2000字范文 > 沿革 evolution英语短句 例句大全

沿革 evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-13 12:32:19


沿革 evolution英语短句 例句大全



1.Theevolution of shift technologicalprocess in mini-type nitrogenous fertilizer plant;小氮肥变换工艺流程的沿革

2.The bibliography for the interpretation of titles and itsevolution in ancient China;中国古代解题目录及其沿革

3.The legal Basis of Health Establishment and Its Evolution;创建卫生港工作的法律基础及其沿革


1.Research on Evolution and Innovation of P.E Curriculum in Chinese Elementary and Middle Schools Since the Reform and Opening;我国中小学体育课程沿革与改革研究

2.Research into History and Reform of Middle School History Teaching Materials;中学历史教材的沿革与改革对策研究

3.The evolution and reform proposals of tax and charge system in oil and gas enterprises;油气田企业税费制度沿革及改革建议

4.History and Existing Problems of Water Price Reform in China;我国水价改革的历史沿革及存在问题

5.The Evolution and the Direction of Reform of Oil painting Teaching in the Teachers Colleges;高师油画教学的历史沿革与改革方向

6.The Evolution and Development of Tertiary Normal Education and the Reform in Curricum in Russia;俄罗斯高等师范教育沿革与课程改革

7.Evolution of China s Tax & Fee System for Mineral Resource and Suggestions on Its Reform;我国矿产资源税费制度沿革及改革建议

8.Equity Division and Its Reform:Commentating on Its Historical Evolution and Present Situation;股权分置及其改革——历史沿革与现状评述

9.A Probe into the Historical Evolution of the Central Cultural Revolution Group and Its Establishment and Dissolution;中央文革小组的历史沿革及立废原因探析

10.Evolutions of the Finance Development Theory and Lessons For China s Reform;金融发展理论的历史沿革及对中国改革的启示

11.History of Teaching Set-up for Pedagogical Courses and Reform Tips;师范类课程设置的历史沿革及其改革前瞻

12.Hebei social security system reform--history and route analysis河北省社会保障制度改革——历史沿革与路径分析

13.Evolution of the Outlook on Social Stability since the Reform and Opening up Policy Was Introduced社会稳定观:改革开放以来的沿革与发展

14.The History of Packaging and Brand for Shaoxing Wine绍兴酒包装和商标的历史沿革(连载)

15.Series of past events or experiences connected with an object, a person or a place(某物的)来历;(某人的)经历;(某地的)沿革

16.Evolution of the Longxing Temple龙兴寺沿革——青州城与龙兴寺之二

17.The History and Cultural Analysis of the Processing of TCM;中药炮制的历史沿革及科学文化解析

18.The History and Recivilization of the "Lane Factory" in Shanghai;上海弄堂工厂的历史沿革与再生研究



1.A study on thedevelopment and theoretical basis of Himalaya Clause-review the maritime performing party under UNCITRAL Transport Law (draft);论喜马拉雅条款的沿革及理论基础——兼评UNCITRAL《运输法草案》下的海上履约方

2.This essay is to study its formation,development and contents, and to analyze its features.信息自由诉讼制度是美国《信息自由法》确定的重要制度之一,对其他国家建立信息自由 制度具有十分积极的影响,本文对该项制度的形成与沿革、以及主要内容和特色进行分析研究。

3.Thedevelopmentof highereducation showstheimportanceof managementscienceandwe carryoutthesciencemanagementof higheducationaccordingto thecon-tent.在高等教育的管理沿革中,处处体现了科学管理的重要性,新时期要加强高等教育的科学管理,以期激发高等教育的活力,迎接知识经济的挑战。


1.China s Drinking Way and TheirHistory:Reseach of Three Provinces and City;中国的饮酒方式及其沿革——三省市调查结果初探

2.The paper discusses the history of cultivation in Suiyuan since Qing Dynasty, with a view to give a broad outline of history of cultivation in Suiyuan since Qing Dynasty.绥远屯垦经历了从无到有、从盛至衰的历史过程,文章对有清以来绥远屯垦的演变进行梳理,以期勾勒出清代以来绥远屯垦沿革的清晰脉络。

4)historical evolution历史沿革

1.Processing technique andhistorical evolution of Shaoxing moulded dried vegetable;绍兴霉干菜的制作工艺及历史沿革

2.Historical Evolution of the Legislative Stipulation on Judge s illuminations and Its Enlightenments——A Germany-and-US-Centered Review;法官阐明立法规定之历史沿革及启示——以德国、美国为中心的考察

3.Thehistorical evolution and realistic significance of the inculcation theory;灌输理论的历史沿革及其现实意义


1.Study on thehistory of the processing of Flos Sophorae;中药槐花炮制历史沿革研究

6)historic evolution历史沿革

1.The first section gave us some legislation examples andhistoric evolution of the mandatory reorganization system.此章分三节,第一节为强制重整制度的立法例与历史沿革,分别介绍了英国、我国台湾、美国、日本等经济发达和重整制度较为完备的国家(或地区)的强制重整制度立法例及其历史沿革,并结合我国国情,建议我国强制重整制度的立法宜采美国例,即将强制重整制度设置于统一的破产法典中。


