2000字范文 > 国家财政权 National Financial Rights英语短句 例句大全

国家财政权 National Financial Rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-28 09:54:50


国家财政权 National Financial Rights英语短句 例句大全

国家财政权,National Financial Rights

1)National Financial Rights国家财政权

1.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights andNational Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析


1.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析

2.Right of Property and Right of Administration in the Process of Pulling Down Old Buildings;城市房屋拆迁中的公民财产权与国家行政权

3.government expenditure政府财政支出,国家开支

4.E conveyed his property to the country他把财产权转让给国家。

5.An Aristotelian state in which civic honor or political power is proportional to the property one owns.财权政治一种公民荣誉或政治权力与拥有财产成正比的亚里士多德式国家

6.Revenue Supply and State-building:A Study on the Grassroot Market Regulative Organization in Guangzhou,1949-1978;财政供给与国家政权建设——广州市基层市场管理机构研究(1949-1978)

7.As a sovereign financial power, Civil financial power gives an expression to the principle of people"s sovereignty.国民财政权作为主权权利的财政权,是人民主权原则的具体体现。

8.The cooperation of the financial power on intergovernmental level and the exertion of monetary power by supranational institutions are harmonized in the power system of EMU.在其权力制度中 ,政府间的财政主权合作与超国家机构独立行使货币主权并行不悖且彼此协调。

9.national non-financial public service国家非财政公共事务

10.unification of the national fiscal and economic work统一国家财政经济工作

11.The government of a sovereign state.政府主权国家的政府

12.However, the assessment of political rights on a property basis was not an institution indispensable to the existence of the state.然而,按照财产来规定政治权利的办法,并不是国家不可缺少的设施。

parative Analysis on Duty Division and Public Expenditure Structure in Developed Countries;西方发达国家事权划分与财政支出结构的比较分析

14.The Development of the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Construction of State Power主权财富基金的发展与国家权力建设

15.The Research on the Local Fiscal Expenditure Structure Characteristics Based on the Chinese Style Decentralization中国式财政分权下地方财政支出偏好特征研究

16.The Public Finance Reform in China from the Perspective of Fiscal Decentralization财政分权视角下的我国公共财政体制改革

17.She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.她全权负责一切有关家务的财政事宜。

18.Property Tax:the Main Tax of the Local Government Revenue in Developed Countries;财产税:发达国家城市财政主要来源


national finance国家财政

1.It is not the financial pattern that run parallel withnational finance but the financial pattern of the latter under the condition of market economy.公共财政不是和国家财政并列的财政模式,而是国家财政在市场经济条件下的财政模式;把国有资本财政放在公共财政之外,是需要重新研究的问题;财政收支平衡不是收支之间的对比关系,而是量上的相互适应;财政在社会再生产中的地位不仅要考虑物质资料再生产,也应包括人口再生产。

2.Thenational finance, on the condition of our socialist market economy, is composed of public finance and national capital finance that have their own features.在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,国家财政是由公共财政和国有资本财政这两种有着各自特征的财政类型所共同组成的。

3.In conditions of socialist market economic,the socialist economic system which main body is public ownership and nation s two capacities(state political power exerciser and capital owner)and two functions (social management and economy management (include national capital))are the economy basic or ideological source of″one body and two swings″ofnational finance.在社会主义市场经济条件下,以公有制为主体的社会主义经济制度和国家的两种身份(政权行使者、国有资产所有者)、两重职能犤社会管理、经济(含国有资产)管理犦是国家财政“一体两翼”的经济基础或思想源泉。

3)state finance国家财政

1.The Relation between State Finance and Public Finance Mode;国家财政与公共财政模式关系辨析

2.Imperial Palace of Qing Dynasty had to begin to imitate and set up western financial system, and divided finance asstate finance and local finance.清廷不得不开始仿照建立西方财政体制,划分国家财政与地方财政。

3.The article points out that the objective of the fiscal system reform in our country is not to contradict public finance withstate finance, but to integrate them, and such kind of public finance is what we expect with Chinese ch.文章指出国家财政体制改革的目标是公共财政和国家财政的统一,只有把公共财政和国家财政结合与统一起来,而不是将两者矛盾或对立起来,才是具有中国特色的公共财政。

4)fiscal state财政国家

1.In new fiscal history,the histories of Europe are processes which start from tribute states,pass through domain states and tax states,go tofiscal states.新财政史将欧洲的历史看做是从贡赋国家经过领地国家和赋税国家最终转变为财政国家的过程。

5)state power国家政权

1.Every Country could provide education in different ways and consider it as the indispensable part in their common life,which decides the necessary relationship between national education andstate power.每个国家都会以不同的方式提供教育并将之视为共同体生活中不可缺少的部分,这就决定了各国民族教育和国家政权之间互动关系的存在是必然的。

2.Taking thestate power according to law is the proper choice to reform and perfect(CPC s) ruling style,it affects modern China s political civilization construction wholly.依法执政不仅是改革与完善中国共产党执政方式的最恰当选择,对当代中国政治文明建设具有全局性影响,而且是有机统一中国共产党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的具体机制,是当代中国政治文明建设的最核心内容;应站在当代中国政治文明建设的大平台上推进依法执政,立足于有机统一中国共产党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的战略高度,着力在法治轨道上改善国家政权领导者同国家政权执掌者之间的关系,以及改善国家政权领导者、执掌者同国家政权所有者、保护者之间的关系。

3.The political thoughts of China Democratic League contains both democratic thoughts andstate power thoughts.中国民主同盟的政治思想包含民主思想和国家政权思想 ,造成一个十足道地的民主国家是其宗旨 ,因此民主思想是核心 ,国家政权思想为民主的实现提供政权和制度的保障。

6)the state power国家政权

1.The national government of Nanjing attempted to reform the politics at the basic level by way of modern management with the strength ofthe state power after setting up.南京国民政府建立后试图以国家政权的力量,以现代管理方式对基层政治实行变革,这是自清末以来国家变革基层政治的一次重要尝试,在整个基层政治制度史上具有重要的历史地位。


