2000字范文 > 中美文化异同 cultural similarities and differences between China and the USA英语短句 例句大全

中美文化异同 cultural similarities and differences between China and the USA英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-20 16:26:28


中美文化异同 cultural similarities and differences between China and the USA英语短句 例句大全

中美文化异同,cultural similarities and differences between China and the USA

1)cultural similarities and differences between China and the USA中美文化异同

1.This paper attempted to discuss thecultural similarities and differences between China and the USA from the perspective of cross-cultural communication,and their effects on Guizhou tourism internationalization,so as to facilitate cross-cultural communication and develop Guizhou tourism.本文旨从跨文化交际角度对比分析中美文化异同以及对贵州旅游发展产生的影响,从而增强并提高贵州旅游从业人员的跨文化交际意识和能力,促进贵州旅游的国际化发展。


1.A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Cultural Similarities and Differences Between China and the USA and Their Effects--A Case Study of Guizhou Tourism Internationalization跨文化交际视觉下的中美文化异同及其影响——以贵州旅游国际化发展为例

2.Different Expressions in Different Culture between Sino-Britain and America;从中-英美文化差异看语言表达之不同

3.Recognizing Differences and Similarities: Sino-American Exchangesin Theatre in the Context of Cultural Dialogue;辨异与认同:跨文化对话中的中美戏剧交流

4.A Brief Discussion of the Similarities and Differences between the Multiculturalism in Canada and the America;加拿大与美国多元文化主义异同略论

5.The Difference of Cultural Philosophy: the Barriers of Intercultural Communication between China and America;文化哲学差异:中美跨文化交际的障碍

6.See the Differences of the Chinese and American Teaching Methods from the Traditional Culture;从文化传统的角度比较中美两国中小学教学方法之异同

7.Speech Act Study: Differences of Promise Making between the Chinese and the American;中美文化差异之言语行为比较——“承诺”的文化差异

8.Divergence in National Security Viewpoint between China and USA Based on Difference in their Strategic Culture从中美两国战略文化的差异看国家安全观的不同

9.Differences between Chinese and American Cultures Reflectedin Advertising;从广告语的角度看中美文化差异(英文)

10.Maths Education for Children in China from the Angle of Sino-US Cultural Difference;从中美文化差异看中国幼儿数学教育

11.Look at the difference of culture and arts between West and East from the movies of China and America;从中美影片看中西文化及艺术的差异

12.Try to Make Different Voices to One Voice--Thoughts on the Sino-America Trade Friction化异存同——对中美贸易摩擦的若干思考

13.Collectivism and Individualism--Different Ethical Values in Chinese and American Cultures as well as Their Cultural Origin;集体主义与个人主义——中美不同文化背景下价值观念的差异及其文化根源

14.Aesthetics of Reception and Foreignization in Literary Translation;接受美学与异化在文学翻译中的应用

15.The Historical and Cultural Origins of the Aesthetic Differences between Chinese and Western Young People;中西青年审美差异的历史、文化渊源

16.Theroy on-5 "D" and the Cutural Difference in Campuses of U.S and China;五“D”理论和中美大学校园文化差异

17.Distinctions between Chinese and American Food Cultures : A Mirror of the Two Countries Different Core Values;从饮食文化差异透视中美核心价值观

18.High-context and Low-context:Differences and Conflicts Between the Chinese and American Cultures;“强环境”与“弱环境”:中美文化差异及冲突


Sino-Us cultural differences中美文化差异

1.As is shown in the study,Ads for marriage in English and Chinese reflectSino-Us cultural differences from the following three aspect: economic background,marriage and family system,and the orientation of and values.研究发现,中英征婚广告反映出三大方面的中美文化差异,即"经济背景"、"家庭婚姻体系"和"道德与价值观取向"。

3)the similarities and differences between Chinese and western cultures中西方文化异同

4)differences between Chinese and Japanese culture中日文化异同

5)similarities and differences of Chinese and Japanese culture中日文化的异同

6)cultural similarities and differences文化异同

1.Many studies of the effect of memberscultural similarities and differences on group performance are carried out abroad.国外有很多关于成员文化异同对群体绩效影响的研究,国内却极少。


