2000字范文 > 异同 similarities and differences英语短句 例句大全

异同 similarities and differences英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-02 18:55:37


异同 similarities and differences英语短句 例句大全

异同,similarities and differences

1)similarities and differences异同

1.Elementary discussion onsimilarities and differences of reservoir area inhabitant resettlement planning between China and Laos;浅谈老挝水库移民安置规划与国内的异同

2.Study on the Similarities and Differences of Milk Industrial Architecture in China and Foreign Countries;中外乳品工业建筑的异同

3.Similarities and Differences between Newton Integral and Riemann Integral;牛顿积分与黎曼积分之异同


1.Same Source,Different Expression--On the Poetic Style of Yan Yan-zhi and Xie Ling-yun;同源异象——颜延之、谢灵运诗风异同论

2.A comparison study on the similarities and differences of labor contract and employment contract;劳动合同与聘用合同异同之比较研究


4.Having only one parent in common.同父异母(或同母异父)的

5.a half brother; half sister.同父异母兄弟(或同母异父兄弟);同父异母姐妹(或同母异父姐妹)。

6.non synchronous非同步的, 异步的

7.isometric DNA sequence同组异序DNA序列

8." English Synonyms"<英语同义词辩异>。

9.They consented with one voice.他们异口同声地同意。

10.Exotic costumes from the Far East.同远东不同的奇异服饰

11.The phenomenon of the existence of isomers.同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象

12.allogenic antigen同种异型抗原,同种异体抗原

13.The quality or condition of being homonymous.同音异义同音异义的性质或状态

14.To differ in opinion or feeling;disagree.不同意,持异议意见或感觉不同,不同意

15.in/out of phase being/not being in the same state at the same time同相[异相];同步[不同步];协调[不协调]

16.On Homophone-synonym and Metathesis-synonym of Modern Chinese;论现代汉语同音同义词和异序同义词

17.All tell the same story.大家异口同声地那么讲。

18.We praised him with one accord.我们异口同声地称赞他。


differences and similarities异同

1.The Ongoing Changes,Differences and Similarities of Women s Education and Family Status after the World War Ⅱ between China,Korea and Japan;中、韩、日三国女性战后教育、家庭地位变化及其异同

2.The Differences and Similarities of Women s Social Status in Ancient Times Between China,Korea and Japan;中、韩、日三国古代女性社会地位的表现及其异同

3.The Differences and Similarities Between Production Cost Method and the Traditional Methods for Cost Calculation;作业成本法与传统成本计算方法的异同

3)similarity and difference异同

1.this paper aims at analyzing thesimilarity and difference between English and Chinese idioms by means of cognitive linguistics.本文旨在运用认知语言学关于隐喻的理论分析英汉习语的异同之处,帮助中国学生更好的理解和应用英语习语。

2.To probe thesimilarity and difference between teaching art as a subject and comprehensive art education, to explore the possibility of combining these two patterns of art education, to offer comparative courses on feature.探讨美术学科教育与综合艺术教育的异同及现代融合的可能性 ,并在高师美术学科中开设各种艺术形式特征的比较课程 ,可以尽快建构综合艺术教育的框架体系 ,有助于培养现代型的高师艺术人才。

4)difference and similarity异同

1.Analysis of the reasons fordifference and similarity of the poems between Lu You and Fan Chengda in Chongqing;陆游、范成大巴渝诗异同之原因探析

2.A new explanation on thedifference and similarity in the ethical cultures between the ancient East and West;古代中西伦理文化异同新论

3.It was analyzed that thedifference and similarity of quality administrative function between goveronments and enterprises.阐述质量管理的两个主体政府与企业在职能上的异同并进行分析 ,提出政府与企业质量管理职能的结合 ,才能收到最佳的效


1.The difference about reinforcement for opening in vessels between GB150 and ASME code were mainly introduced.本文介绍了GB150与ASME规范关于开孔补强的异同,并就其中的一些问题进行了探讨。

2.The article, based on studies on taboos generalities and the background in which they arise, as well as their cultural differences between China and the West, aims at familiarizing English learners with cross - culture background, developing their cross - cultural awareness, and avoiding pragmatic failures in their communication in English.通过探讨英汉禁忌语产生的历史背景、共性以及它们在中西方文化中的异同,让英语学习者了解和掌握跨文化背景的一些知识,培养跨文化意识,避免在英语交际中犯语用错误。

3.This paper will analyze the difference between PE teaching and physical training on the basis of targets, ideas, organization, contents and methods, in order to find out their respective characteristics and the common points, which could be used as the reference for the reform of PE teaching and physical training.对体育教学与运动训练的异同从目标、思想、组织、内容、方法五个方面进行分析 ,旨在更全面、更系统地了解两者各自的特点及其共同之处 ,从而为体育教学改革和运动训练改革提供参考依据。

6)similarities and dissimilarities异同

1.On thesimilarities and dissimilarities in lexical meaning fuzziness between Chinese and English;论汉英词汇义模糊性之异同

2.From various aspects and perspectives,this paper provides a comprehensive and insightful comparison of thesimilarities and dissimilarities between China s new collectivism and the sociogroup doctrines in the west.本文重点从多个方面和角度,对西方的社群主义和我国新集体主义的异同进行了较为全面深入的分析比较,认为二者之间有颇多相通之处,西方的社群主义理论及其实践,对于我们构建完整、系统的新型社会道德体系、实现社会和谐,具有一定的借鉴意义。

3.This treatise researches into how to help Chinese students avoid Chinese English from these aspects: letting students know differences between Chinese and English in principal sentence structures,knowsimilarities and dissimilarities in verb-object collocations,know differences in verb-object order,and so on.让学生全面了解中英文表达方式在主体句子结构中的差异,准确把握中英文表达方式在动宾词汇搭配、结构顺序方面的异同,深入研究英语词义及习语是关键。


异同1.亦作"异同"。 2.不同和相同之处。 3.不同;不一致。 4.引申为反对。 5.反对意见;异议。
