2000字范文 > 中越经贸合作 Economic and trading cooperation between China and Vietnam英语短句 例句大全

中越经贸合作 Economic and trading cooperation between China and Vietnam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-08 08:21:59


中越经贸合作 Economic and trading cooperation between China and Vietnam英语短句 例句大全

中越经贸合作,Economic and trading cooperation between China and Vietnam

1)Economic and trading cooperation between China and Vietnam中越经贸合作

2)Sino-Indian Economic Trade Cooperation中印经贸合作

1.An Analysis of the Status Quo, the Existent Problems and the Countermeasures during the Process ofSino-Indian Economic Trade Cooperation;中印经贸合作现状、问题及其对策


1.Deepen Sino-Indian Trade and Economic Cooperation Under the WTO Regime;在世界贸易组织框架下加强中印经贸合作

2.Sino-Indian Economic Cooperation in Globalization: Developments and Prospects;经济全球化背景下中印经贸合作的前景分析

3.Rising through Cooperation: Complementarity and Cooperation between China and India on Economy and Trade;合作中共同崛起——中、印在经贸领域的互补与合作

4.Promotion of Sino-Indian Economic Cooperation and Trade and Joint Economic Development;加强中印经贸科技合作 促进经济共同发展

5.Development Compare between China and India in Economics and Foreign Trade and Prospect for Their Cooperation;中印经贸发展现状比较及合作前景分析

6.Produce Trade and Agricultural Cooperation between China and Indonesia;中国与印尼之间的农产品贸易及农业经济合作

7.Prospects of Sino-Indian Economic and Trade Cooperation;中国和印度开展多领域经贸合作的前景分析

8.Studies of Sino-Indonesia Economic Cooperation;广东与印度尼西亚经贸合作发展研究

9.A Study on the Trade Relations and Cooperative Potentials of Agricultural Products between China and India;中印农产品贸易关系及合作潜力研究

10.Economics and Trade Cooperation Between China and Korea and the Construction of East Asian Free Trade Area;中韩经贸合作与东亚自由贸易区构建

petition and Cooperation in Textile Products Trade between China and India;中国与印度纺织品贸易竞争与合作研究

12.The Competition and Cooperation between China and India of the Textile and Clothing Trade in the Post-quota Age;后配额时代中印纺织品服装贸易的竞争与合作

13.A Trail Discussion on Developing Characteristics of Sino-Indian Trade Cooperation and Its Influential Factors;试论中印贸易合作发展的特征及其影响因素

14.The Current Situation and Worry of Sino-Japanese Economy and Trade Corporation;中日经贸合作的近忧:“政冷”影响“经热”

15.Emergence of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and its economic and trade cooperation with China海合会的发展及其与中国的经贸合作

16.Sino-African Economic and Trade Cooperation Develops Steadily;中非经贸合作稳步发展——中非经贸合作情况及展望

17.Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Central and East European Countries in the 21st Century;21世纪中国与中东欧国家经贸合作

18.Sino-Russia trade cooperation and environment analysis of Russia external economy and trade collaboration;中俄经贸合作及俄罗斯对外经贸合作的环境分析


Sino-Indian Economic Trade Cooperation中印经贸合作

1.An Analysis of the Status Quo, the Existent Problems and the Countermeasures during the Process ofSino-Indian Economic Trade Cooperation;中印经贸合作现状、问题及其对策

3)Sino-Russia trade cooperation中俄经贸合作

4)Laos-China economics and trade cooperates老中经贸合作

5)Sino-Iran cooperation in economy and trade area中伊经贸合作

6)Sino-African economic and trade cooperation中非经贸合作


《俄印友好合作条约》《俄印友好合作条约》Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of IndiaE—Yin YOUhao}tezuo I iaoyue《俄印友好合作条约》(m。钞可niend-.ship and Cooperatton bet~~’een the Rus÷yljElrl F"ederation and the Republic’0f India) 饿罗斯联邦和印度为恢复与发展友好合作关系而缔结的条约。1993年1月28日在印度首都新德里签订,同日生效,有效期。条约共1 5条,主要内容是:双方相互尊重独立、主权和领土完整,继续保持和平友好睦邻关系,不采取任何可能使对方安全受到威胁或损害的行动;双方将定期就涉及两国利益的所有重大问题进行磋商,并在发生和平受到威胁或破坏的局势时立即协调各自的立场,以便消除这种不利局势。作为对该条约的补充,两国还同时签署了《俄印防务合作协定》,规定双方将在武器系统、防务设备及零部件供应,装备的使用、维护与更新,军队人员培训、互访以及情报交流等方面加强合作,并在技术转让、项目援助、共同研究与开发等领域开展合作。冷战时期,苏联为在印度洋和南亚地区与美国抗衡并遏制中国,曾于1971年同印度签订为期的《苏印和平友好合作奈约》,结成具有军事同盟性质的战略合作关系。苏联解体后,俄印关系虽因债务偿还等问题一度出现倒退,但由于各自战略利益的需要而很快得到恢复。1993年1月,俄总统B-N.叶利钦j方印,两国签署《俄印友好合作条约》,以取代1971年的条约。新条约删除了旧条约巾具有军事同盟性质的条款,确立了两国在互利基础上发展经济与军事合作关系的新原则,对维持和发展俄印传统关系具有重要意义。(刘飞涛)
