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国权 national right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-10 16:59:56


国权 national right英语短句 例句大全

国权,national right

1)national right国权

bining the human right theory of Marxism and socialism in China, Deng Xiaoping analyses the natural differences between them, and tells thenational right is more important than human right.邓小平将马克思主义人权理论与中国社会主义人权建设实际相结合,分析两种人权观的本质区别,指出国权重于人权,强调生存权和发展权是首要的基本人权,学习和研究邓小平人权理论具有非常重要的现实意义。

2.Zhou Enlai s thoughts aboutnational right is an integral theoretical system.国权是国家的基本权利,是国家主权、民族自决权和发展权的统一体。

3.National right is indemnity, the country must achieve independence, unity and authority.蔡锷不断总结别国现代化的经验,又结合中国的具体情况,构建出国魂、国本和国权三位一体的国家观。

2)national sovereignty国权

3)national rights国权

1.Human Rights, Civil Rights and National Rights in the Perspective of "Equality"- On the advantages and disadvantages of theThree People s Principles by Dr. Sun Yat-sen;"平等"视角下的人权、民权与国权——析孙中山的"三民主义"之得失

2.There existed some distances,even conflicts among women s rights,national rights,human rights and class rights,but it did not prevent CHEN Du-xiu from giving at.女权与国权、人权、阶级权之间本来具有相当距离甚至冲突,却没有影响到陈独秀对它们的兼顾。

4)State Right国权

1.Analysis of the Theory "State Right is More Important than Human Right";邓小平国权重于人权思想解析


1.The Status of Sovereignty in Hong Kong Basic Law and Its Implications;香港基本法中国家主权的地位及其启示

2.On influences of transfering sovereign power between EU members to theory ofsovereignty;欧盟国家间主权让渡对国家主权理论的影响

3.Evolution and Essence of Sovereignty in Economic Globalization;经济全球化时代国家主权的演化与实质


1.From Absolute Sovereignty to Actual Sovereignty--The New Development of National Sovereignty Theory从绝对主权到实效主权——国家主权理论的新发展

2.Firstly, state sovereignty is inseparable.第一,国家主权不可分割。

3.On the transformation of state sovereignty and the construction of new state sovereignty concept;论国家主权的变动及新型国家主权观的建构

4.On influences of transfering sovereign power between EU members to theory of sovereignty;欧盟国家间主权让渡对国家主权理论的影响

5.On the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and State Sovereignty;论国际刑事法院的管辖权与国家主权

6.The state sovereignty has its independence, whoever cannot infringe upon any other the state sovereignty with the international protection of human rights.国家主权具有独立性,不能借口人权国际保护侵犯其他国家主权。

7.The core of state sovereignty is the fundamental state interests.国家主权的核心是国家的根本利益。

8.Legislation relationship between nation benefits and sovereign rights;国家利益与国家主权之法律关系论纲

9.Sovereign Equality of States and the Legitimacy of "Leader States";国家主权平等与“领袖型国家”的正当性

10.Maintaining the Sovereignty and NationalInterests under WTO System;WTO体制下国家主权与国家利益的维护

11.Discussion on National Sovereignty and International Human Rights Protection;谈国家主权与国际人权保护——以公民权利为视角

12.Study on National Sovereignty and International Intervention in Public International Iaw;国际法上的国家主权与国际干涉研究

13.On the Gist of Deng Xiaoping’s Ideas on National Sovereignty;浅析邓小平国家主权理论的主要内容

14.However, institutional reforms relate to the partial transfer of state sovereignty or autonomy.制度改革涉及国家主权或自主权的部分让渡。

15.The Popular Sovereignty and the National Sovereignty During the Permanent System of CPC s Congress;党代表大会常任制中的人民主权与国家主权

16.totalitarian state capitalism资本主义国家集权经济

17.The government of a sovereign state.政府主权国家的政府

18.police state(usu a totalitarian state)警察国家(通常为极权主义国家).


national sovereignty国权

3)national rights国权

1.Human Rights, Civil Rights and National Rights in the Perspective of "Equality"- On the advantages and disadvantages of theThree People s Principles by Dr. Sun Yat-sen;"平等"视角下的人权、民权与国权——析孙中山的"三民主义"之得失

2.There existed some distances,even conflicts among women s rights,national rights,human rights and class rights,but it did not prevent CHEN Du-xiu from giving at.女权与国权、人权、阶级权之间本来具有相当距离甚至冲突,却没有影响到陈独秀对它们的兼顾。

4)State Right国权

1.Analysis of the Theory "State Right is More Important than Human Right";邓小平国权重于人权思想解析


1.The Status of Sovereignty in Hong Kong Basic Law and Its Implications;香港基本法中国家主权的地位及其启示

2.On influences of transfering sovereign power between EU members to theory ofsovereignty;欧盟国家间主权让渡对国家主权理论的影响

3.Evolution and Essence of Sovereignty in Economic Globalization;经济全球化时代国家主权的演化与实质

6)national sovereignty国家主权

1.An analysis on the influence of economic globalization onnational sovereignty;试论经济全球化对国家主权的影响

2.On the corrosion of globalization on thenational sovereignty and its countermeasures;全球化对国家主权的销蚀与对策取向

3.An Analysis on the Influence of Information Hegemmony on National Sovereignty;试分析信息霸权对国家主权的影响


国权1.犹国柄。政府或国君的权力。 2.国家的主权。
