2000字范文 > 异同关系 relation of similarities and differences英语短句 例句大全

异同关系 relation of similarities and differences英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-23 07:17:57


异同关系 relation of similarities and differences英语短句 例句大全

异同关系,relation of similarities and differences

1)relation of similarities and differences异同关系

1.Therelation of similarities and differences in package and plane design包装与平面设计的异同关系


mon and Difference Between Archaic Wushu and Archaic Military Technique;论古代武术与古代军事技术的异同关系

2.The relationship between homonyms.(2) The state of being homonymous.(1)异物同名之间的关系。()物同名状态。

3.The Relations between Law of the Unity of Opposites and Law of the Coordination of the Differences;论对立统一规律与差异协同律的关系

4.The Relationsiip between Budehist Insight and Artistic Thinking;禅宗顿悟与艺术思维的异质同构关系

5.Similarities and Differences of English and Chinese Hyponymy: A Multi- dimensional Analysis;英汉词汇上下义关系异同的多维分析

6.A Study of the Relationships Between the Three Commentaries on The Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》“三传”同异离合关系论略

7.Experimental studies of the relationship between heterogeneous and homogeneous condensation异相凝结与同相凝结关系的实验研究

8.Relationship between stratospheric circulation anomalies and extended snow storm雪灾同平流层环流异常的关系

9.Research on Key Techniques of Synchronized Collaboration among Heterogeneous CAD Systems;支持异构CAD系统同步协同的关键技术研究

10.The Spirit Pedigree with the Same Nature and Different Form: The Relationship between Tibetan Lake God and Water God;同质异形的神灵谱系——藏族湖神与水神关系透视

11.On Wang Li s Theory of Relation between Paronym and Synonym--with Methods of Finding the Difference from Paronyms;评王力的同源词与同义词关系论——兼谈同源求异法

12.The Close Relationship between Matsu and Fuzhou Common Phrases Which Are Similar in spite of Their Difference马祖与福州常用词语异中大同的渊源关系

13.Talk about the Similarities and Differences between China and Western Architecture and Sculpture Relation from the Angle of Culture;从文化角度论中西方建筑与雕塑关系的异同

14.Variation analysis on rural credit coorperatives in different zones;不同地区农村信用社规模与效益关系差异分析

15.On Similiarities and Differences,Relations of EVA and NPV;净现值与经济增加值之异同及其关系研究

16.Aesthetics Connotation in the Relationship of Yue and Li in "Xunzi Yueiun";乐合同 礼别异——荀子《乐论》中礼乐关系之美学内涵

17.The Relationship between Goodwill and Core Competence of the Corporation;商誉与企业核心竞争力之异同及其相互关系

18.Analysis of the Differences about the Relative Pronoun "that,which,as" Used in the Attributive Clause;谈关系代词that,which,as在定语从句中用法的异同


disparity and similarity of knowing and doing知行关系异同性



5)heterogeneous relation异质关系

munity mining withheterogeneous relation;面向异质关系的社区挖掘

6)difference relation相异关系

1.In this paper we introducedifference relation instead of indiscernibility relation in Pawlak s Rough Set theory.利用相异关系代替Pawlak粗糙集理论中的不可分辨关系,建立了基于相异关系的粗糙集理论,它使粗糙集理论在完备信息系统和不完备信息系统中的应用统一起来。


异同1.亦作"异同"。 2.不同和相同之处。 3.不同;不一致。 4.引申为反对。 5.反对意见;异议。
