2000字范文 > 历史沿革 historical evolution英语短句 例句大全

历史沿革 historical evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-24 02:09:11


历史沿革 historical evolution英语短句 例句大全

历史沿革,historical evolution

1)historical evolution历史沿革

1.Processing technique andhistorical evolution of Shaoxing moulded dried vegetable;绍兴霉干菜的制作工艺及历史沿革

2.Historical Evolution of the Legislative Stipulation on Judge s illuminations and Its Enlightenments——A Germany-and-US-Centered Review;法官阐明立法规定之历史沿革及启示——以德国、美国为中心的考察

3.Thehistorical evolution and realistic significance of the inculcation theory;灌输理论的历史沿革及其现实意义


1.History and Existing Problems of Water Price Reform in China;我国水价改革的历史沿革及存在问题

2.The Evolution and the Direction of Reform of Oil painting Teaching in the Teachers Colleges;高师油画教学的历史沿革与改革方向

3.Research into Textbook Evolution and Development Strategies of Middle School History;中学历史教材的历史沿革与发展策略研究

4.The History of Packaging and Brand for Shaoxing Wine绍兴酒包装和商标的历史沿革(连载)

5.The History and Cultural Analysis of the Processing of TCM;中药炮制的历史沿革及科学文化解析

6.The History and Recivilization of the "Lane Factory" in Shanghai;上海弄堂工厂的历史沿革与再生研究

7.The Present Age Chinese Teaching Appraises the Outlook on Values History Evolution;当代中国教学评价价值观的历史沿革

8.Historical Development of the Party Building Work in Non-governmental Institutions of Higher Learning and Its Inspiration;民办高校党建工作的历史沿革及启示

9.On the Historical Evolution of the Bureau for Nanyang Cultural Activities of Jinan University;暨南大学南洋文化事业部的历史沿革

10.Historical Evolution of Urban Social Administration in PRC;新中国城市社会管理体制的历史沿革

11.Research on Sports for the Disabled Historical Evolution and Developing Trend;残疾人体育历史沿革及发展趋势研究

12.The History Evolution and Cultural Values of the Olympics Medal Design;奥运奖牌设计的历史沿革及文化价值

13.On the Historical Changes of Chinese Moral in Modern Times;中国近现代至今道德转型的历史沿革

14.Historical evolution of research methods in library and information science;图书馆学、情报学研究方法的历史沿革

15.Analysis on the historical evolution and the danger of MDMA;浅析摇头丸滥用的历史沿革及其危害

16.The Historical Evolution of the Appraisement and Engagement System of the Professional Title of China’s College and University Teachers;中国高校教师职称评聘制度历史沿革

17.Historical evolution and its status quo of Journal of Anhui Agricultural University;《安徽农业大学学报》历史沿革及其现状

18.On Characteristics of the Policy Development in Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools;中外合作办学政策的历史沿革与特点



1.Study on thehistory of the processing of Flos Sophorae;中药槐花炮制历史沿革研究

3)history evolution历史沿革

1.Thehistory evolution and attribute analysis of college rear-service socialization reforms;我国高校后勤社会化改革的历史沿革与属性分析

2.The Present Age Chinese Teaching Appraises the Outlook on Values History Evolution;当代中国教学评价价值观的历史沿革

3.Firstly,employing the method of literature induction,we concluded thehistory evolution,status quo and 14 major problems which existed in the current wage system of public hospitals in China.采用文献综述的方法,明确公立医疗机构分配制度的历史沿革、现状以及存在的14类问题;进一步运用卫生系统诊断树的方法,推导出14类问题与3类因素密切相关,分别是价值定位、工资分配要素和薪酬级差。


1.This thesis is aimed at making people have a good command of theevolution of moxibustion,through retrospective review of moxibustion and detailed analysis on the origin of moxibustion and famous doctors and medical works in different periods of moxibustion development.对灸法的发展历史沿革进行了详细的论述,主要从灸法的起源及灸法在各个不同发展时期的著名医家和医著,使人们更清楚较系统地了解灸法的历史发展概况。

2.Koto course book is an important factor in Koto education which imposes great impacts upon theevolution of Koto education.第一章——新中国成立以来古筝教材的历史沿革。

5)historic evolution历史沿革

1.The first section gave us some legislation examples andhistoric evolution of the mandatory reorganization system.此章分三节,第一节为强制重整制度的立法例与历史沿革,分别介绍了英国、我国台湾、美国、日本等经济发达和重整制度较为完备的国家(或地区)的强制重整制度立法例及其历史沿革,并结合我国国情,建议我国强制重整制度的立法宜采美国例,即将强制重整制度设置于统一的破产法典中。

6)History and transition历史沿革和转折


