平"(《新唐书·黄巢传》)的要求。北宋太宗淳化四年 (993)王小波(?~994)、李顺在四川发动农民起义时曾说:"吾疾贫富不均,今为汝均之"(《皇朝通鉴长编纪事本末》卷十三),他们提出了"均贫富"的口号。到北宋南宋之交金兵南侵时,协同宗泽(1059~1128)防守汴京(今河南开封)的义军首领王善说过:"天下大变,乃贵贱贫富更替之时"(李心传:《建年以来系年要录》卷十九),这就在"均贫富"之外,增添了"等贵贱"的内容。"等贵贱"是针对封建等级差别提出来的;"均贫富"是针对以封建土地所有制为基础所形成的财富分配不均提出来的。"等贵贱、均贫富"思想否定了那种维护封建制度的"死生有命、富贵在天"的天命观。两宋时期,地主阶级占有绝大部分的垦田,使许多农民失去土地成为代人佣耕的"客户";同时,皇族、官僚、僧尼和道士都享有免役的特权,使农民遭受沉重的田租和赋役剥削,社会的贫富悬殊与贵贱差别成了强烈的对照。在这种历史背景下,就产生了起义农民"等贵贱、均贫富"的思想。北宋末南宋初,钟相领导的农民起义军,内部互称"爷儿",体现不分贵贱的平等关系。对官吏、豪富之家,则坚决镇压,并通过"劫财"剥夺富室财物以实现"均贫富"的主张。虽然起义军还没有明确提出均平土地的要求,但实际上已经有过分占田主土地的行动。
